319 315 Stories Dancing With Corpses Mad Happiness

"Wow... that's an amazing sight..."

The faceless informant comes from the NPC zombie... it eats meat miserably and is scattered. It's like a crazy foothold to all the protagonists of a dance with a corpse, and I guess the various parts will be shredded off.

"Ah, master, don't overdo it. 'Cause this guy's gonna be experimental material."

"Ho? If my beloved apprentice says so, let's add and subtract him."

In an exquisite addition and subtraction, Master Richie uses the soldiers and animal spirits who have become deceased to shred the flesh of the informant.

: [Conspiracy theorist's left hand] Got:

: [Despairist's Ankle] Got:

While watching as the material drops from the area where the missing value or cutting value is full, I will not forget to throw "Emerald (Emerald) Tears" at him in moderation because the experiment will be over if the HP loses all.

"What the heck is this Bad Status......!? [Site Killing] Oh!?

Work through disturbed screaming informants completely and gather as much material as you can.

: [gloomy (depressing) bone] Got:

: [Yin (Yin) ears] Got:

: [Language-generating tongue] Got:

: [Cursed Throat Whistle] Got:

Roughly all of them are material names full of substitutes you don't want to get, but depending on the combination, can you make a good kind of demon with [Synthetic Beast Compass]?

"Squeeze it as much as you can and say" Poy "later. I've tried to imitate what you guys do from day to day, but I don't think I feel very good..."

"You, yeah, yeah! You have a good time! Princess P., it's time. Aah!

He squeezes his temper and points the muzzle this way. But to the big mouth that opened to the clap that screamed, the ghost body of the cat enters, moaning and groaning bitterly.

The last counterattack wolf smoke seems to have quenched the fire immediately.

: [Heart of the abuser] has been obtained:


Is this the end of it?

: Mercenary (player) Killed 'Pedrism':

: In the [noble resolution (duel) area of struggle (dam)] [noble discourse] takes place only for 3 minutes:


With normal kills, mercenaries (players) are immediately scattered with kill effects and forced to log out, but the specifications appear to vary in the [noble resolution (duel) battle area (dam)].

: 1.45 million eso of mercenary 'pedrism' property...... how much do you get?

: Territorial of Baron Pedo...... how far do you assign it?

: Title/Baron...... How far do you want to demote me?

I read the logs and immediately view the [Baron Pedo's] territorial system.

"Heh, it doesn't seem very good about people's lives. But only mine development seems to be working very hard."

The economic situation in the Territory was not that bad in the form of strong mining labor for the NPCs, as the infrastructure and food related facilities in the city and villages were not in place. Probably buying and selling to other territories as well.

And most concerned is the [child buying system], which is aimed at poor households. In short, it seems that they operate extensively in the human trafficking, slave trade, and what a city only criminals can get in [the corrupt city of iron and chains, Giltigallion]. I mean, it sounds like this is the capital of [Baron Pedo's]... there were other things that bothered me, but it's hard to scrutinize in the short time of three minutes.

"Kuh...... ok. In the future... I swear I will gather information for you. I promise I'll let you know as soon as I have any useful information... so please do me a favor"

Mr. Pedrism, an informer who breaks his own high pride and now bows his head.

I look at his attitude like that, and it's a waste of time, so I tap each item in turn.

Property is forfeited in full.

That's 1.45 million eso!

"Behold! Hey, wait a minute!

Territories merge all territories.

This will swell my territory 1.4x.

That was a huge territory for the Baron Territory.

"Me, my territory!? All of it, it's gone. Aah!?

The title is demolished in your house.

I wouldn't look great in the future without the aristocracy.

"My title is Ahhh!? The aristocracy. Ahhhh!

As Mr. Pedrism raises his sad voice, I turn to further items.

To be honest, I just want to see it more properly, but I'm out of a minute and a half left.

: Mercenary Pedrism Gear...... take away what?

: Mercenary Pedrism Item Storage...... take away what?

Tarp all around here too!

"Tamu! Tamu! Because it's the afterlife!

I'd love to, but I'd also feel deadly if I just took it around here as a mercenary (player)... and as an alchemist, items and materials are the next most important thing in my life.

Don't you dare take it away from me?

"Guuuuu... my gear no, I had a hard time collecting it... good, good oh..."

For some reason, Mr. Pedrism goes into crying sleep.

I think this put a lot of pity on me.

So at the end of the day, let's identify carefully and get the most beneficial.

: You can select only one Mercenary Pedrism ownership skill:

: You can snatch selected skills:

: The usurped mercenary, regardless of skill LV, that skill disappears:

[Mercenary Pedrism LV17]


[Hidden LV45]

Virtual LV31

[Dagger LV24]

[Shadow Magic LV12]

[Storytelling LV6 of Divine Elephant Letters (Deus Route)]

"Hmm? You've got a lot of skills to worry about. Then I'll have [the narrative of the Divine Elephant Letter (Deus Route)]."

