
"You are very thoughtful." The Empress Dowager Chen said in a cold voice, obviously not happy in her heart.

Feng Chuan didn't like it. He still said with a smile, "I'm the Empress Dowager. Of course, I have to be considerate and loyal to her."

Empress Dowager Chen stroked the corner of her lips and frowned, "who is your loyal man? I know in my heart that mourning is just a chess piece in your hand. Consider for the sad family Don't tell such jokes in the future. "

Every time empress dowager Chen frowns, the wrinkles hidden under her skin will be like fish fighting for food, rushing to the corners of her eyes and spreading all the way to her lips. Although she has been careful maintenance, but ultimately can not resist the erosion of the years.

With a smile, Feng Chuan said, "the Empress Dowager's words really hurt the slave's heart. What the slave said is true. This loyalty..." "It's never been the same," he said meaningfully

Empress Dowager Chen looked shocked and stared at Feng Chuan thoughtfully, "you..."

"Shh Feng Chuan made a silent gesture, "as long as the Empress Dowager and the slave are of one mind, the slave will guarantee that you will not make a wedding dress in vain."

Empress Dowager Chen vaguely understood the meaning of his words. A knowing smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, and the fine wrinkles, like a startled fish, quickly dispersed. "If it can be like this, it would be better."

Feng Chuan smiles and is about to speak. Suddenly, his face changes. He stares at the window and says, "who?"

A shadow on the window flickered and disappeared. Feng Chuan quickly opened the door and chased out. After about a cup of tea, he came back.

Seeing him come in, Empress Dowager Chen asked in a hurry, "did you catch him? Who is it?"

"No, but I found this one." Feng Chuan handed over a Mei Ying hairpin and said in a cold voice, "the one who can wear this hairpin should not be our people here, but a master."

Empress Dowager Chen took it in her hand and thought, "I remember that many people have this hairpin, but not many people usually wear it, just Rong and Liu." After a pause, she said, "can anyone else see it?"

"They were all busy, and the gatekeeper happened to be called to the kitchenette to help, so no one saw them."

"A bunch of useless things." Empress Dowager Chen angrily scolded and urged: "go and find out this person quickly, and never let her tell us about us."

"I know." Feng Chuan was ordered to leave. He went to the Changping Palace first. In recent years, Rong's qualifications made him a concubine, and he was able to live alone in the palace. However, it was the palace farthest from the Chengde palace. He no longer had a title, but only had a surname. You can imagine his favor.

When he got to the other side, he had no idea. When he asked, he knew that Rong had gone to Cailan Pavilion. Liu, a beautiful woman, lived in Cailan Pavilion.

"I'll take my father-in-law there." It's LAN Zhu, the maid in charge of Changping palace.

"Good." Feng Chuan answered and said, "why didn't your aunt stay with you?"

Lanzhu took the food box from the palace man and said: "the master saw that Liu Guiren had a cough recently, so he asked the maid to come and stew a cup of sugar Sydney. It's not just stewed well."

"I see." Feng Chuan said with a smile: "it's really a blessing for Liu Meiren to live with your concubine."

LAN Zhu said with a smile, "by the way, my father-in-law is coming now, but what does the Empress Dowager want?"

"It's nothing. The weather is abnormal recently, and the Empress Dowager's body is a little uncomfortable. I want to ask your concubine master to press it. My aunt knows that the Empress Dowager likes your concubine master's skillful hands best. It's often said that ten palace maids together are not as good as your concubine's fingers." With that, Feng Chuan turned his eyes slightly and said, "when did your concubine go to Cailan pavilion?"

LAN Zhu thought for a moment and said, "about an hour ago, what's the matter?"

"Nothing. I'm just asking." Feng Chuan perfunctorily said that it has been almost half an hour since he saw the figure. So, isn't it Rong Guibin? Or Is Lanzhu lying?

Feng Chuan quietly took a look at the Lanzhu beside him, and his mind turned like a wheel.

In the past ten years, Dongfang Suo decided not to choose a concubine. However, the ministers of the central court were unwilling to ask again and again. They also moved the elders of the royal family out to lobby. But they had no choice but to select some of the courtiers' daughters to enter the palace. According to their family background, they were granted the title of beauty and noble. However, their names were not included in the brochures of jingshifang, let alone the green card That is to say, they have never served in bed. They are just empty. Liu is one of them.

Rong is talking to Liu. He is very surprised to see feng Chuan come in. When he learns of the latter's intention, he says hurriedly, "wait a moment, my father-in-law. I'll pass after a few words."

"No hurry." Feng Chuan stepped back with a smile and glanced at Mei Ying's hairpin on the right side of Rong's bun.

Rong nodded, took the food box and handed it to Liu, "my sister remembers that she ate the soup with Sydney together, which has the best effect. Tomorrow my palace will let Lanzhu send it again, and even eat it for three days, so the cough should be OK."

"Thank you, sister." Liu took it gratefully, and then looked at Feng Chuan, "father-in-law Feng, I also want to go to the Empress Dowager to ask an an, OK?"Before Feng Chuan had time to speak, Rong said: "I know that my sister is filial, but don't forget that you are suffering from cold and cough. If you pass it on to the empress dowager, how can you get it? You'd better wait until you get better."

Liu said hurriedly: "I'll invite an an from afar. It won't infect the Empress Dowager."

Rongshi also said that FengChuan had said: "it's rare that beauty Liu has such a heart. Let's go together."

"Thank you, father-in-law." Liu's face was full of joy and said thank you. Of course, she went to the CI Ning palace not only to say hello, but also to please Chen, so as to say more good things for her in front of Dongfang su.

She entered the palace at the age of 16, and for four years she had been alone in empty rooms, not to mention in bed. She had seen dongfangsu only a few times. Now she was 20 years old, and if she continued to endure, she would be very old. She didn't want to live alone with Rong's so-called noble wife.

"Has beauty been with your concubine just now?" On the way to jingfangzhai, Feng Chuan asked softly.

Liu's face slightly changed, "yes, always together."

Feng Chuan's eyes lingered on her face for a moment. Xu Sheng said, "I saw a figure before. It looks like a beauty."

Liu Shi Lu's fingertips outside his sleeves trembled violently, and his eyes became a little erratic. "My father-in-law must have been wrong. I haven't left Cailan Pavilion today. If my father-in-law doesn't believe it, I can ask your wife."

Feng Chuan put her look in his eyes and said with a smile, "how can the slave not believe the beauty's words? Besides, the slave also asks casually. The beauty doesn't need to care."

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