
Seeing that his identity was exposed, Tu Qing took the soldiers in his hand as a shield and rushed to Tu Zhan, which was not far away. That was the purpose of his trip.

Wang Hu's eyelids jumped. He saw through his intention and rushed to catch up with the soldiers. At the same time, he yelled at the soldiers around him: "stop him quickly and never let him save Tu Zhan!"

The soldiers came back to their senses. When they were ready to stop them, they were stopped by Xiao Jun, who climbed up the wall. After a long silence in the middle of the night, the wall was once again full of swords and swords. There was a lot of killing, but Not all Xiao Jun rushed ahead.

Sun Yang hid in the dark with several of his own soldiers. He looked coldly at the soldiers of the two sides who had formed a regiment. Once a soldier of the Northern Zhou dynasty fell near them, his own soldiers would quietly pull them over. If they didn't die, they would mend their swords. Then they would take off their clothes and put them on themselves. Then they would smear blood on their faces, so that they couldn't be seen. After they were all dressed up, Sun Yang said coldly, "remember, Tu Zhan can only die in the hands of Zhou Jun, and you must never be found your true identity, otherwise you and I can't afford it."

"My subordinates will definitely complete the task to the death!" The soldier's reply made Sun Yang very satisfied, "go."

Several soldiers rushed out, pretending to wave steel knives while quietly approaching tuzhan. Over there, tuqing and Wang Hu were fighting in full swing. Behind him, tuzhan was grinding the rope with the steel knives that fell on the ground. Before Wang Hu came up, tuqing had time to cut the rope hanging from tuzhan.

"Deng!" Seeing that the last bit of hemp rope had been cut, Tu Zhan was overjoyed. He quickly untied the rope on his feet, picked up the knife and rushed up to fight against Wang Hu with Tu Qing. He said in a hateful voice, "let's fight side by side and kill them all!"

Seeing more and more soldiers in the Northern Zhou Dynasty, Tu Qing said in a low voice: "father, we don't have many people here this time. It's important to get rid of them. We shouldn't love war. We'll take revenge on today after we go back and order our troops. "

"All right." Although Tu Zhan wanted to avenge his captivity, he saw that the situation was not good for him and agreed immediately.

Tu Qing's spirit was boosted. He took advantage of Wang Hu's efforts and quickly said: "there is a ladder built by his son in advance. Let's go from there."

"Good." Tu Zhan retreated quietly while dealing with more and more Zhou troops around him. This time, they retreated very carefully. Even Wang Hu didn't find their intention. He just thought that they were defeated for a long time and forced to retreat.

Finally, Tu Qing retreated to the ladder. Before they could be happy, they found that the ladder had been cut off and could not be used any more. Seeing that the only way to survive had been cut off, Tu Qing was shocked and turned pale. "How could this happen?"

Just when he was in a trance, the light of the knife flashed, and a "Zhou Jun" who was chasing him cut a long hole in his chest. The blood immediately gushed out and dyed his front red. Fortunately, the wound was not deep and there was no worry about his life!

”Son Tu Zhan was surprised and angry. He roared and swung his knife to the "Zhou Jun". If the knife was cut down, the "Zhou Jun" would have to lose half his life if he didn't die. At this time, the "Zhou Jun" suddenly said, "don't you know his subordinates?"

Tu Zhan subconsciously stopped his knife and looked at the bloody "Zhou Jun" in front of him. He really looked familiar. He should be someone he knew, but how could he know the soldiers of the Northern Zhou Dynasty?

Yu Guang from the corner of his eye scanned the clothes of "Zhou Jun" and found that there was a big hole in his chest. According to this situation, he was either dead or wounded. However, the soldier was fierce, and he didn't get hurt at all. It's really unreasonable, unless It's a fake.

At this time, Tu Zhan finally remembered that he really knew this man. He was Sun Yang's personal soldier!

"You -" Tu Zhan is exposing the identity of the other party. Suddenly his chest cools. His face turns white instantly. He looks down with trembling. A sharp dagger is inserted in his chest. It is Zhou Jun standing opposite him holding the dagger.

"Zhou Jun" grinned and showed his white teeth, "general Tu, when fighting, he was distracted, but he was taboo."

"You You are... " Tu Zhan tried to say what he had to say, but the other side didn't give him a chance. He pulled out the dagger. It was hard and accurate. When the dagger was there, it didn't matter. When he pulled out the dagger, his blood gushed out like a spring and quickly took Tu Zhan's life. As for the "Zhou Jun", after killing Tu Zhan, he quickly mixed into the soldiers of the Northern Zhou Dynasty.

"Father! Father Tu Qing cries out in a sad voice. Regardless of the forced Zhou Jun, he hugs Tu Zhan who falls on his back and cries out. Tu Zhan hears his voice and opens his mouth to tell him that the person who killed him is Sun Yang. No matter how hard he tries, he can't make a sound and can only end up hating him!

"Father Tu Qing is crying with his warm body in his arms. He came to rescue Tu Zhan, but he killed him. He is grieving and blaming himself.

Seeing that Tu Zhan was dead, Sun Yang was secretly happy. He took advantage of the trouble and came to Tu Qing. He grabbed him and urged him: "it's not suitable to stay here for a long time. Let's go!"

Tu Qing shakes off his hand and searches for his father's murderer in the crowd with red eyes. Unfortunately, the man hides so fast that he doesn't even see clearly, "I want to kill all these people and avenge my father!""I know you are sad, but you open your eyes and see that the enemy is strong and we are weak. We are going to die soon, and you are hurt yourself. You are not the enemy at all!" Before Sun Yang's voice fell, Tu Qing roared: "if you're afraid, you'll go by yourself. Even if I lose my life, I'll kill them all."

"I'm afraid it's useless if you die. Who will take revenge on general Tu?" Tu Qing was speechless when he asked this question. He knew that he could not win so many battles by himself. But he was not willing to leave!

Seeing that Tu Qing didn't speak, Sun Yang knew that he had been moved by his words, and said, "it's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge ten years. What's more, we didn't have to wait ten years for our revenge with the Northern Zhou Dynasty. I believe general Tu doesn't want you to die in vain because of your anger. "

Tu Qing stretched out a shaking hand and closed Tu Zhan's eyes. "But the ladder is broken. We can't get down."

"The ladder is not broken!" Tu Qing was stunned by Sun Yang's words, and immediately said with a bitter smile, "it's really broken. General sun doesn't believe he's going to see it."

"When I first set up the ladder, I was worried that Zhou Jun would find it and cut it off. So I asked the soldiers to follow the ladder and nail an iron nail every ten feet. Although it was a little difficult, I could still get down."

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