107 106 stories fairy flush?

"Kitta! It's coming!

I grabbed the alchemy kit 'Grilled' and barked.

"Tatarin, kihahahaha!

"Huh, do it Huh!

The wind maiden (silf) hu that flies around the side (buckwheat) empathises the joy with the movement, so I leap together.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!

"The Heavenly One is always supreme."

It's today and George's shop, and I'm an alchemist.

I was preparing for the event Summer Festival with members I was already getting familiar with, Mina and George, but it was also over (...) so I was researching the secret art of making life again.

"Hehe, look. This transparent box."

With the ability "Baking Mark (Stomp)", he squashed [Transparency] material, generated plates, and then quickly connected them in time before the heat cooled down, succeeding in building boxes of squares.

I feel like I can do anything now.

I have gained momentum in completing Mina's nice idea and the eyeball products that George and I will sell in the 'stalls' by working together, and I find myself feeling pretty about alchemy today.

"It's kind of like a tank."

"What will begin"

"It's a fish! Fish taro rin"

: "Life Growing Box" - "Tank (Small)" has been completed:

Judging from the logs, it seems George's name remained the same as his leaked thoughts.

"Small tank"

[Can be used in Ability 'Small Box Lord']

[Endurance 70]

[Capacity 7]

Hmm, a tank?

After all, is the ability 'Lord of the Little Box' a specification for raising fish form organisms and making them?

The lantern I received from my master has already been used up, so from now on, I will have to create my own "tank" and other items corresponding to "life-growing box" with "baking marks (stomps)".

As a first step, I think I could have achieved a bad result. Compared to "Lifelighting Seed Fire Intake (Lantern)", it is a "small tank" with low [durability] and [capacity].

"And this is where it comes from! How to grow an organism in this' tank 'is the supreme proposition…"

Now, an arrow tip, an announcement log flowed from the operation, trying to show everyone what materials to put in.

: All mercenaries (players) participating in the event Fairy Ball will be rewarded because they have fulfilled the criteria:

"Oh? Perhaps a reward for your participation. I don't know what the terms are."

"Right...... there are still plenty of mercenaries (players) attending the Fairy Ball, which is open everywhere, to gather your people, right? I'm sure they did something?


I feel even better now, but it hasn't been two weeks since the event started, and I wonder if it's a good time.

I had a slight feeling they screwed up my alchemy nose, but I was very interested in the reward and doing it, so I decided to shut up and wait for the log that the operation would bring.

: Fairies have not been killed by humans for ten days, so rewards for the Fairy Ball are sent to all mercenaries (players):

Is it because the fairy was not murdered?


"Tam? This is my cotto!


On my palm, a slightly descended wind maiden (silf) hu opens her eyes wide and proudly speaks.


"Yeah, yeah. Huh!? Majoris!?

"What, really?

Seeing that, George looks up to heaven and Mina is small and surprised.

"Ho, really no!? Or angel cum! I wonder if you've been so slightly on the table with such an important presence as branching out all mercenary (player) events!?

"No, I don't know that at all... but it's a reward for joining, and it's not a big deal, is it?

We suddenly look around and softly alert ourselves. It's in George's shop, so I don't have to worry about being able to set up a PvP, but there are a couple of mercenaries (players) walking down the street outside from across the glass.


Of all us nervous, only Fu is laughing with pleasure.

I am now relieved that I am not worried about such a fu attitude.

"Mm-hmm. I guess it's usually no big deal, huh?

And as soon as I tried to relax the tension between the two of them by expressing my own view, the area suddenly darkened.

"Hmm...? Outside?"

Instead of losing the surrounding light, shade fell on the road outside. Simply a cloud or something plugged over the sky, which would have affected the amount of light indoors.

"Hey, I'm curious... I went outside"

I thought George was right about this, which just doesn't solve the tension.

Because all the mercenaries (players) walking outside were looking up at each other in unison.

Is there something up there?

With that question in mind, hurry out of the store with Mina and the others, and stare into the sky.

... the clouds were gathered together in one.

Clouds of all sizes, large and small, continue to produce huge clouds of access. Its enlarged volume was blocking the sun's rays and casting a great shadow on the pioneer city of Michelangelo.

The cloud gradually made it swirl and began to poke and dent from the middle.

It's shaped like a bird's nest has been turned upside down.

"I don't know, that..."

"Heavenly Master, is that... the man in the robe..."

The place Mina pointed to was just beneath a huge cloud, and I could see one human floating in the sky with his hands wide open.

"I wonder who...... yeah, that outfit looks familiar..."

I quickly retrieve the "telescope" that was originally used to collect light and observe people attracting the mercenaries' attention.

He flickers his black robe with the wind and wears his hat deep in his eyes so as to hide his face. But its identity pinned with a bright blue hair color that wobbled slightly from the shadow of the hat.

"It's Mr. Mithola..."

Watch the fairy and elf dwelling woods, Mr. Missora, the NPC sage, told by the guardian of the Great Sky and the Ashes King.

As soon as I realized that she had arrived in Michelangelo again, she pulled her hands to her chest and released them forward to open something.

Then a large number of small dots gushed out of the center of the cloud and the area of the cloud.

"He's flying. Hey."

"Something, it's coming out full"

The armies of small dots fly in all directions, spreading with momentum all over the world.

Being traveling at considerable speed, I thought it would be difficult to focus on the telescope and determine who it was, but because of the large number of them, I was able to immediately capture what it was.

"That's a bird. Little white clouds are shaping birds..."

It was like flipping a huge white bird's nest and being shown the moment when the little cloud birds nest.

A very small cloud in the shape of a swallow is flying simultaneously, no, that one is slippery.

