Chapter 147

Returning home after receiving the certificate, Song Rumei was in a good mood when she saw their marriage certificate. In the evening, she even said that she wanted to go out for a good meal. When she saw that her mother was in good spirits, she looked a little sickly, so she did not stop them. Song Rumei insisted on drinking a little bit of the liquor while Jingzhi and Shaoxuan drank a little too much.

However, Meng Shaoxuan was extremely happy as he listened to his obediently being the coachman. When they got home, Song Rumei said that he was tired, so he instructed the servant to push her back to her room. He also laughed that it was his wedding night, so she didn't want to be the electric light bulb anymore, so the two of them quickly took a bath and went to sleep. Perception.

When she found out that the light in her mother's bedroom had dimmed, she turned and walked towards her own bedroom. Meng Shaoxuan silently followed her without a word, and she also did not say a word. Her body seemed better, and she felt more at ease.

"Wife, go take a bath first." Meng Shaoxuan sat on the sofa in his bedroom. Seeing her silently take out his clothes with his head lowered, he knew that she was shy and didn't dare to mention the words of bathing with her.

The two of them went to take a bath. It was almost ten o'clock.

The heating in the room was on full blast, and with a thin blanket covering his body, he felt that it was still warm. When the bed came in, Jingwen's body shifted slightly, and then she felt the bed beside her sink in. Jingzhi's heart skipped a beat, and her hands couldn't help but tighten their grip on the sleep in front of her chest. Her clothes, the cotton fabric was soft and comfortable, she felt her palms were sweating little by little, her back was stiff, his breath was approaching, it was a bit fierce and pressing, Jingzhi trembled and closed her eyes, until he put his arm around her and pulled her into his embrace …

"Wife, don't be afraid. I'll wait for you to be ready to accept me …" He gently kissed her earlobes, and a distinct feeling of itchiness spread throughout her body. Knowing that her heart was beating rapidly, she firmly gritted her teeth and suddenly turned around to hug him. "Shaoxuan, I, I'm ready …"

He looked at her for a long time. The light from the lamp by the bedside was indistinct. Looking at such a delicate and exquisite face in front of him, he finally could not help but lower his head and kiss her. Her lips quivered for a moment as she slowly began to reply to him …

After a long while, suddenly, a heavy gasp came from Meng Shaoxuan's throat. Xi, followed by him holding Jingwen tightly in his arms, he frantically pecked her all over while muttering anxiously: "Wife …" "Wife …"

He kept calling out the name of Jingwen, gasping for air. Rest up, quiet to know the moment of confusion, feel small. A rolling sound came from his stomach. It was so hot that it felt sticky. Her mind went blank for a long time before she could react. "Shaoxuan …" "You …"

"Wife, I'm sorry …" Me, for the first time... "I couldn't hold it in …" He hugged her and refused to let go. He buried his face in her shoulder and refused to raise his head.