Chapter 47

She was still too young, so she hated Jing Yan now. However, one day, when she was going to be married off, she might thank this big sister of hers for exposing her so early and forcing her to turn back.

"Jing Yan, just who is the cruel one?"

When she saw the tears rolling down Jing Yan's face, she took a tissue and handed it over: "Jing Yan, let it go past. I've already told daddy that after the new year, you will go to France to study."

"On what basis? Fu Jingzhi, Heh, this is so funny, why should you control my future? I like brother-in-law, I like him, he also likes me, why can't we be together? "

Because of his excitement, Jing Yan's voice unconsciously rose. In the coffee shop that played a moving and smooth melody, it seemed so sudden, and some people looked in their direction in shock, unaware, but they still smiled gracefully and gracefully.

She knew that she was being cruel, but if she was not forced to such a corner, how could she have ended up stabbing Jing Yan?

It was she who had injured Fu Jingzhi first, so she couldn't blame Fu Jingzhi for being merciless.

"If you like it, you have to be together, right? If you like it, you can be together, right? "

Jingwen's voice became colder and colder, her eyes that were as deep as wells stared straight into Jing Yan's eyes, her lips contained a faint smile: "Then, my mother and our father who stayed in America to recuperate also liked each other, why didn't you let your mother let them go?"

Jing Yan's face became deathly pale. She had never been a good person to argue with, and was now rendered speechless by Jingzhi. His two hands held onto the black tablecloth, and his entire body was swaying as if he was a doll that was about to be shattered. "This is different, this is different! Dad doesn't want to get a divorce because he loves Mom! "


Quiet And Steadfast sneered. She picked up the cold drink in front of her and gulped it down in one gulp, then followed the gullet through the esophagus and entered the room. It was so cold, so cold, yet she was completely unaware of it. Only, her clear eyes showed endless loneliness and mockery: "Father only loves one woman in this life, and that is my mother! But they still couldn't be together. Why? Therefore, your mother will be by your father's side all her life, yet my mother wants to be alone on the other side of the ocean. Fu Jingyan, tell me, if you like it, we can be together, but shouldn't you go home first and urge your mother to divorce my father and mother? "

"You — you — Fu Jingzhi, you —"

Jing Yan was dumbstruck. He never knew, his second sister who was quiet to the point of being stiff, his second sister who was forgotten, his second sister who did not know how to fight and could not snatch, would actually have such an imposing day. What was even more tragic was that she had nothing to say and could not refute it.

"But Brother-in-law doesn't love you. Brother-in-law hates you …"

Just now, in the private room behind her, she had heard all their conversation. Jing Yan had also heard about the matter of Meng Shaoting going to Hainan, and what made her even more guilty was that after returning from Hai Nan, Meng Shaoting had already told her clearly and clearly that it had been cut in two.