Chapter 597

"Let go of that girl!" The fat man roared and pushed away the strong man on the plane with his big hand. The man seemed to have no roots at his feet. He stepped back two steps and squatted on the ground.

"Baga!" An accomplice of the strong man began to yell at the fat man in Japanese. He was about the same size as the fat man, but he was very thin. He had a small moustache on his lips, two toad eyes and bad breath.

The fat man couldn't understand what he said, but he could smell the smell of salted fish. He quickly stood in front of the two stewardess and looked at the stunned man on the ground.

The strong man got up from the ground, recognized the fat man, and laughed: "it's you, get out of here." Then he talked to his two friends in Japanese.

The stewardess trembled slightly and her face was full of panic.

"Miss, you - don't be afraid, I'll protect you. Well, what are they talking about? I don't understand The fat man asked the stewardess who had beaten him.

At this moment, Duan Hong and Wangyue misty cangmeng came over. The stewardess saw Duan Hong look better, and hurried to his side, nervous: "this gentleman, you help us."

"What's the matter?" Duan Hong was puzzled.

The stewardess pointed to the strong man and said, "sister Zhao and I are on a shift today. The day after tomorrow, we are flying back from Tokyo to Shanghai. So when we fly from Fukuoka to Tokyo, we have him with us. He said that he was a judo coach and came to Tokyo to carry out friendly exchanges between China and Japan. He also said that there was a party in the evening and asked us if we would join in. Anyway, there was nothing to do. Seeing him fight for justice on the plane, he agreed. But he didn't expect that he would bring us into that kind of place and sell us. Fortunately, sister Zhao and I ran fast, Otherwise, you may not be able to go back to Shanghai. "

When the fat man heard it, his teeth crackled, and his eyes could burst out fire. Although the stewardess rejected him, he might even regard him as a patient, in his heart, he once loved this woman, although it was only a few minutes, and now other men even want to sell the woman he once loved, which is intolerable.

Duan Hong thought to himself, "it's a good thing for a fat man that the stewardess is killed now. It depends on how to operate." As soon as he turned his eyes, he thought about it.

He grabbed the fat man and said in a voice that could be heard by the stewardess, "brother, don't be angry. Let me negotiate with them."

"Big brother?" The fat man was stunned. Seeing Duan Hong blinking at him, he immediately understood.

The big man saw Duan Hong, slightly moved, and continued to point out what to say with the Japanese like monkeys around him.

Duan Hong said with a smile to the stewardess, "Miss, you don't have to panic. In fact, all this is under my elder brother's control." He pointed to the fat man.

At this time, the fat man's back to them, facing the three strong men, his legs apart, just at this time, there is a breeze, lift up his coat, you can see the clenched fists, trousers hunting with the wind, showing the strong thighs, thick back, give people a full sense of security.

The stewardess stagnated slightly and thought to herself, "this figure is like the God of gamblers in the movie."

Duan Hong said: "Miss, we are compatriots. Now I can't hide it from you. Please forgive my elder brother. In fact, my elder brother is a senior inspector of the Central Security Bureau, and the guy who talks shit is a transnational criminal of human trafficking. This time we came to Japan to investigate his source. On the plane, my elder brother was smart, I can see that he has been unfaithful to you. In order to achieve his goal temporarily, there is an ugly side on the plane. The purpose is to create a situation where you and that guy know each other. I want to use you as bait to attract this guy to take the bait. Along the way, you made the plane. My brother, I and my two deputies drove to the plane. "

Duan Hong said that the stewardess was stunned and continued: "in fact, we have been protecting you secretly. He did not dare to do anything on the plane. When he got off the plane, he showed his ugly face. We saw you and this comrade follow this man into that place. Just when my brother and I were going to go in and rescue you, you and your colleagues ran out, When I see them yelling at you, my elder brother can't hold it any longer. I wish I could rescue you from deep trouble immediately! The situation is just like this. I can't explain it to you one by one because of the lack of time. I hope you understand that with my elder brother, there is no problem with your safety. "

The stewardess could not accept the fact for a moment, and her face was filled with surprise and joy. "Is all this true?" She looked at the back of the fat man Wei'an and felt a sense of security and a trace of apology. She regretted that she had done so much on the plane.

If you think about it, there must be a reason why a normal person can't do that kind of behavior on the plane. In order to catch criminals and eradicate crimes for society, he sacrificed his image. His spirit of sacrificing himself for others, but his image also needs to be promoted. When can I find it.

No, I've found it. Didn't dad always want me to marry a □? Although he looks ugly, but the heart is very tall, I also think of him as a mean person, it's my fault.

For a moment, the stewardess not only forgives the fat man, but also looks forward to how the fat man will arrest the criminal.

At this time, the three people on the opposite side also finished talking. That person Zhonghu took out his mobile phone and made a phone call. Almost the next minute, from a high-end club across the street, there were seven or eight young people in strange clothes, carrying knives.

