Chapter 892

Su Shen is annoyed with women's affairs. He never lets the bodyguard speak truthfully. In his opinion, women should know his whereabouts, so that they can be jealous and angry, which is fun.

He doesn't like women's gentleness and magnanimity. He likes women to eat small vinegar for him.

As long as there is no big deal.

Bu Yaolian frowned: "last night, shaozun was also resting in their room?"

"Back to the girl, yes."

Bu Yaolian felt a sharp pain in her heart, which made her feel sad.

Although he used to go to other beauties from her room, he didn't really have a relationship with him.

She would be unhappy, but not as sad as she is now.

Self mocking smile, fork a piece of saliva chicken gnawed down.

Last night I was worried that I would be tired to death. Today I was slapped in the face.

You are too tired to serve. There are a lot of beauties coming to serve him.

three as like as two peas, what is the problem of what physical problems do not worry about.

You can come in turn overnight.

Three waitresses and one husband are really enjoyable.

Bu Yaolian laughs at her innocence and thinks that if she believes in the moon, she will hold back.

But I forgot at all. There are others without her.

Bu Yaolian shakes her head and nibbles at her delicious food.

Who makes her like such a romantic and happy man.

From the time when I liked her, I knew that he was such a character. Now, I don't have the right to suffer.

Like their own men, bite teeth also want to like in the end.

The heavy rain did not decrease, the window hanging up the water curtain, step Yao lotus eat a half full dare not eat.

I'm afraid of accumulating food again.

Just then, the waiters shouted out, "little monk."

Bu Yaolian then saw Su shenfan come in with a fresh air.

He was still in a high spirited manner, with a sinister smile on his lips, which showed that he was in a good mood.

Being served by three beauties together, I think I have enough to eat. I'm satisfied in that respect, so I'm happy.

She stood up and saluted, "little one."

Su shenfan sat down, looked at the meal on the table, frowned slightly: "I haven't come yet, why have you eaten so much. "

Bu Yaolian's face was dazed:" no one told me that you would come to have dinner together. "

Aren't you at sanjinhua?

Why don't they have food there?

"Su Lian! I need to send someone to inform you when I want to eat? " Su shenfan pulled down his face.

Bu Yaolian quickly confessed, "no, I thought you would stay there for dinner when I saw something important about you."

It's true that she sent someone to ask Su Shen if she would like to have dinner together.

Today, she heard that he went to sanjinhua, and she was too lazy to ask.

So that people don't think she goes to someone else's house to rob a man.

Su Shen looks up and stares at her: "how do you think this is the way that I went to others? Are you very unhappy?"

Bu Yaolian climbed up to him and grabbed his arm: "no, it's my fault. Your adult doesn't care about villains."

Su Shen snorted with annoyance and coldness, "you know that you haven't eaten all of them."

In Su shenfan's opinion, bu Yaolian ate as much as she did yesterday, and a cow could swallow this table.

"No I dare not Yesterday It's hard to stay up late. " Bu Yaolian blushed.

It's too expensive to think that she's a beautiful woman, a beautiful country, delicate and elegant, but she has stomachache due to eating too much accumulated food.