Chapter 1071

She didn't ask for anything. She asked for a child who was bothered by Sushen to satisfy her love and thoughts for him.

"What do you want to do if you don't eat on time with your baby?" Su shenfan hurriedly tells people to pass on the meal.

Bu Yaolian now has an appetite. She climbs down from the bed with a smile. No matter how tired she is, she runs to the couch and sits there waiting for food.

Su Shen is tired of looking at her like this. She is really out of temper.

This woman It's the fucking thing to do.

When the meal came up, bu Yaolian was seven points full and dared not eat any more.

It's said that pregnant women eat a lot, and she may also be fat, so it will be very troublesome to give birth. It doesn't matter if she dies of dystocia, the most afraid thing is that the baby can't be born.

"Why do you eat so little?"

Su Shen asked with a frown.

Having seen Gu Bailu's kind of pregnant woman eat, he has already felt that Bu Yaolian's appetite is too small.

"I've eaten too much. I can't eat more now when I'm pregnant. If I'm too fat, it's easy to have a baby and it's difficult to give birth. The baby is still young, and I haven't really grown up. I don't need to eat too much now."

Su Shen was tired of hearing this, but he didn't dare to let her eat more.

It's true that Bu Yaolian's body is plump now. She eats everything long. If she is too fat to have children, it's not good.

Now that she has decided to leave her child, Su Shen feels bored and wants her to have a good life. Never make a mistake.

Other children are not saved, and neither are women.

Su shenfan hugs her to stay: "let people wait on you to wash and sleep well."

Bu Yaolian grins at him: "haole, make sure to sleep well, so that children can grow up quickly."

Su shenfan bowed his head and bit her: "next time I dare to tell you not to entangle with me."

Bu Yaolian hugged him: "I dare not."

As long as she can give birth to the baby, she can promise anything.

Su shenfan put her in bed: "don't get out of bed."

Then he turned and went out.

Bu Yaolian shouted, "little Shaozun, where are you going? It's so late... "

"You are pregnant, can you serve me?" Su Shen looks back at her, his face is gloomy.

Bu Yaolian bit her lips, but she couldn't.

You must not let shaozun touch it in the first three months.

She can only watch Su Shen go out.

But I comforted myself. This is the prince's mansion. Su Shen brings her a beauty with him. No one else can serve him.

He's not looking for another woman.

In spite of this, bu Yaolian didn't sleep well this night.

This is about There is gain, there is loss.

Because she is pregnant, she can't wait for Su shenfan. Su shenfan is such a romantic man. How can she stand loneliness without a beautiful woman.

Just because he doesn't have any beauties around doesn't mean that there are no beauties outside the mansion.

All the beauties in the GouLan yard are the beautiful spirits of the sharp ones, which are better than her skill.

Bu Yaolian worried about it all night, and the next day she went black.

Gu Bailu didn't sleep well either, because she was waiting for something to eat. She was waiting for the pimples made by her Lord. Although there was something else to eat in the middle to fill her stomach, it was the thing made by Feng Qingtian.

But she waited and waited. From day to night, all she had to wait for were: "princess, the prince thought he didn't do a good job in this dish, and then he collapsed."

"Princess, the prince has made some progress, but he is still not satisfied that he can't give you food."