
After using Laba porridge, Empress Dowager Chen saluted Buddha for a while. She felt a little sleepy, so she went to warm pavilion to have a rest. Originally, she only planned to sleep for a while, but when she woke up, it was almost dusk.

Qiuyue, while waiting for her to change clothes, said: "empress dowager, father-in-law Qian has been here for a while. Now she is still waiting in the front hall."

Empress Dowager Chen frowned, "what is he doing here?"

Qiuyue straightened her skirt and said, "it's said that it's a metaphor from your majesty. Please go to Chengde hall."

Empress Dowager Chen thought a turn, is already guessed a few minutes, "know, go."

Winter dusk, cold and dark, wind lamp can barely see more than a foot of the road, from time to time by the whistling cold wind blowing shaking, cold like all pervasive insects, from the cuff neckline drill in, cold hair upright.

"Ah! Ah, ah A few jackdaws flew over the dark sky and floated down an equally dark feather.

"Empress dowager, your majesty is in it." Qian Ping stopped at the gate of the warm Pavilion and said respectfully.

"Good." Empress Dowager Chen nodded, motioned Qiuyue to wait outside, pushed the door and went in.

Warm Pavilion, as always, burning earthworm and charcoal basin, warm as spring, swept the cold outside, the smell of aloes mixed in the heating, it is a spiritual boost. Dongfang Suo likes the Zhongzheng peace of aloes very much. He often places some aloes in the hall. Especially when he is not comfortable, the fragrance of aloes can relieve pain slightly and help him fall asleep.

There was only Dongfang Su in the warm Pavilion. He sat in the chair with his hands and seemed to be asleep. Empress dowager Chen slowed down her very light steps, took the cloak on the wooden shelf and covered him with his hands. Although this movement was very light, it still startled Dongfang su. Her eyelids trembled a few times and opened slowly.

Empress Dowager Chen said with some chagrin, "did you wake up?"

"I didn't fall asleep, but I just closed my eyes to nourish myself." Dongfang Su sat up straight and said, "it's really hard for her mother to come here on such a cold day."

"What does that mean?" Empress Dowager Chen sat down next to him, "even if you don't let Qian Ping come, the AI family also plans to come here." After a pause, she asked with concern, "how are you, are you better?"

"Just the same." Dongfang Su smiles and looks up at the dark sky outside the window. In the dark, there is a faint sound of thunder rolling in the clouds. He says with emotion, "I don't think there will be any thunder in winter this year because I haven't seen thunder for so many days in winter."

Empress Dowager Chen said with a smile: "thunder in winter, rain and snow in summer. It's like this every year. How can it be an exception?"

Dongfang Suo stroked his cloak and recalled: "when my son was young, he was often awakened by Donglei every winter. He was scared and uneasy. No matter how the nanny could coax him, he couldn't help it. At that time, the mother would appear in his son's room, holding his son and saying over and over again, don't be afraid, there was a mother."

Empress Dowager Chen was a little surprised and said, "at that time, you were only four years old. Do you remember?"

"I don't know why. I've almost forgotten everything else, but I can't forget this thing if I want to."

Empress Dowager Chen smiles lovingly, and then angrily says, "you don't want to be accompanied by the mourning family after you are four years old. Once the mourning family came over and was driven away by you."

"Because the son wants to be brave, brave enough to protect his mother, instead of hiding under her wings all his life."

"I know that, so when it thundered later, I didn't go to comfort you. Sometimes I was really worried, so I hid outside and peeped at you through the crack of the door."

"It's better to know a son than a mother. The mother always knows her son best." At this point, dongfangsu suddenly changed the subject of conversation, "but why does the empress mother not understand her son at all now?"

Empress Dowager Chen's face stagnated and she was silent for a moment. She said, "do you mean going to war?"

Dongfang Su didn't beat her around the Bush and nodded: "yes, the mother knows that her son doesn't want the imperial concubine to go with her, but she lobbies the empress, the Yi family and the Rong family to come to her son to give advice and hope that her son will take the imperial concubine to the army."

Empress Dowager Chen gave a faint smile. "The AI family knew that the emperor was worried about his concubine and didn't want her to take risks, but the AI family was also worried about you. You are stubborn, and the things you believe will never change. Just like in those years, when everyone told you not to go to Xichu, you just went. During that period, the mourners knelt down in front of the Buddha every day and prayed, asking the Buddha to bless you to come back safely. "

"My son will come back as safe as he did last time. There is no need for mother to worry."

Hearing this, Empress Dowager Chen said excitedly, "you are the son born in October of AI family. How can AI family not worry?"

"Son Fu Ze is deep, from small to big, how many difficulties and obstacles have come through, this time is no exception."

Empress Dowager Chen took his hand and said in an astringent voice, "no matter how much luck you have, it's almost used now, not to mention that you are still ill. It's just that you have to go or not..." The word "Hui" in the back, thinking of the bad luck, she swallowed it again and said, "you How can you make the AI family not worry? "

"Where does the mother want to go, son..."

Empress Dowager Chen interrupted: "you don't have to say nice words to comfort the sad family. In a word, either you give up the personal expedition or you agree to go with your concubine. Even if you don't think about yourself, you have to think about your concubine, mourning for your family, cherishing for you, and thousands of people in Dazhou. "The East trace light way: "the mother said where to go."

"What the AI family says is true. You know what your concubine wants. You won't take her with you now, just in case The AI family means that if anything happens, the imperial concubine will blame herself. Moreover, the AI family doesn't think she will really stay in Jinling City. "

Dongfang Su frowned, "what does mother mean?"

"You are more clear about the temperament of your concubine than you are at home. You are as stubborn and firm as you are. Now that she has this idea, she will try her best to realize it. Instead of sneaking with her, it's better to take it with her. It's safer in this way."

"The empress doesn't have to say any more. The son won't take the concubine."

Dongfang Su's resolute attitude was beyond empress dowager Chen's expectation. She suddenly sighed, "in this case, you can take me home."

Dongfang Su was surprised and said in a hurry, "what does the empress mean?"

"Since I can't persuade you, I have to accompany you to the battlefield, just in case..." Empress Dowager Chen said with a smile, "if you have any hidden weapons or arrows, the AI family can help you block them."

Dongfang Su frowned and said, "what does the mother say? How can the son let you block the hidden arrow? Don't say that again."

"What do you want your mother to do? Do you want to watch you have an accident? Suo'er, you are the only son after mother. " At this point, the Empress Dowager Chen was in tears. She was very sad.

"Mother, you You... " Dongfang Su was at a loss when she cried. For a moment, she didn't know what to do.

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