
After Chen, she said, "I was confused for a while and made a great sin. Now it's too late to repent. I have to die to redeem my sin."

"The Empress Dowager must not." Prince Su was shocked when he saw that she wanted to live and die. However, as he tried to persuade her, Empress Dowager Chen just wept in silence and didn't say a word.

Prince Su knew the crux of the problem and asked Dongfang Su to speak alone. He always didn't like twists and turns. He opened his door to the mountain and said, "what is your majesty going to do with the Empress Dowager?"

Dongfang Su said indifferently, "Uncle Huang has just heard that her crimes are too numerous to record, even if she is dead."

Prince Su sighed: "yes, the Empress Dowager has indeed made a big mistake, but people are not saints, who can do nothing wrong. The old minister ventured to say, your majesty, have you never made a mistake?"

Seeing that Dongfang Su didn't speak, he said, "the sage said," if you know what's wrong, you can correct it. What's more, please be lenient with this matter. It's just the so-called "big things turn into small things, small things turn into nothing."

Dongfang Suo's eyes turned on him and squinted, "Uncle Huang, do you want me to be lenient, or when these things have not happened?"

Prince Su coughed a few pieces and said, "I know your Majesty's ambition is to unify the Central Plains, so that the people will not suffer from the war. Just because of this, your majesty should be cautious in everything. A mistake may destroy your ten years of hard work."

"Filial piety is the first of all virtues, and we have always paid attention to filial piety. If your majesty kills the Empress Dowager today, it is tantamount to killing your mother. What will people think of your majesty?"

In the face of Prince Su's persuasion, dongfangsu drew a cold smile, "I still remember that when I was ten years old, Taifu was seriously ill, and uncle Huang once taught for him. At that time, uncle Huang said: don't do good for small, don't do evil for small. Over the years, I have always kept in mind, always alert to myself, but Uncle Huang himself I've forgotten. "

Prince Su didn't expect that he would use this words to stop himself. For a moment, he couldn't speak. After a long time, he knelt down and said in a deep voice, "in any case, she gave birth to her majesty. Her blood is thicker than water. Your majesty can't forget this kindness." After a moment's pause, he said earnestly, "and if your majesty gives you three feet of white silk today, not only your majesty will be criticized by people all over the world, but also your concubine will not escape criticism. The world will think that your concubine encouraged your majesty to do it. In this way, your concubine will really jump into the Yellow River, and the crown prince will not be able to wash it Your majesty, think twice

Dongfang Su had thought of what he said before. Although he hated empress dowager Chen, he never really wanted to kill her. But it was absolutely impossible for him to be like Prince Su when nothing happened.

"Your Majesty..."

Dongfang Su turned his back to him and interrupted, "I've made it clear what uncle Huang means. I can't kill her, but she made a mistake after all. Let's move to changchunyuan from now on. It's the place where she will live and die. Never go back to Zhaoming palace."

Prince Su's eyes relaxed, and then said: "in fact, it's the same to live in jingfangzhai, not necessarily..."

"This is my biggest concession!" Dongfang Su turned around and said coldly, "I don't know what will happen if I leave her in the palace. I can tolerate her once or twice. I can't tolerate it endlessly. It's good for her to move to changchunyuan."

Prince Su looked at him in a daze. After a long time, he sighed and said, "I understand. Thank you for your kindness."

It was agreed that empress dowager Chen would move to changchunyuan. Meanwhile, in the name of taking care of the empress dowager, dongfangsu ordered Liang and Rong to move to changchunyuan together.

Although the purpose is not stated clearly, they will not be allowed to return to Zhaoming palace, but people with a clear eye will know that it is a disguised dethronion. Zhongliang and Rong will never get the favor of Dongfang Su again, and they will stay in changchunyuan forever.

On the day they left the palace, Yu Jin, who was seven years old, looked at the carriage that was gradually leaving, and cried bitterly. Otherwise, Yu Heng had already caught up with it, and Liang's face was full of tears. But what could he do? The imperial edict must not be violated.

After the carriage disappeared, Yu Heng wiped the tears from Yu Jin's face and comforted him: "don't cry, let's go back."

Where is Yu Jin willing to go? She shouts with fists and kicks: "I won't go! I want a concubine, I want a concubine, let me go

Yu Heng was hurt by him. Seeing that he was willing to listen after so long persuasion, he could not help but get angry and yelled: "enough trouble, come back with me!"

For the first time, Yu Jin saw Yu Heng so angry that he didn't dare to make a sound. After a while, he flattened his mouth, bowed his head and said, "brother, I miss my mother, I really want to..."

Seeing him like this, Yu Heng suddenly lost his temper, squatted down and said: "elder brother knows that you have been around Zhaoyi from childhood to adulthood, and you have never been away from Zhaoyi. Now you are separated suddenly, and it is inevitable that you will not give up. But the emperor's edict has been issued, and it is useless for you to make trouble again. On the contrary, you will make Zhaoyi upset. It will be Zhaoyi who will suffer at that time, do you understand?"

Yu Jin was sad and angry and said, "my father is a bad man, he..."

Yu Heng was surprised and quickly covered his mouth. "Don't talk nonsense!" Then he looked at the palace people nearby and said in a cold voice, "what did you hear just now?"

Those palace people knew what they were saying and didn't hear anything. Yu Heng was relieved. He opened his hand slowly and said with lingering fear: "such words are not allowed to be said again in the future."Yu Jin was unconvinced and said, "I'm not wrong, father, he..." Seeing Yu Heng's stern eyes, he swallowed what he had said and lowered his head to kick the stone.

Yu Heng patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "the emperor has his reasons for doing this, but we don't know."

Yu Jin kicks a stone hard and says in a dull voice: "what reason can there be? It's to protect the princess and the prince. They are all talking about it."

"Do you listen to what they say?" Yu Heng knocked on his head and said, "they say the sky is green and the grass is red. Do you believe it?"

Yu Jin kneaded the place where she was knocked and said, "of course I don't believe it."

"That's OK. We can't follow others' advice. We should know how to distinguish right from wrong. I believe father Huang is not like that." When he said the last sentence, Yu Heng's eyes were shining with a very bright light.

Yu Jin looked at him like she didn't understand, "brother, do you really believe it?"

"Of course!" With a smile, Yu Heng took his hand and said, "OK, let's go back."

"But..." Yu Jin looks at the direction of the carriage leaving, reluctant to part.

Knowing what he was thinking, Yu Heng said, "when I have a chance, I'll talk to my father and see if I can let you go to changchunyuan to see Zhaoyi."

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