"Ah?" When the stewardess saw the knife, she was startled and said to Duan Hong, "they are a group. They have knives!"

Duan Hong gave her a smile: "Miss, don't panic. My elder brother is known as Jackie Chan in reality. He used to be" Tyson "of the Security Bureau. It's as simple as drinking cold water for him to fight ten at a time. We can just watch him in the back."

"Ah? You - why don't you help him? " The stewardess are worried.

Duan Hong said: "you see, I'm thin and weak. I'm good at giving advice. I'm not good at fighting and killing."

The fat man put all the conversations between Duan Hong and the stewardess into his ears. His eyes were moist and he said to himself, "Hong, good brother! I admire that I can think of this method to completely turn the situation around with just a few words. "

The strong man took a baseball bat, rubbed it in his hand and said with a smile, "Psycho, do you want to be a hero? Ha ha, I'll make you a bear. " He said and hit the fat man on the head.

The fat man leaned over and said, "you are a heartless guy. Today I won't talk about your arrest." He lowered himself and hit the strong man in the stomach with an old fist.

Fat man's fist even half robot Rooney can't bear, not to mention is a little hunk, this guy just feel the intestines inside the belly are mixed together, a burst of swelling, excrement unbearable spray out.

With a cry, he sat down on the street, breathing hard, his chest was misty, and his eyes were black. He remembered what the man on the plane said, this fat man can hit him with one punch, but he can't pull out the excrement!

This sentence is wrong and should be reversed.

That person Hu jiankuang, a Hello, 89 people with guys shouting rushed past, fat man with a calm face, these guys do not constitute any threat to him.

He is very fast, like a brave leopard. He raises his foot and kicks Zhonghu in the face. This guy flies out, his face is bloody, his mouth is full of blood, and he keeps spitting out his teeth.

He put his left arm up on his temple to block a man's steel stick. He hit the man with his right fist. He only heard a click. He didn't know how many ribs were broken.

Three people were knocked down by him in less than a minute.

Stewardess can't help but look a little crazy. They fly around all day, or they sleep at home and reverse the time difference. They have seen such exciting scenes there. The stewardess' colleague was also a good-looking girl with a blue scarf around her neck. She pulled her and asked, "what's the big brother's name? Do you have his number? He's from the Security Bureau. I'm a stewardess. We're going to have a landing. Please turn on your mobile phone. Oh, I'm so embarrassed. "

Cang Meng's eyes were always fixed on Duan Hong's face: "what kind of man is he? He raped a young lady and liked to boast, but his strength was really good. He changed the scene in a few words, and even showed the unique melancholy temperament of a wandering poet when he raised his hands and feet. He - Oh, what do I want him to do? "

As he spoke, the fat man fell into the crowd. It was like a female wolf in heat getting into the henhouse. It was like a hungry tiger breaking into the sheep. He was in the limelight. He relaxed and tried his best to perform the difficult movements. He was surrounded by three kicks, 360 degree whirlwind kicks and elbows. Soon, there were only two young men who were submissive and didn't dare to step forward, One of them had a shiny knife in his hand.

Duan Hong scolded the fat man for his simple mind. He opened his mouth and yelled, "brother, be careful. We have a heavy task. Don't get hurt!" In particular, the word "injured" in the back is particularly loud.

Eight or nine people besieged him and he was not injured, let alone two left?

On hearing this, the fat man immediately understood that Duan Hong had given him the idea. A scene came to his mind that he was wounded by a knife. The stewardess, like a virtuous wife, bandaged his wound with sadness and worry.

This kind of scene, how to make people yearn for, he immediately yelled, the voice was loud, scared the two shrimps hands to shake, even dropped the knife on the ground.

Oh, these two bastards, how can they be so unbearable.

Fat heart a burst of dark scold, one of the shrimps as if scared what determination, turned to run, the other directly knelt on the ground.

This sudden change is really surprising.

Just when the fat man was frustrated and hard to get hurt, he realized that Dugu Jiubai wanted to be defeated once all his life.

At this time, the strong man slowed down. His buttocks were full of feces, smelly and uncomfortable. He wished he could put the feces into the fat man's mouth. With a cry, he grabbed the knife that someone had dropped from the ground and rushed to the fat man.

"Why? Opportunity The fat man was almost moved to cry. He quickly pretended to be incredible and scared, pretended to barely avoid the knife, and let the knife brush his waist.

Immediately, the sharp knife left a bloodstain on his back waist.


The two stewardesses were in a panic.

"Go and eat your shit!" The fat man barked and hit the heart of the strong man with a fist. With a click, the heart of the strong man immediately stopped beating and fell to the ground.

At this time, the surrounding has been surrounded by people, moon haze suddenly saw a familiar face in the crowd, the elegant face also looked at her“ It's not good Looking at the moon, misty heart a tight, quickly whispered to Duan Hong: "the play almost the end, or will really not go."