Chapter 1075

Bu Yaolian became nervous, but when she heard the cry in the delivery room, she felt excited again: "I'm born. I must be a very healthy young man if I cry so loudly."

"It needs to be said." Su Shen is so upset that he doesn't need to guess.

As for the son of heaven and earth, such a niucha's identity can never be a girl.

But he would not say that to bu Yaolian.

Afraid to frighten her, a dragon can frighten her, let alone Gu Bailu and Feng Qingtian.

If it wasn't for the cooperation with the demon lord, he might not know that Feng Qingtian and Gu Bailu are so big.

Have steady old woman to come out to pour water, step Yao lotus a Luo still has night tassel they hurriedly gathered up: "how, princess is OK?"

"Ha ha, well, the princess is the most blessed person. It takes at least one or two hours to have a baby. The princess is born in less than half an hour. The little prince is very energetic. How loud do you cry..."

"God, what is that?" Someone shouted in the yard.

When you look out, there are countless colorful auspicious clouds floating in the sky of the prince's mansion. A large area looks like a rainbow of marshmallows.

A rainbow like light shines down and covers the whole mansion.

Su Shen is annoyed to see that it is the son of heaven and earth who is born. If he doesn't have such auspicious omens, he can't show his identity.

"When a young son is born, there are such rare auspicious omens. I'm afraid no one who has lived for several years has seen them!" Wenpo goes in excitedly to congratulate the emperor and the concubine.

Gu Bailu fell asleep in the childbirth bed and let go of the ball. She felt more relaxed than ever. She was tired and relaxed. Now she didn't even want to open her eyes, let alone see what the little son looked like.

The stable old woman holds to Feng Qingtian to see: "Lord, the little son was born pretty, the maidservant has never seen a child born so white and lovely."

Feng Qingtian stroked Gu Bailu's forehead and said, "good life is waiting for you. Keep quiet and don't disturb the princess."

Wenpo retreated carefully, holding the son in her arms, and put him in the cradle.

Can't help but sigh that such a lovely little son was born so ignored by his parents.

It's so unreasonable.

A stable woman rushed in: "Lord, there are auspicious omens outside. The sky is full of colorful auspicious......"

Before she finished her excitement, Feng Qingtian's eyes caught her and she dared not speak again.

Next to the stable woman pulled her to go out: "the prince does not let people disturb the princess rest."

Wenpo's face turned white with fright, and she went to visit happily, forgetting that the prince was a wife in love with his life.

Bu Yaolian and Su Shen are bothered that they want to go in to see them. Even the stable women dare not let people in.

"I'm afraid that when the princess wakes up, she will have a chance to meet the little prince." I'm sorry, wenpo.

The sky over the prince's mansion was covered by auspicious clouds. The people of Baidi city all saw it. Many people flew to the roof to see the miracle. They couldn't believe that it was really auspicious clouds.

Not only the colorful auspicious clouds, but also the colorful light directed to the courtyard of the prince's mansion.

This What happened?

"It seems that the month is full, isn't it that the little prince is born?" Someone guessed.

"My God, no way. It's such a auspicious omen for the birth of a young son. It's amazing later..."

"The emperor has not yet ascended the throne. When he takes over the throne, the little son is the head of the country, so he can afford such a blessing."