Chapter 305

He stood on the Langfang of the Wanyi Pavilion and looked at the banquet garden over the pink and white Pavilion. He told Qin Shou, "next time, let those embroiderers use more cloth. I don't lack this money."

Qin Shou didn't understand what he said. He didn't want the princess to wear too much clothes and let others see.

Now the skin is invisible, to this extent.

My possessive desire is a bit fierce.

The flower feast is arranged in a small garden in a small white attic. The people in the prince's mansion are in an orderly way. This exception is gorgeous and publicized.

The garden is covered with light gauze curtains, and the utensils are also complete sets of white marble products.

Delicate snacks are packed in a more elegant jade plate, which makes people greedy.

These are all made exclusively by the chefs of the king's mansion. Few people can taste them at ordinary times.

Gu Bailu ordered to have a flower feast. In fact, she didn't care about anything. She even saw the banquet hall for the first time.

She stood on the jade steps and looked at the beautiful scene. She couldn't help sighing that it was really a dream scene.

I didn't expect her to be the master.

"It's well arranged, aro. Enjoy it."

"Ah Luo, like a boy of loose wealth, called the steward of the tent:" the lady said, there is a reward in the whole house

The steward went down with a smile.

Feng Qingtian is in a good mood and knocks on the pillar beside him: "I know that this flower feast must let her open, so that she can have the consciousness of the hostess."

It's not. It's much easier for the officials in the government.

When she gets used to it, she can't let it go.

It's the same with him.

"The LORD said so." At this time, we should flatter and let the prince enjoy himself.

Gu Bailu looks up and sees Feng Qingtian standing here in the wanton Pavilion. She is tall and jade standing. Today, she is wearing a white Royal robe with crescent teeth, a blue silk high pull, and a pair of attractive eyes.

Yes, fengqingtian is such a contradictory and beautiful object. Sometimes he gives you a cold look, which can make your body numb.

Those haunting eyes are so attractive.

But his whole body is full of male tension, born with a strong aura, let people be hooked and shocked by his domineering.

Such a contradictory and beautiful object, however, was given sleep by her.

Gu Bailu chuckled and ran to him briskly: "it's all ladies today, Wang Ye. What are you doing? Are you looking for your ex lover in it?"

Feng Qingtian pinches her cheek and pinches it hard: "let you talk nonsense."

Gu Bailu hooked his arm: "I'm not talking nonsense. Your ex lover Nan Ningxin will come."

She can be sure that Nanning Xin will play an eye-catching role and compare her with others this time.

But she didn't want to steal the limelight from her, so she wore conservative clothes today.

Feng Qingtian reached out to straighten out her lapel and pulled her collar to her neck: "go to change, your shoulders are exposed, don't get cold."

Gu Bailu's dress, with open collars on both sides, is V-shaped. When the collar falls down, the pink belly pocket inside will be exposed. The design is unique and sexy.

This kind of clothes is very conservative in this continent. Many people in the street are wearing avant-garde ancient clothes, with large breasts, deep hooks, thighs and narrow waist.

A glance at the past is very eye-catching.

"It's not cold." Gu Bailu doesn't care.

Because the clothes of Tianchan silk were originally smooth and tender. In addition, Gu Bailu's skin was bone soft and smooth. When he turned around, the collar slipped down again.

Feng Qingtian's eyes narrowed slightly, sweeping to Qin Shou.