
He has the final say, "I am dead, my brother is dead, and the father is out again". If there is something wrong with your father, you can support a person you like to be your puppet

"If I'm not wrong, even if my father returns safely, you will try your best to seize power," he said

Chen said with no expression: "the emperor was confused by your mother and son. After a hundred years of accumulation, he had today's foundation and could not be destroyed in his hands."

Yu Huai laughed angrily, "so you're thinking about big Zhou?"

"Of course." Before empress dowager Chen's words came to an end, Yu Huai suddenly clapped her hands and stood up. Her forehead was swollen with blue tendons. "You are full of lies. Everything is for your own sake. You are not willing to live in a quiet Fangzhai. You are not willing to have only the empty name of the empress dowager, so you try your best to seize power. For this reason, you do not hesitate to harm your son and grandson, and even stand on the white bones. All for the sake of power

"Let me guess, for the sake of control, you will choose a young royal son to succeed Yu Yan That's a good candidate, right? "

Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, and the fundus of his eyes was no longer covered up with disgust. "You and your mother are the same, they are so annoying to the sad family!"

"Just like each other." Yu Huai gave her a rude reply.

The Empress Dowager Chen snorted coldly, "you say that the AI family loves the power of the Inn and is cruel and cruel. Even her own son and grandson are not spared. But for the existence of your mother and son, what is the need of the AI family? You are the root of all disasters!"

As Yu Huai was about to speak, a pale voice sounded ahead of him. "Everyone can say that it's not you who admire your concubine, only you."

Empress Dowager Chen's face changed. She stared coldly at the door that had been pushed open. Yu Heng and Prince Su entered side by side. It was Prince Su who spoke just now.

"What do you mean?"

Prince Su came to empress dowager Chen with a cool voice, like the wind outside the house. "If your concubine didn't come to the Northern Zhou Dynasty, by the way of Wei's mother and son, your Majesty would never have a chance to ascend the throne of God, and you are still breathing under Wei's nose. Let alone the mother's world, whether you can live to the present is unknown."

The pupil of Empress Dowager Chen shrinks slightly, coldly way: "when did you also become the person of Mu Shi, so help her talk."

"In my life, I have never been partial to helping anyone, only following the word" truth. " Prince Su's voice was loud.

Empress Dowager Chen said with a sneer: "I think it's reasonable to be a gunner. I'm really a fool."

The elder Prince stared at her silently for a long time, and said happily, "fortunately, your majesty is not as selfish and vicious as you, otherwise I will be in danger."

"Hum." Empress Dowager Chen brushed her sleeve, and her cold eyes swept over Yu Huai and others. "You wait, sooner or later you will regret it."

"Lord." Wang Hu rushed in, handed a memorial to Heng, and said in a low voice: "eight hundred Li urgent report!"

Yu Heng unfolded a look, his face instantly became extremely ugly, "what about people?"

Wang Hu knew that he was the one who sent the memorial. He said in a hurry, "wait outside."

"Bring him in at once." Seeing his dignified expression, Wang Hu didn't dare to ask more questions, so he went to his successor quickly. Yu Huai walked over and said, "brother, what's the matter?"

Yu Heng handed the memorial to him and said in a dull voice, "see for yourself."

After seeing it, Yu Huai's face was not very good-looking. "Nanzhao has been obedient for a long time. Why..."

"Don't forget who is hiding in Nanzhao." Yu Heng's words make Yu Huai silent. Yes, how can he forget this man? It's really troublesome.

Hearing what they said, Empress Dowager Chen said tentatively, "Xiao Ruo Ao?"

"It's none of your business." Yu hengleng glanced at her and said to Yu Huai and Su Laoqin, "let's go out and talk."

Before they agreed, Empress Dowager Chen said, "Xiao Ruo Ao is leading his troops to Jinling, isn't he?"

This sentence makes Yu Heng stop preparing to go out and stare at empress dowager Chen suspiciously, "how do you know?"

After a short period of stupefaction, Empress Dowager Chen suddenly burst into a loud laugh, which turned out to be a look of joy. After Prince Su repeatedly scolded her, she gradually stopped laughing and sneered, "it seems that even heaven can't stand your pride."

Yu Huai said, "what do you mean?"

The Empress Dowager Chen stroked her cheek and said in a cool voice, "about ten days ago, a carrier pigeon, unable to fly because of the cold, landed in jingfangzhai. On its feet, she tied a secret letter, which said," the main force is out, and you can attack. "

When Yu Huai was about to ask what he meant, an aura flashed across his mind, "Xiao Ruo Ao!"

"Yes, this carrier pigeon is going to Xiao Ruo Ao's place, and the letter is written by his spy in Jinling."

Yu Hengli thought and said angrily: "so Are you the one who brought the people

Empress Dowager Chen sneered and said, "will AI's family take stones and smash their own feet? The letter burned and sent another one, which said," you can't attack if you have potential. "Yu Heng was stunned and asked, "if so, why He's still here? "

At this time, Wang Hu came in with a dusty soldier, "Your Highness, here we are."

Yu Heng put aside his doubts and said to the soldier, "what's the matter?"

"If you go back to your highness, about a month ago, an army suddenly appeared at the Nanzhao border and attacked our army. After investigation, it was Emperor Xiao's army."

"What did you say, a month ago?" Yu Heng asked suspiciously. According to what empress dowager Chen said just now, Xiao Ruo Ao was still waiting for news more than ten days ago. How could he attack the border? He looked in the direction of Empress Dowager Chen, and the latter's face was also stunned.

"Yes, a month ago."

Yu Huai frowned and said, "when the border comes here, ten days is enough. Why do you come here to report?"

"Emperor Xiao's army surrounded us with heavy casualties. The general led the people to fight to the death, and then rushed out of a way." Then he knelt down and said, "Your Highness, please send reinforcements immediately. They won't last long, general."

"No, it's not right!" Empress Dowager Chen said excitedly: "it was more than ten days ago, how to say it was a month ago."

The soldier must have said: "the villain remembers very clearly, one month and two days."

The room was silent. After a while, Yu Heng sighed and said, "I understand. That carrier pigeon is a cover at all!"

"What do you mean?" said empress dowager Chen

"From the beginning, Emperor Xiao determined that the guard of Jinling was empty, but he was cautious in nature. In order to increase the chance of winning the attack, he set up another game, and the carrier pigeon was the protagonist of the game."

Yu Huai said thoughtfully, "elder brother, did that carrier pigeon fall in Jingfang Zhai on purpose?"

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