Chapter 745

Wenpo cleaned up the baby's body and the amniotic fluid in her mouth and nose with warm water, and gave her pink baby to Qinglu, who was sweating and wiping her hands. Qinglu hesitated for a long time, but still didn't dare to reach out and push July forward.

"I'm... I'm afraid I'll hurt the child clumsily. Come on."

July wipe the sweat on the hand, according to the posture of wenpo teach carefully took over the child, looking at the child's small palm big face, July suddenly feel that even if there is more hatred, but also talk and laugh between the ashes, so small life how innocent, do not want to do to people's truth, he should not forget.

"The child looks so delicate. Look at the nose."

Qinglu came to look at the closed eyes of the child, although not his own, can still be happy with what, but also just look at such a look, Qinglu a heart back to Jiaojiao.


Qinglu saw that the doctor touched his delicate wrist again and waited for the doctor to speak, but he couldn't help opening his mouth after a few breath.

"It's OK. She just fell asleep. But she's losing a lot of money this time. She should take good care of herself. It's not suitable for her to have another child in three years."

After a short pause, Qinglu nodded clearly and bowed to the doctor again and again. There was no sign of loss and disgust. The doctor seemed to think of something. He patted Qinglu's shoulder with emotion and wrote down a prescription of biochemical soup.

Angelica sinensis, Ligusticum chuanxiong, peach kernel, dried ginger and licorice are not valuable medicinal materials, but the biochemical soup made of them is very good for Jiaojiao. Qinglu collected the prescription and wanted to send it to the doctor himself, but the doctor declined.

"It's not easy for your wife. I have legs and feet to go by myself. You'd better watch her."

After the doctor finished, he put on his medicine box and left. Qinglu glanced gratefully at the figure of the doctor stepping out of the door. As soon as he turned around, he heard a very subtle murmur. The murmur that ordinary people might not be able to hear seemed like thunder in Qinglu's ears.

Holding the child in July, he just wanted to ask Qinglu and wenpo to clean up the bloody bedding and mattress together. Then he saw Qinglu thrust himself into it with the child. He never knew where to put it. He took out a knife and rushed out.

Several people in black had already stood outside the room. The day was very spectacular. Qinglu rushed out of the room and saw the doctor lying in a pool of blood. The doctor's wide open eyes and mouth were telling Qinglu that before he died, the doctor wanted to warn the people in the room.

"He's just a doctor..."

Qinglu clenched his fist, and the knife in his other hand turned to light. The man in black raised his chin and snorted to the doctor's body on the ground.

"If you don't know what to do, you just want to die, and you, who betray your master, don't deserve such a happy way to die."

Qinglu squinted at the man in black standing in the courtyard, holding a sharp blade that was still dripping blood. He had never seen him, not Wei Hui.

"Whose order did you take?"

"You don't need to know who ordered you. You just need to know that obedience is your only choice."

"Oh --"

Qinglu raised his knife, and when it was ready to explode, there was a cry of the baby behind him. Qinglu turned his head in an instant, only to see July holding the baby, with a dagger on his neck, but the man holding the dagger was the steady woman.

"You are one of them

"Obedience is your only choice. Don't forget that there is still one in the bed."

When Qinglu heard wenpo mention Jiaojiao, her tense muscles suddenly relaxed, and the knife in her hand also dropped silently. The leader in black saw that Qinglu really gave up the resistance, and he was relieved.

Although he has never worked with Qinglu, he is also the dark guard of the Wei family. Naturally, the leader in black knows that Qinglu is very powerful. It's best not to fight.

At the moment when the leading man in black stepped forward, the hand of Qinglu clenched his fist suddenly raised, and a gold needle shot out of the sleeve pocket, directly hit wenpo's eyebrow and killed her. At the same time, the short knife hanging to the side of the body was raised again, straight at the leading man in black's chest.

Looking at Qinglu and the man in black fighting together in July, they stamp their feet with their children, turn around, step over wenpo's body, enter the house and put down the door bolt.

Although she knew that if Qinglu couldn't resist, she would catch a turtle in a jar, but she couldn't leave with her baby in her arms in July. Jiaojiao didn't have time to look at her baby, so she couldn't move her father out at the critical moment.

What I think in July is right. No matter how powerful Qinglu is, it's hard to beat him with two fists. What's more, those men in black are just inferior to Qinglu, but they are not all the losers. They can't unite together for a hundred moves, and Qinglu's body is full of color.

With a gesture, the leader in black instructed the rest of the people in black to retreat. The backhand of the dagger in his hand drew another line in front of Qinglu's scarred chest, and then the knife rolled up in Qinglu's hand flew out.

"You are so stubborn that you can't protect the women and children in that room even with your life. You'd better go back with us. At least you can make sure that you can wait until your woman wakes up."

Qinglu also wanted to resist, because after this sentence was stunned for a while, he knelt on one knee, his eyes fell on the closed door, and finally closed his eyes and acquiesced to obedience.

After all, we still can't get around the city, but these stolen days are just like God pitying himself. When the time comes, we have to pay them back.

Jiaojiao opened her eyes and looked at the shaking top of the carriage. She blinked for a long time before she said.

"July, where are you going this time?"

Jiaojiao felt very tired. Even if she was lying with the carriage, her bones would fall apart.

"It's on the way back to the capital."

Bearing the pain of the wound, Qinglu raised her hand, picked up the kettle and poured a cup of warm water, intending to wait on Jiaojiao to drink. Unexpectedly, Jiaojiao suddenly sat up and bumped into her injured right hand, and the tea spilled on her chest.

Jiaojiao couldn't care to ask about Qinglu's injuries. Her mind was still buzzing, especially now that she was not around in July. Jiaojiao stared at Qinglu with her red eyes open and asked in a hoarse voice.

"Why? Who is it? Wei Hui

Qinglu shook his head, looked at Jiaojiao's frightened eyes and said softly.

"It's Lord Wei who sent us back. Wei Hui... Wei Hui is dying."


Two drops of tears almost fell at the same time, smashed on the temporary bedding, and instantly dissipated the trace. Qinglu raised his hand and pointed the delicate eyes with some tears.

"Don't cry, the disease will fall in the confinement."