
"Just get up." After beckoning them to get up behind them, Empress Dowager Chen closed her eyes again, saying nothing for a long time, as if she had settled down.

The hall is silent, only the sound of insects outside the window.

I don't know how long later, Empress Dowager Chen opened her eyes and said in a deep voice, "if you want to save Qiushui, you can only ask the emperor. Remember, it's better to start first."

Yu Heng frowned and said, "grandson doesn't understand."

"The Emperor didn't know about the original assassination, did he?"

Yu Heng knew that she was referring to the incident of Qiushui's assassination, "yes, because it's just speculation, so her son didn't report it to his father."

"This matter, as well as the intact clothes, can be used as evidence. If you have a good sense of propriety, you should have a chance. It's important to be preconceived. "

Yu Heng lowered his head to think for a moment, and said: "grandson understands. Before grandson asks his father to believe, can autumn water stay in Jingfang Zhai?"

"You have a good heart." Empress Dowager Chen said with a smile, nodded and said, "let her talk with AI Jia."

Knowing that she had agreed, Yu Heng quickly gave her thanks and went to Chengde hall. Dongfang started to mourn Yu Jin's death and didn't want to see him. However, Yu Heng insisted and even knelt down outside all night. At dawn, he was finally allowed in.

No one knows how Yu Heng asked for it or what he said. In the end, as empress dowager Chen said, he persuaded dongfangsu to bring life to Qiushui. Before finding out the conclusive evidence, he was allowed to return to the palace of Qi.

Hearing this news, Shen Xijun is the most irritated. I can't believe that Dongfang Suo would let Qiushui go so rashly. After all, Qiushui is the most suspect.

She went to Chengde hall, but she didn't change the result. No one knew what Dongfang Suo was thinking. Maybe As empress dowager Chen said, she was influenced by preconceptions.

While investigating the river where Yu Jin had an accident, song Wuzuo accidentally found the body of a mountain pig. It was only a mile away from the place where Yu Jin had drowned. The mountain pig was drunk for thousands of days and died alive.

Thousand days drunk is a kind of extremely strong wine. If you drink less than one cup, you can wake up after several days. If you drink too much, you will even get drunk to death, such as mountain pig.

Because it's too strong, generally no one drinks this kind of wine. At the back, it's almost a tool for blackmail and money fraud.

Song Wuzuo compared the liquid he got from them and determined that what Yu Jin drank before she died was not ordinary wine, but drunk for thousands of days.

Yu Jin has been ill for a long time, and almost never gets drunk. It's impossible for her to drink this kind of liquor on her own initiative, so there's only one possibility, that is, she was forced to drink it.

As for the mountain pig, some food was found in its stomach. It was very likely that the bottle containing a thousand days of intoxication fell into the food. The mountain pig was greedy and was tempted by the smell of wine. He couldn't resist it and ate it all. As a result, he lost his life.

With this clue, song Wuzuo re examined the corpse again, and sure enough, he found the problem again. After Yu Jin's back was treated with special means, there were several strangulation marks on her back. It should be that she had suffered some things before she died. If she hadn't been re examined and paid special attention, she couldn't have found them.

According to the clues, it should be someone who tied up Yu Jin, forced him to drink for a thousand days, and then pushed him into the river, pretending to be drowning.

At this point, it can be determined that Yu Jin was not accidentally drowned, but was killed.

But all this, only a few people know, others know nothing about it, just think that Yu Jin is accidental death, repeatedly sigh.

This morning, Qiushui came in as usual to wait on Yuheng. Unexpectedly, Yuheng not only got up early, but also changed his clothes. He was dressed in a black plain robe with a white jade Python clasp around his waist.

"Why did your highness get up so early?" Qiushui puts down the copper basin, takes the wooden comb in Yuheng's hand and combs his hair carefully.

Yu Heng felt the crispy itching when his teeth crossed his scalp and said in a soft voice, "today is the day for Yu Jin to be buried. I'll go to see him off for the last time."

Autumn water movement has a slight stagnation, "the third highness of the cause of death found out?"

"Well, I've drunk too much and died of an accident."

"Then..." Qiushui carefully said: "how is the queen?"

Yu Heng looked at her in the bronze mirror, "are you afraid that the empress still suspects that it has something to do with you?"

Qiushui nodded and Yu Heng comforted him: "as long as your father believes that you are innocent, it's enough, empress She's already in a daze, so don't say it. "

His words could not make Qiushui feel at ease. He said: "will one day, the people in the palace suddenly take away the maidservant?"

Yu Heng took her hand, Wen Yan said: "where do you want to go, it won't be."

Qiushui met his eyes and said in a soft voice: "I'm not afraid to die, I'm afraid I can't see your highness."

Yu Heng was moved by these words. He clenched her hand and said in a more gentle voice, "don't be afraid. With me, no one can hurt you."

Qiushui's face turned a little red. He took out his hand from his palm, took a white jade crown and tied his hair carefully. "Your Highness, go to have a meal. It's not good to have an empty stomach in the morning."Yu Heng nodded. Before he was ready to go out, he thought of something and said, "don't go out if you have nothing to do recently."

Autumn water blinks an eye, doubt tunnel: "how?"

"Yesterday, Yu Huai said that he had caught several people with suspicious behavior. He suspected that they were spies from other countries. He was preparing to let the Fu Yin search door to door."

Qiushui was surprised and said, "there is such a thing. Which country sent it?"

"I don't know for the moment, but I can probably guess that either the Western Chu state or the Qi state." Speaking of this, Yu hengleng snorted, "a thief never dies!"

Qiushui nodded, "I know. Don't worry, your highness."

After sending Yuheng out of the house, Qiushui goes back to her house and closes the door tightly. When she comes out again, she has become a gray haired old woman. Where is the charming youth before half a minute.

Autumn water - understand the technique of changing face!

Qiushui, dressed as an old woman, quietly left Prince Qi's residence, crossed several alleys, and walked a long way to a dilapidated house. The door was covered with cobwebs. No one should have been here for a long time.

Qiushui skillfully went around to the back, where there was a small door. She flashed into it. After a while, she took a lantern which was as old as the house and hung it at the door. She didn't light it, just hung it.

After a while, two figures flashed into the small door. They were two middle-aged people with the same appearance. The temples on both sides were bulging high. They were obviously masters.

The man on the left took the lead in saying, "what can I do for my brother?"

Seeing them intact, Qiushui sighed with relief, "if you're OK, I've got the news that the prince has caught several spies who sneaked into Jinling and is ready to let Jinling's officials search from door to door. Please be careful not to reveal your identity."

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