I think I'm sweet. Because best of all, I'm going to give you a choice of skills that are less proficient.

If you declare that with a full grin, Mr. Pedrism turns pale in the face.

"Marry me! That's just what I finally got and started strengthening. That skill is for magic bullets!

Yeah, yeah, you'd want to get extra if they told you that.

Probably a magic bullet has something to do with the firearm he used earlier.

Turning to him to arouse, I approach slowly to stab the nail, deepening my mouth grin even more.

"Now you know?

"Hey, what the fuck!?

"When they turn to us, they take away their roots. Next time you do something, I'll kill you to take your gear as many times as I can."

He wouldn't even want to be deprived of the gear I left him with.

He looks down in silence, as he perceived. So a few seconds later, the time limit came and finally disappeared, scattering Kill Effects.

"Oh, Heavenly Lord!... Oh, I'm sorry, it's..."

When the dueling realm is lifted, it is Mina who rushes to the side the most.

He is biting his lips and carving deep remorse into his face.

"I (I) agree with the ex-post report to Mr. Taro. If we don't make a mistake... I'm sorry."

Mr. Lilli also comes with a solemn bow of his head.

"Oh, that... Mr. Tallo..."

Konoe also walks over with a dark face every time she says something.

As the surrounding mercenaries (players) hesitate to approach Master Richie and the demons, only my friends are a little happy to shrink their distance without any alarm.

But when I saw the sorry faces of my friends, my chest ached. I'm sure the sorrow of losing my cat tells me that I'm sorely regretting it.

Because he also defeated an unwanted enemy, he turns to Master Richie with all his heart who wants to do something about this overnight mood.

"Because animal spirits leave themselves as ghosts, they can be revived with the power of their beloved disciples (Tsikara)! Let's just tweet!

"Master! I love you, dude!

My master was too nice.

I was so impressed that I put a jumping hug on my master, "Kukakakakaku, this immortal king Richie Damon can't do anything about it... my dear apprentice? Because the neck bones are thick, I have no physical resistance, so let's just tweet away.


Could it have been a disrespectful act as a disciple to hang around the master's neck?

I then, as Master Richie put it, sprinkle the revival item "Red Water of Unstrayed Salvation" for mercenaries (players) onto three cat-shaped animal spirits.

"... t, tiger!? Are you sure it's a tiger!?

"Momochan!? Sorry, do...... I won't make you feel scared again......!

"Hahhh...... my Mr. Goldie is the best in the world!

It didn't take that long for everyone to break their faces and rush over with joy to the cats.

I look at the smile of such a friend and think.

You're happy.

A few days after the informant riots, the mercenary regiment (Klan) [killer and ruler's ear (Black List)] was more thoroughly warned by [Sadie Stick], led by George, and was defeated in abruptly harsh conditions of obedience, he said.

"Phew... I guess this settles one thing..."

Logged out of the game, I casually turn on my own TV.

And wipe gently with a bright white towel equipped with a slightly sweaty neck muscle while spreading nature and news.

A news check that has seen a real alteration and has become completely habitual already.

'Breaking news. Several CEOs of Poor Morette, Inc., who were suspected of organizing the abduction and kidnapping of boys and girls in secret earlier and engaging in the human trafficking business, were arrested. This case was picked as a thread for resolving kidnapping cases that have continued intermittently since last year -'

Breathtaking about the tragic content that flowed onto the monitor.

"Wow... what you're doing looks like Mr. Pedrism..."

A faceless informant.

He also has a verse that he only saw as' Kids are just tools to eat up '.

"I knew someone like Mr. Pedrism would be in real life..."

My mind sinks rapidly into the content that is likely to cause revulsion.

There are an unspecified number of people in the world who are profiting from doing bad things... and maybe not many of them are turning around with it.

I caught a glimpse of the world's darkness, and I can get a dark cloud in my heart.

It was the notification sound of the smartphone that cleared my mood of such depression.

Tap and look at the screen, it was a message from my best friends who have been tending to lose touch with me lately.

"It's been a long time, Shintaro. How are you? '

"I'm really busy these days and I'm sorry I can't get in touch with you"

I can see you at any time in the game.

Even in real life, you said you'd always see him... the tangles have diminished to the point that the two of us can say at all these days.

Such discontent comes from all over my chest, but it's still the joy of winning.

"At all, Shaking Night and Evening Fai don't come in the game at all! We had a lot of trouble over here!

Hiding the joy, I hit my best friends with stupidity.