Chapter 234

The man walked out of the bathroom, wearing a bathrobe. When he came to the door of the room, he turned and looked.

Ye Xiaoxiao leans on the pillow with tears in his eyes and a dull expression. A few strands of hair stick to his cheek. There are deep and shallow kisses on his neck and shoulders.

The arms are red and bruised.

The man frowned and came to her.

Ye Xiaoxiao felt a heat coming near, holding the quilt tightly with both hands.

Bai Yehan sat down beside her and raised her hand slightly, trying to smooth the hair on her cheek, even to hold her in her arms.

finally, he still did not do this, deliberately suppressed the impulse of the heart, and put up the eyes of the pity, hold her chin in one hand, twist her head, and tone is cool. "Ye Xiaoxiao, you listen to me. From the beginning, this transaction is determined by me. I has the final say to do it.

, you can rest assured that I won't play with you for a long time. I'm tired of playing. I don't want you any more. I will let you go naturally. Otherwise, you will never want to leave here! As long as I have needs, you have to meet them unconditionally!

I remember I told you that once. Don't let me say it a third time

The room was surprisingly quiet. His words were like a sharp knife, stabbing at her one by one, mercilessly and without the slightest nostalgia.

Then he left.

Bai Yehan walked out of her room, went back to the master bedroom, leaned on the door, raised his head, his eyes were red, and his heart was aching. Those words, from his mouth, hurt not only her, but also himself.

Ye Xiaoxiao looks pale because of the pain, and is so stimulated by him, which makes her feel even worse. Until now, she doesn't understand why the white night cold suddenly becomes like this?

Although he was indifferent before and didn't treat her very well, at least not like now.

Tired of playing? Is she just a plaything to him? She can't leave until she's tired of playing?

She fell in love with him at first sight and deeply loved him. She could give everything for him, even her own life. In 13 years, she never changed. No matter how good Liu Yan was to her, the person she loved in her heart was always him. She really didn't know how long her love could last!

When they got up in the morning, they opened the door almost at the same time. When their eyes were facing each other, they were stunned and stopped.

Ye Xiaoxiao stepped back to let him go first. The man was impolite. He looked at his watch and went straight to the stairway. When he passed her, it was like a gust of wind. His eyes glanced at her without any emotion.

Ye Xiaoxiao followed. Wu Ma made breakfast and put it on the table. It was two bowls of noodles with the same ingredients.

Both of them were silent. Ye Xiaoxiao, who was very upset, raised his hand. When he raised his hand, he felt a deep pain. Unconsciously, he called out "ah!"

"What's the matter? Xiaoxiao, what's wrong with you? " Wu Ma's eyes are concerned, completely different from her past indifference.

White night cold eyes.

Ye Xiaoxiao shook his head, "it's OK. I twisted it accidentally."

"Oh, it's OK." Wu Ma just sat back to her own position. It seemed that there was something wrong with them. She was also a little flustered. She would be very happy to report to Suman if it was changed to before. But now, she began to worry about ye Xiaoxiao.

After breakfast, Bai Yehan gets up and goes to work. By the time ye Xiaoxiao arrives at the door, he has already driven away. He doesn't like to stand by the car intentionally or unintentionally to smoke a cigarette and wait for her to come out.

Ye Xiaoxiao's whole body aches, and his heart aches even more. He drives back to the company feebly.


after cleaning up the kitchen, Wu Ma went to the market to buy vegetables. She can't ride a bike. She takes the Louba in the community every day. Qingchengshan villa is very big. There is a Louba every ten minutes, which is very punctual.

Today, I don't know if they will come back for dinner. Wu Ma bought some dishes according to her usual habits, and specially bought Ye Xiaoxiao's favorite prawns and Bai Yehan's favorite fish.

Carrying vegetables, I went back to the platform at the gate of the community to wait for Louba. It was already autumn. The weather was still very hot and the sun was very hot. I found a tree and stood under it.

A red Ferrari stopped beside her. Suman rolled down the window and yelled, "Mom Wu, are you shopping? Let's go. I'll take you back. "

I don't know why. When I saw Suman again, Wu's mother was not so interested in her. "No, I'd better wait for Louba? It should be coming soon. "

"Come on up, I'll see you off. I'm going to see you as well," shouts Suman

Wu Ma craned her neck and saw no sign of Louba. After hesitating for a moment, she put the vegetables in the trunk and got on the bus.

Suman rolled up the car window. There was rock music in the car. Suman increased the volume. Wu Ma couldn't stand the shocking sound and leaned against the car window.

"Wu Ma, did ye Han come back last night?"

Wu Ma pointed to the place where the music was playing, and then pointed to her ears, indicating that she didn't hear clearly.

Suman had to turn down the volume, a little impatient, "I mean, did Yehan come back last night?"Wu Ma said, "I'm back. I had dinner at home."

"Oh, did he and ye Xiaoxiao have any abnormal reactions?" Suman thinks that Bai Yehan must have heard the recording before he deliberately avoided Ye Xiaoxiao and cheated them into going on a business trip and didn't want to go home.

Wu Ma knew what she meant and said with a smile, "it's very good, he and Xiaoxiao are very good, nothing unusual."

I thought, last time I was sick and needed your help, I didn't see you so active! I know that she is ill. For so many days, Suman has never called or asked. When I need her, I come to have a look.

Suman's hands holding the steering wheel trembled slightly. How could it be very good? Is Wu Ma wrong? She thought that Wu's mother was still as disgusted with Ye Xiaoxiao as before, and standing on her side, it would listen to Wu's tone, as if ye Xiaoxiao had improved? She had never said that Bai Yehan would be nice to Ye Xiaoxiao before!

Back in the villa yard, Suman parked the car, opened the trunk and found a box of Cordyceps and bird's nest for Wu Ma.

Wu Ma mentioned the bag with vegetables. Because there were fish, they were killed. Some blood came out of the bag. There was a fishy smell and some blood in the trunk.

Suman frowned and complained, "what's the matter? Did you buy fish? "

Wu Ma understood what she meant, blaming for soiling her car. "Yes, young master likes to eat fish, so I bought one, and prawns, yo, soiling your car."

This meeting, Suman inconvenient angry, heart scolded sentence, rural people are rural people, do not know to pay attention to! He took out some paper towels, covered his nose, wiped the trunk, took out the box of Cordyceps and bird's nest, followed Wu Ma, and went into the room. , the fastest update of the webnovel!