Chapter 225

If Duan Hong goes straight to the past now, he is 100% sure that two moves will end their lives, but he doesn't do that. He asked these two people to try the pain of bedridden for the next six years in Peking. For such a person, it would be more pleasant to return him to the origin than to kill him! The old six next to him seems to have noticed something. Looking at Duan Hong with prominent veins in his temples, he asked, "boss Duan, what's the matter with you?" Duan Hong quickly returned to his senses and said with a smile, "it's nothing. Lao Liu, go up." Said, he got into the TT car, driving all the way East. In an ice cream shop, Duan Hong stops slowly, takes out his mobile phone and dials to Zhu Shan“ Zhu Shan, can you ask your brother who sells watermelon to do me a favor? "“ Yes, very much. "“ They are familiar with the Xu group in Haizhong. They help me to investigate the Xu group and why the old Xu family has been able to enter in these short years of development. In addition, what is the old Xu family doing now? He led the way with the bad idea The other end of the phone was silent for a while and said, "no problem, Hong. I'll try my best to help you." After receiving the line, Duan Hong got out of the car and walked back to the KTV opposite Shengde. It's the morning of the day and it's not open yet. The Mercedes Benz is no longer there. Maybe Xu Laoer and Xu Laosan have already left. Duan Hong walked back and got on the bus. Suddenly, there was another person in his mind. With a sly smile, he drove to Jiefang South Street. Bawang car washing shop has a good business in the morning. Several cars at the gate are waiting for cleaning. Duan Hong pulls TT aside, gets off the car and walks over“ Is overlord here? " Duan Hong asked a car washing boy. The car washing younger brother stares at Duan Hong. Just as he wants to scold him, he suddenly feels that this person's face is a little familiar. When he wants to recall, he immediately remembers it. He was Duan Hong who came to smash the show last time! Scared little gangster body a shake, in the hands of the water gun let go, water spray everywhere“ In - in The little gangster quickly picked up the water gun from the ground and looked at Duan Hong timidly“ Well, my little brother, clean the car carefully. My car is parked there. I hope she will be clean when she comes out later. " Duan Hong then walked into the car shop. The little gangster immediately ran to TT with a water gun and washed it hard. It's said that the boss stabbed him in the back court. He didn't want to be the next one. Some of the little hoodlums in the car washing shop knew Duan Hong, and all of them who had seen his methods showed their faces in horror, wondering the purpose of this guy's coming. Duan Hong went to Bawang's office on the second floor, and suddenly he heard a sound of breath. okay? I fuck, is the overlord in the office to watch blockbusters, the voice is really big, I don't know if this guy's anus is good? Duan Hong peeked through the crack in the door. At the moment, the whole person was shocked. His body became stiff, and a certain part reacted quickly. Bawang, an old boy, is pressing a woman on his desk with his cart! The woman's white chest is pressed on the desk, extruding various shapes. The overlord also yelled at the flowers