Chapter 359

Seeing him enter the security check, then the two waved goodbye. Why did Jie stand there and watch him enter? He could not help sighing. Seeing shaoting's reaction at the moment, he should be really determined. Because, from the beginning to the end, he didn't turn back, nor did he have a trace of hesitation.

Why Jie stood for a while, can't help thinking of Acacia, I don't know, when he forced her to go that day, what kind of situation she would be.

After thinking about it for a while, he thought it was ridiculous. Even if he didn't give up at the moment, he would never care about a woman to such an extent.

Think like this, but still feel a certain part. Bit seems to be what is being pulled in general, the pain of the small pieces.

When she got off, Jing knew that the blood on her feet almost soaked the just wrapped Wei. The raw paper was soaked. She simply bit her teeth to throw away the wet paper, and walked into the waiting hall barefoot on slippers.

The sun was shining in from the transparent glass in all directions. Everything seemed to be unreal. She was stunned for a moment. Then she stepped forward with the pain of her foot.

The airport is so big and there are so many people. She can't help but feel powerless and hopeless, but she still stubbornly bears the pain step by step and looks at it one by one.

Why Jie saw Fu Jingzhi in the crowd almost at a glance? It's not that she looks so good, but the expression on her face at the moment. People who want to pass by her can't help but look at her more, and then quickly avoid walking around.

Her walking posture is not right, as if her foot is injured. Sure enough, why Jie looked down and saw that the slippers on her left foot were dyed red.

He stopped and hesitated. Would you like to stop her and tell her where Meng shaoting is?

But thinking of what his brother said, he hesitated and wondered why Jie, after all, pretended not to see it and walked out of the hall from the other side.

At such a time, shaoting's stay is not good. The wind and rain all over the city is also a fatal test of their feelings. In such an environment, who is still in the mood to talk about love? What's more, it's a matter between them. As an outsider, it's better not to interfere.

Moreover, he was a little selfish. He tortured his brother so badly. If he didn't suffer a little, he would not be able to see it.

Jingzhi has looked for the airport almost all the time, but there's no Meng shaoting. After all, she still can't support her. She finds a seat and sits down, but her eyes are still fixed on the security entrance.

One by one, but not the Meng shaoting she was looking for.

She sat from morning to noon, and then from noon to evening. Her posture did not change, and her face did not change. The only thing that changed was her eyes.

At first, it was bright with the expected luster, but at the end, it was a blank, like a dark pool, which drowned all hopes and fantasies.

The sun disappeared and replaced it with a light as bright as the day light, which only added a bit of unspeakable desolation to her body. She thought about going for several times, but she was afraid. When she turned around, he just came over and passed by. When she was hungry, she bought a bag of bread and warm milk tea. She couldn't eat it, but she thought again When you are pregnant, you force yourself to swallow food one mouthful at a time.

The bread was very soft at first, but I don't know why. She just felt that she couldn't swallow it, as if her throat was stuck by two hands. She chewed it repeatedly and tried to swallow it by herself until the tears came out. She coughed violently, covered her stomach, squatted on the ground and vomited in a mess. It seemed that the bile came out and the tears were all covered Face, she did not feel embarrassed, but the heart is like a hole, painful she just want to cry

She didn't even bring her bag with her. She just took her handbag when she came out. She didn't even have a tissue on her body. She squatted on the ground and didn't dare to stand up. There are so many people here. She's in such a mess again. What should she do?

How good would it be if he could hold her if he appeared by her side at the moment? What she once easily got was lost by her foolishness, pushed away by her own hand, and hugs and kisses that she never thought were precious, now they are also hard to buy

Just shaoting If you love me as you say, if you really see me as a pearl, how can you give up so easily?

There was a hand on her shoulder, her heart tightened, it seemed that her heart would burst out, but she heard the beautiful female voice in her ear: "Fu Jingzhi?"

Her heart seemed to fall from the cloud to the ground, smashed, I don't know how long, she just nodded: "it's me..."

Gu Liusu's voice relaxed a little: "what are you doing here? Oh, you vomit. Are you sick? Don't worry, I'll get you water... "

As Gu Liusu said, he handed over the paper towel, and stretched his long fingers back to the man who stood face to face, saying, "honey, help me to buy water."

Lu Fang's face looked at her calmly, turned around and walked away. Jing Zhi took the paper towel and wiped her face dry, which made her squat numb. She stood up slowly, her crying face was swollen, and her eyes were swollen. Gu Liusu was shocked to see her at the moment. "How did you do this? What about your man? "

Jingzhi's tears came down with a swish. She covered her face and shook her head gently: "he left, he didn't want me..."

Gu Liusu is also stunned at the same place. She and Lu have been abroad these days, but she doesn't know what happened.

"Come on, don't think about it so much. You look terrible at the moment. Come back with me first. If he really leaves, it's useless for you to cry here. The men in the world are not dead. It's a big deal to change one, isn't it?"

Gu Liusu was still talking, but suddenly there was a cold hum behind her. Her face froze, and she turned to see Lu Fangqing standing there like a door god.

Gu Liusu takes the water from his hand and laughs: "it's a joke."

Lu Fang snorted again, and looked at her with a smile. Her thin lips showed a good-looking arc. The eyes of the tassel were red, and her heart was full of stomach rage. Her family's Liuliu is really beautiful, even staring at people is so fascinating!

Back to Gu Liusu's residence, Jing knows that she has arranged it in the guest room. After taking a bath, Gu Liusu forces her to drink a bowl of porridge. She doesn't ask anything, and drives her to sleep.

Jingzhi lies on the bed. It's a strange big bed. She can't sleep at all. She plays all these days in her mind like a movie. In fact, her last contact with Meng shaoting turned out to be the short phone call yesterday. In fact, today, she hasn't seen him for 12 days.

If you really break up, that's OK. You always have to meet with me and tell me personally, right? And now what is that? I left without saying a word. You left me here alone. Have you ever thought about it? What should I do?

But if I do meet you, if I really listen to you say two words of cold break-up, how can I stand it? Are you afraid that you will not be able to leave when you see me, so you can just say that without saying it, you will leave hard hearted? Or is there something you can't tell me and hide from me?

She was so confused that she just took the phone in the guest room and dialed his cell phone number. Over and over again, it was just the voice of the cold mechanical girl. She held the phone and sat beside the bed, but she kept dialing the number that had become an empty number like a demon

I don't know if you've ever had such an experience in your life. Obviously, that person will never answer your phone again, and that person will never reply to your SMS, but you still can't control it. You can't control the number that you dial out, and then listen to the continuous beep. It's also satisfying. Then, weave a paragraph by paragraph Send him a text message with tears, and then wait a long time, one day, or all night, when you wake up in the morning, the mobile phone is still in your hand, rolling and burning, but the tears on your face have not been done overnight

He will never come back, his mobile phone is no longer to wait for you and turn on 24 hours a day, he is no longer in a hurry to call back for a message, he decided to give up your moment, will you be excluded from life, everything you do, in his eyes, is ridiculous and naive.

I don't know if you've ever had such an experience, but I know clearly that girls who are going through such a stage are so pitiful and heartbreaking If there is no way to give her the same love, then don't give her the hope and opportunity to put in.