Chapter 711

"This flower is really fragrant. It's very long. Do you like it, madam?"

Magpie China holding a basin of lush grass came in, purple flowers are extremely brilliant, Ji Ji raised his eyes, face calm smile completely frozen.

"Where did the flower come from?"

Magpie China did not find the strange season, self-care answer.

"The princess heard that the lady went to look for the grass in person, so she asked someone to send such a basin, saying that she could enjoy it."

Ji Zhen's heart is falling down. Only the ninth Lord Qin Zhun knows about his search for Jue Cao. He hasn't said much, but Liang Yuan knows about it. That means Qin Zhun has said it. Their feelings should be very close to each other.

"Where is the lady going to put the flower?"

Magpie China holding the grass looked around indecisive, Ji is not so mood, casually pointed to the window said.

"Just put it there. Although the flowers are small, they need to see the light."

"Yes, I'm going to put it on."

Ji Heng felt that his mouth was full of bitter taste, which was a bit more bitter than the first day of taking the tocolysis pill. It turned out that love without permission was not the most painful, but the most painful thing was that there was no possibility of love at all.

That day, Ji Heng watched Qin Zhun bend down to pick up the grass that he had dropped on purpose and put it on his nose to smell it. But in a twinkling of an eye, he told Liang Yuan that they met and said something. He even probably told him what he had said. All kinds of performances told him that he couldn't get in between them. As long as he didn't leave, he would always be a poor man.

"Madam, you need to have a rest. The sun is very big outside."

Quehua glanced at the hot light under the veranda of the eye window, and some of them were reluctant to leave the room. If Ji Zhen took a nap, he would watch outside, and he would be able to squint for a while without being heated.

Magpie China's idea is good, but Ji he doesn't cooperate at all. Ji He looks at the basin of grass by the window and caresses his stomach.

"The doctor said that it's good for you to walk more and have a baby. I can't sleep and want to go out for a walk."

"But madam, the sun outside is really..."

"Well, I don't want to go far. You don't have to follow me. If the princess asks, I'll say it."

Ji Heng felt very bored. At this time, Liang Yuan used to take a nap, and no one would care if he went out of the palace.

This is just a flash of thought. Ji Zhen suddenly thought of the second elder of Miao. At this time, Ji Zhen felt that he was useful and worth talking to.

Magpie China looked at the past and return of Ji, did not understand the blink of an eye, but wait for Ji finished, magpie China can't laugh.

"Madam, are you going to the west of the city at this time?"

Ji Heng doesn't know what's wrong with the doumi lane he said, but he knows from the expression of Quehua that it's not a good place.

"I want to see it. I've heard about it before."

"Madam, that doumi lane is very dirty. Now this season and this day, the smell of doumi lane is also very bad. Ordinary people have nothing to do. Where can they go to that place..."

Quehua is trying to persuade Ji He, but Ji He is determined to go. Quehua and others, just like Ji he guessed, won't bother Liang Yuan for Ji He, so Ji he won in the end.

The green curtain carriage moved forward slowly. As soon as Qin Zhun got off the horse, he saw the carriage driving away from the gate of the palace. The carriage was not the place for the princess to travel. In addition, Emperor Kangxian was clamoring for Zen today. Qin Zhun managed to stabilize him.

Qin Zhun didn't want to accept the throne. However, the more Qin Zhun refused, the more emperor Kangxian insisted. Those princes who called their uncle looked at them like hungry wolves and tigers saw a big piece of meat.

Qin Zhun pinched his eyebrows and raised his feet. He went to the palace without asking the porter who was leaving in the carriage.

The old woman was surprised at the arrival of Ji Yu. She thought it would be some time before she could see the virgin again. Unexpectedly, at this time today, the virgin would come alone. The old woman understood that she would come alone without the nine princesses.

Ji didn't spend much time to leave Quehua and others outside doumi lane. It's really because these people, though servants, live much better than ordinary people. They all look very ugly because of the bad smell. They try to resist the desire to vomit to persuade Ji. Ji doesn't know whether it's their natural endurance or the cold insects in their body that play a role, With a calm look, he left all of them at the entrance of doumi lane and found the yard where the second elder lived.

"The saint girl suddenly arrived. It's very simple here."

The old woman rubbed her hands and looked at Ji He with a bigger stomach. She sat down slowly and decided to sit down. Then she turned to the leaky kitchen and brought white water.

Ji Heng looked at the courtyard, and it was really dilapidated. The west of the city was the place where the poor people lived, and doumi lane was the poorest place in the west of the city. It was really not easy to live in such a place. He had endured for five years just to find himself.

Before these five years, Ji Zhen did not intend to ask where the people in Miao Jiang were. Since he was willing to stay in doumi lane for five years, Miao Jiang certainly did not give up on himself.

"What's the order of the saint's coming today?"

The old woman looked at the desolation between Ji's eyebrows and eyes and asked speculatively.

Ji Heng raised his eyes and looked at the deep wrinkles on the two elders' forehead. He silently lowered his head to reveal his white neck with green veins, and sighed.

"I seem to... Seem to like people I shouldn't like."

"Nine kings?"

Ji Heng looked up at the two elders with a kind smile in surprise. He didn't need to answer this question. The two elders already knew.

"What's wrong with the man whom the saint has a fancy to, even if he's the most respectable one?"?! However, it's just a prince with a different surname. I don't think you need to hesitate. "

The old woman said that she was very confident, but Ji can't do it. She likes Qin Zhun more and more deeply, but she doesn't want to hurt Liang Yuan. This is the most uncomfortable part. It's impossible to be small. Liang Yuan won't allow such a person to exist at all. There is no concubine room in such a big jiuwangfu.

"Take out the cold insects in the body of the saint today, or you will suffer when you have a baby."

Ji Heng silently looked at her fingers. The insect was very comfortable in her body. Even in the midsummer, her perception of heat was a little weak. The day before yesterday, Quehua said that she was also pregnant. She had to put six ice kettles in the princess's room, and two in her room would be enough.

"Will this insect die if it leaves my body?"

"Once the insect recognizes the Lord, it will live and die with the Lord."