
Dongfang Suo was stunned and said unexpectedly, "what else

"There is a custom in my hometown. It is said that if a child is born, he must wear the Ruyi lock which has been blessed by an eminent monk before he can live a long life. Just before entering the palace, I went to the temple and asked for one." As she spoke, Li Meiren took out a safety lock made of pure silver from her arms. It was engraved with the four characters "Ruyi Jixiang" and carved with auspicious cloud patterns around it. Three bells were decorated under it. It was quite exquisite. She said with a delicate smile: "I want to wear it for my second highness myself. Can I help you?"

Hearing this, Dongfang Suo readily agreed, "it's rare that you have such an idea. Of course you can." Then he ordered Xia Yue to bring Ananda.

Shen Xijun stroked his flushed and drunken face, and said lazily: "nothing to be gallant. You must be careful if you cheat or steal."

Mu Qianxue nodded slightly. Shortly after, Xia Yue came with Ananda in her arms. Li Meiren welcomed her with a smile on her face. She was about to put up the Ruyi lock for Ananda. Suddenly, she frowned and hesitated: "is this really her second highness?"

Xia Yue's eyes flashed a trace of dissatisfaction, "what's the meaning of beauty Li? Can the maidservant still hold it wrong? Besides, there are no such young children in the palace, except the second highness. "

"I don't mean that, it's just..." Li Meiren nibbled at her vermilion lips and whispered: "as far as I know, her second highness is a premature child born in July. She has been running all the way since she was born. Normally, even if she is a full moon, she is very small, but this child It's almost the same as a full moon child. I really shouldn't

Xia Yue said coldly: "everyone's situation is different. The second highness is strong and grows fast. That's a good thing. It's his blessing. Can't it be that the second highness should be thinner according to Li Meiren's idea?"

"How can I think that? It's just His second highness doesn't look like a premature child, and he doesn't look very much like... " Li Meiren took a look at the East, but she didn't go on. But the meaning was obvious. Xia Yue suddenly changed her color. "How dare you talk nonsense in front of your majesty?"

Li Meiren was so flustered by her drink that she quickly knelt down to the East. "I have no excuse for that. Please forgive me, but But... " She bit a tooth, Fu Shou way: "I have no nonsense!"

Dongfang Su stares at her with a gloomy face. Just as she is about to speak, Chen says, "you want to say that this is not the emperor's child?"

"I dare not guess, but my second highness It's really different from ordinary premature babies, and the facial features, eyebrows and eyes are not very like your majesty. "

"Presumptuous!" Zhao Pingqing was the first one to stand up, pointed at her coldly, and said, "you are just a little beauty. You maliciously slandered your concubine. Do you know the crime?" Then she left and came to dongfangsu. Su Rong said, "your concubine has always been very affectionate to your majesty. Although she has been in Dongling for the past year, I believe that your concubine will never do anything wrong to your majesty. Your Majesty must not listen to Li Meiren's nonsense."

"How dare I be disrespectful to my wife? It's really a matter for my second highness. It's really suspicious." With that, Li Meiren raised her head and said, "the so-called trick is a trick to deceive people. Even if my concubine doesn't expose it, your majesty will not believe it. But if someone deliberately deceives your majesty, it will be different."

"Still full of nonsense." Zhao Pingqing slapped her hard and said angrily: "although your second Highness has not yet grown, there is a shadow of your majesty between his eyes and eyebrows. If you dare to make trouble out of nothing, this palace will not forgive you first!"

Li Meiren covered her prickly cheek and said stubbornly, "it doesn't matter how I am. What matters is that the royal blood can't be confused. But it's the empress. She's so partial to helping the imperial concubine. Is it difficult for her to do this? Do you have a part in it, empress? "

"You Zhao Ping was so angry that he shivered all over and couldn't speak after pointing at her for a long time.

"Whose child is this, then?" A clear and Lingling voice rings out in the public ears, it is mu Qianxue.

Li Meiren raised her chin and said haughtily, "isn't that the most clear thing in your mind?"

Mu Qianxue walks slowly to Xia Yue, takes over Wu Liuliu's brother-in-law's looking Ananda, and says indifferently, "I really don't know about this palace. Please ask Li Meiren to answer."

"The lady doesn't care about her." Zhao Pingqing took a slow breath and stared at Li Meiren coldly: "I know what you are thinking. It's only seven or eight months since your concubine left Jinling. Your second highness can't have anything to do with the prince of Dongling."

Li Meiren sneers coldly, "this words minister concubine can never say, Hui imperial concubine empress is somewhat to think much."

"All right." Chen interrupted them and said in a deep voice, "you can say whatever you want. Both the mourning family and the emperor are listening."

"Yes." Seeing Chen's words, Li Meiren didn't dare to show off any more. She looked down and said, "I think this child is neither your Majesty's flesh nor your concubine's birth."

Shen Xijun stares at her, and her voice is as cold as ice. "When the imperial concubine left Jinling, she was already pregnant and gave birth to a son in Dongling. People in Shenji camp can also prove this."

"It's natural, but this son It's not necessarily that. " Li Meiren said coldly: "Li Daitao is stiff. I think the queen has seen a lot of things that lie between heaven and sea."

Dongfangsu heard her meaning, "you mean, this is the child held by the imperial concubine?" Without waiting for Li Meiren to answer, he was already angry and said, "thank you for saying such ridiculous things!"Li Meiren was frightened by him, but she soon calmed down and said, "I don't think it's ridiculous at all. Your majesty, the baby is delicate, let alone a premature child born in July. All the way to the second highness, it's a reminder, not to mention that there are still people chasing her along the way. The second highness can't survive. But if you don't have your second highness, you'll lose a lot of scenery when you go back to the palace. "

Zhao Pingqing frowned and said, "do you mean that the imperial concubine took an irrelevant baby and pretended to be her second highness? How is that possible? "

"What's impossible? Your majesty has never seen your second highness, and the babies are almost the same in appearance. You can't see any flaw at all." Li Meiren stares at mu Qianxue's expressionless face, and her red lips are delicate. "Your concubine's wishful thinking is very good. I admire her."

Mu Qianxue stroked Ananda's small cheek and said slowly, "it's really admirable for Li Meiren to make up such an interesting story."

Li Meiren sneered, "it doesn't matter if the empress doesn't admit it. I have my own way to prove it."

"Oh?" The East traces Xuan a Xuan eyebrow, way: "what method do you have?"

When she heard him ask, Li Meiren immediately got her spirits up and said in a respectful voice: "I tell you that when I was at home, I heard yiwenpo say that all the blood of the closest relatives can be fused, otherwise they have no blood relationship."

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