Besides, here.

"Hey, is that a monster!?

"Hino, what is that!

"Didn't you come this way!?

A voice of agitation rises from the mercenaries (players) on the road.

Some mercenaries moved into interception positions, and others launched long-range attacks such as bows and magic on white swallows.

But the cloud birds, who are not solids, just mist their bodies for a moment, and soon regenerate to their original form to turn this one around.

Some mercenaries (players) tried to escape indoors, but I thought it was useless. Because the white swallows that just hit the building, wondering if they had disappeared like smoke, were showing up to the other side to penetrate.

"I'm sure there's no harm in it, because it's what Mithola does."

Mina waits cheerfully for 'yes' to my opinion.

George the Okama said, 'Uh-oh, if that's what the angel says, I don't know how it goes,' but he was taking out the nunchucks.

Finally, the white swallows crashed into the three of us.

Just three birds suddenly stopped, and each one of them rode over our shoulders.

"They're not attacking me, are they?

If George muttered while following him, the swallows changed their appearance slightly.

It was like a rectangular box, made of translucent paper like Japanese paper.

: 1 x Consumer Item 'Fairy Wrapped Lantern' has been distributed:

: At the venue of the event 'Summer Festival' (...), we will inform you when to encourage your use:

"This... is a lantern, Heavenly Master."

Speaking of lanterns, the lantern flush comes to mind. But to mourn the souls of the dead, an array that lights and lights the lights and flows into rivers, seas, etc.?

I got it, analyze "Fairy Wrapped Lantern" in "Appraisal Eye".

"Fairy Wrapped Lantern"

[When used within the event period of "Summer Festival", the light lights up and flows somewhere. A lantern to mourn the deaths of fairies once slaughtered by the people. A gem-bearing forest (Chris Theary) sent it as a sign of some credibility to give people a chance to mourn. Inside a box made of Japanese paper, one fairy at a time is wrapped]


Seeing as Hu didn't die, does that mean Mr. Mithola and the fairies started trusting the humans a little?

"It's like it's just a consuming item. I wonder if that means an event item to boost your event?

"Does it glow like a beautiful blubber? Looking forward to it, Heavenly Man."

"Oh yeah......"

Or do something bold about having one of the fairies in this lantern, Mr. Missora.

: I hope you will all use it at the same time if you can:

This was the last log of operations.

As if the end of that log announcement had been a signal, black liquid began to gush out of the ground just beside it.


"Oh, now what?

"It's black water..."

Those pitch-black liquids quickly gathered together and quickly transformed into human shapes.

The silhouette becomes an elephant for us to see without mistake.

"Talo. Long time no see, long time no see."

It was the wise man, Mr. Mithola, who emerged to grow from the ground.

"Mr. Mithola, how..."

As always, I can't hide my surprise in the sudden encount with her.

The mercenaries (players) around us are also focusing their gaze on what's going on here.

"There is, is there? Didn't I tell you? Using Heavenly Magic, you can show up anywhere in the shadow range that clouds create, you can. Did Taro want to teach you this, too? You did, didn't you?

I wonder if he used the same magic before when he appeared neglected in Lord Theary's mansion...

Or is it the magic that guides heaven...... that's a substandard NPC.

I'd be lying if I told you I wasn't interested, but now I have the challenge of creating life inherited from Master Damon. Until you get the best of alchemy, you don't have much room to cheat on other skills.

I'm not sure I can control such a great power in the first place.

"Oh, no..."

"There is, that. Oh well... Speaking of which, what do you say? I don't know, my letters. Isn't that convenient? Isn't that convenient? I sent them to mercenaries all over the Clan Clan, I did it."

Maybe they're talking about swallows made of white clouds.

It's too great to distribute to many mercenaries (players).

"Yes, that's amazing. I mean, Mr. Mithola, is this lantern containing one fairy at a time?

"Hmmm. If the envoys of" Kazuno (...) "asked me, I would have no choice. This one has a little eye for what humans do, trying to reconcile. Maybe this time we're ahead of it, huh?

"Does that mean showing the fairies what humans do?

"It's enough to make you observe it from inside the Japanese paper, though. The Japanese paper of" Wano Country "has a powerful bond, so there's nothing to worry about the fairies, is there? Do you believe that humans will give back the Summer Festival by flushing the lanterns? Because you believe me, don't you?

I see... is that what happened?

"It seems that the Summer Festival is prepared for the venue by the people of Wahno Country, who are on the edge of the elves left in our forest, the Jewellery Growing Forest (Chris Theary). So, just in case you don't have to worry about it... and Taro, it's nice to see you again."


I mean, what's a Japanese country?

Before asking my question, Mr. Sage Mithola turned into black water and disappeared.

"It's a Japanese country... I'm kind of looking forward to it"

"Will Mr. Samurai and others come?

"I don't know, but let's sell the product and make some money zackling"

"Yes! Heavenly Man!

Mina and I go through our own 'stalls'.

I knew we'd all be excited to bring our products over and sell them.

"Finally, Summer, Ma... Ri... Hey! Man, the clam season is here. Wow!

Waiting for the arrival of the Summer Festival with a rough nosed okama.

"Fateful encounter at the festival. Nh! Hot love like burning all summer long!

Hey, George, don't rock your body too much with Kunechne.

I enjoyed talking about "The Street," but the way you look at George Mina, you're staring at the garbage worm.

"Ta too wow!

"George, I'm so excited"

When I slapped him gently in the arm, he sedated me to the point of leaking the roar, 'Fushiyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

The surrounding mercenaries (players) are donning to George's behavior like a fierce beast.

I look at their hips and think.

Please, may George's feeding victims be kept to a minimum......