
The coachman's words made Zhang Qiling frown more and more tightly. After a long time of thinking, he said, "you go to Jingzhao mansion and invite the Fu Yin to come here. I have something to tell them. In addition, I'll go to the account department."

The coachman said in a worried voice: "Mr. Xiang, you haven't closed your eyes for more than ten hours. Let's talk about something tomorrow." A while ago, dongfangze was ordered to lead the troops to Lingyang. The responsibility of assisting the crown prince fell on Zhang Qiling alone. As it happened, there were so many things to do near the end of the new year that he stayed up late into the night almost every day.

"It should not be too late for this matter, otherwise it will be too late for people's lives, and..." Zhang Qiling looked at the snowy night sky and said in a deep voice: "it depends on the situation. I'm afraid the snow will last for a few more days. Go quickly."

"Yes." After the coachman left, Zhang Qiling patted the cold snow on his shoulder and walked in, waiting for the housekeeper by the door to respectfully greet him and call Sheng Xiangye.

"What's the matter with Madame? Do you still cough?"

"Better. I've just taken the medicine. I should have gone to sleep by now." Half a month ago, Xin Yue was occasionally infected with wind and cold. She was a martial arts practitioner. She didn't care much about this minor disease. She just let her servant fry a bowl of ginger tea. However, the situation didn't get better. Instead, it became more and more serious. She coughed all night and couldn't sleep. She asked the doctor to come to see her. She said that wind evil had come into her body and prescribed some medicine.

Zhang Qiling nodded: "let them take care of it carefully, and let the doctor check the pulse tomorrow. Don't delay the illness."

"Yes." The housekeeper agreed and said, "Mr. Xiang, in the evening, a guest came to our house, saying that he is your old friend and has been waiting in the East Flower hall."

Zhang Qi Ling steps a meal, frown way: "old friend? What's his name? "

"He didn't say it. He only said that he had known Xiangye for many years. The villain didn't think he was cheating, so he didn't go out." After a meal, the housekeeper said: "while serving tea, the villain looked at his hands carefully. His palms were rough, and there were thick calluses on his finger pulp and palms. He might have learned martial arts."

The housekeeper's words made Zhang Qiling think of something and said in a deep voice: "this man is missing an eye?"

A few days ago, Dongfang Su personally came to Jinling to capture Liang Chengdong. After catching someone, he had a long talk with him. Luo an is the most mentioned one. He is likely to be a remnant of the film company. If so, Luo an is likely to come to Jinling to find Zhang Qiling.

The housekeeper thought about it, shook his head and said, "no, both eyes are here."

It's not Roan. Who would it be?

Zhang Qiling pressed down his doubts and said, "I know. Go and help yourself." After sending the housekeeper away, he turned around and went to the East Flower hall.

The cold wind whistling, rolling up and falling snowflakes, like a roaring dragon in the winter night, makes the branches shake violently, casting messy shadows on the bright pane.

In the East Flower hall, a figure closed his eyes and sat in a chair, motionless, like an old monk. The tea beside him was already cold, and there was no heat.

"Squeak Hearing the sound of the door opening, Luo an suddenly opened his eyes. Two rays of light came straight out, staring at the two cross flower doors that opened slowly.

When he saw Zhang Qiling, Luo an showed an excited look and knelt down solemnly, "see your Highness for your humble duty, your highness Saint Ann!"

Your highness

Zhang Qiling was in a trance. No one had called him like this for many years. Even he almost forgot that he had such an identity.

When he recovered, he stared at the figure kneeling in front of him and said in a deep voice: "Luo Ji, it's really you!"

"Yes." Roan No, it should be called Luo Ji. He raised his head and said excitedly, "I'll be glad to see your highness again."

Hearing him mention Tianji old man, Zhang Qiling's face darkened. The death of Tianji old man is the eternal pain in his heart. After a moment of silence, he said: "now luo'an, who is wanted all over the city, should be you?"

As early as he heard Dongfang Su mention the name of Luo an, he had doubts. When old Tianji was still alive, he mastered part of the shadow army. One of them, Luo Ji, was trusted by old Tianji. After old Tianji died, he disappeared. Until Dongling was destroyed, he never saw him again.

When I heard the name "Roan", which was only one word apart, the memory that had been forgotten became clear again.

"Yes, I changed my name for convenience." With that, he arched his hand and said, "for so many years, I haven't come here to ask your highness to take good care of me and punish me."

Zhang Qiling indifferent way: "now there is no Dongling, you are no longer my subordinates, get up."

Luo Ji hurriedly said: "Dongling has always been here. As long as your highness gives an order, we will follow him to death!"

Zhang Qiling stares at him coldly, "why collude with Liang Chengdong?"

"For gold!" Luo Ji's answer was straightforward. "We Dongling are not weaker than the Northern Zhou Dynasty. We were killed by their treacherous schemes. We swore that we would help your highness to restore his country. Besides people, we also need silver. Gold is the best place to use. So when they found out that they dug gold privately, they tried every means to get their trust and become the manager of the gold mine. ""So you got a lot of gold?"

Luo Ji said with a smile: "with your Highness's blessing, there are about 10000 Liang."

Zhang Qiling was a little surprised by the amount. He raised his eyebrows and said, "the officials of Liang Chengdong and Lingyang didn't find the gold."

"They don't have much time to come to the gold mine. How much gold can be produced in the gold mine is also said by humble officials. The real number is not clear at all." Luo Ji said with a smile: "originally, there were not so many, but I was lucky to find a hidden sub gold mine in a mine cave. Only I and a few of my cronies knew about it."

Zhang Qiling, noncommittal, said: "although more than 10000 taels of gold is quite a lot, it is not enough for military pay."

Luo an said with a sly smile: "I know that, so I have a big gift to give to your highness. The dike of thousands of miles is broken in the ant nest. It's up to people to make things happen, and it's up to people to lose things."

Zhang Qiling thought a turn, is to guess a few points, "you mean those officials involved in the gold mine case?" Without waiting for Luo an's words, he shook his head and said, "Liang Chengdong has already confessed those people and can no longer be used by you."

Luo an grinned, "the ceremony of humble duty is indeed a list, but it is not the list of those officials in Lingyang gold mine."

Zhang Qiling a flaw, doubt tunnel: "what is that?"

Luo an did not take it out, but said: "as long as your highness is willing to take us to restore our country and slaughter Zhou, I will offer it immediately with both hands. “

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