Chapter 269

Since the eyes can't see the blue soul mink, Ling Chen simply closed his eyes.

While closing his eyes, regardless of his mental energy consumption, his mental energy quickly spread around.

Now Ling Chen's mental power can condense energy particles within a radius of seven or eight kilometers, but if it is a perception of everything, his mental power can only cover a radius of 100 meters.

However, he believed that the sable was within 100 meters.

Half a second, you can run a hundred meters away, count your Niubi!

What's more, if the speed of the mink can reach half a second, it will be more than 100 seconds, and the mink will be in front of him.

He can't catch up with the sable!

Ling Chen thinks that the sable is hiding in the grass, but Not in the grass.

I felt it again, but I still didn't.

If it's not in the grass, it's up the tree.

Ling Chen's mental power is transferred from the ground to the air.

It's much easier to feel like this.

Within a hundred meters in front of the cave, there are only about 40 trees, and there are only more than 20 trees with dense branches, which can make the sable hide. Even if they feel one by one, they don't consume much mental energy.

But after feeling it twice in succession, I still didn't find any trace of the sable.

Ling Chen was depressed. The speed of Bi Po Diao really reached the point where he was 100 meters away in half a second?

What's the concept?

Almost catching up with the speed of the plane!

What kind of strength do you need to catch up with Bi Po Diao?

Is Hunyuan master OK?

But in the ancient martial arts, there are also brain cores of Bi Po minks. The price is about 800 to 1000 spirit stones.

The blood spirit pill has 100 pieces of spirit stone and the Tongluo pill has 200 pieces of spirit stone. By analogy, the brain nucleus of Bi Po mink is quite cheap.

If it's something that Hunyuan masters can get, how can it be as cheap as a thousand spirit stones?

Even if the brain nucleus of the Bi Po mink is not useful for those martial arts, but it's rare and expensive. Only the Hunyuan master can get something and hang it on his body, can he improve his power!

But that's not the case.

Even at the beginning of Hunyuan, the Hunyuan masters in ancient martial arts were highly respected. How could they capture the brain core of the mink that has no egg?

But in the Hunyuan realm, even at the peak of Jianshen's later period, it can't keep up with the speed of Bi Po Diao!

Did you miss something?

Ling Chen opened his eyes and looked around carefully. At the same time, he was thinking.

When he entered the cave, Bi Po Diao didn't escape for the first time, only when he forced him to go, it suddenly burst out.

If you really have half a second speed of 100 meters, but also see what chance, directly to the outside of a run, escaped Ling Chen did not respond.

What's more, the sable pours at him just to escape. What animal will deliberately slow down when it is running for his life?

Isn't that stupid?

Then, Bi Po Diao must still be nearby. He must have neglected something.

Not on the ground, not in the air

Ling Chen's eyes moved and fixed on the towering tree with a diameter of more than one meter in front of him.

Did the sable get into the tree trunk?

It's not impossible!

Ling Chen's mental power immediately waved to the trunk of the big tree The trunk is solid.

But Ling Chen didn't give up, and his mental power immediately transferred to the trunk of the second tree.

When sensing the trunk of the big tree more than 20 meters away, Ling Chen smiles.

As expected!

The giant tree with a diameter of more than two meters was already empty more than ten meters away from the ground. The hole extended to about two feet away from the ground. Facing Ling Chen, there was a fist sized hole in the trunk.

Ling Chen is not surprised that Bi Po Diao can get in from such a small hole. Diao can make their body thin and long.

At the moment, Bi Po Diao is squatting in the trunk cavity more than 10 meters above the ground. Where it squats, the cavity becomes larger. With the diameter of the giant tree, Bi Po Diao can sleep in it!

It's said that the cunning rabbit has three caves. The blue spirit mink is much smarter than the rabbit. How can there be only one shelter in that cave.

Moreover, Ling Chen immediately determined that the green eyed animal was the blue soul mink.

Because, when his mental power fluctuated in the past, he noticed that the mental power of Bi Po Diao was also fluctuating!

"Ha ha, silly mink!"

"Half a second can run to more than 20 meters of the trunk, this speed is quite Niubi, if you don't hide directly run, Chen elder brother may not catch you!"

"Of course, brother Chen can't catch you in a short time, but you can't get rid of brother Chen. Can your endurance match brother Chen?"

"As long as you are met by brother Chen, you can't hide or run away!"

"It's good to avoid brother Chen's waste of Qi chasing you. He knows how to save Qi and time for brother Chen. Brother Chen will give you a good time later!"Ling Chen complacent smile, step by step toward the giant tree.

Brother Chen wants to catch minks in the tree!

When he saw the marten for the first time, he said in his heart that he would spare the green eyed animal's life as long as it went away. He had long forgotten it.

Even if I think of him, I won't admit it. What if I don't believe what I've said?

What's more, brother Chen just thought about it in his heart and didn't say it.

Even if you say it, it's OK. Stupid mink can't understand people.

As a matter of fact, Bi Po Diao has mental perception. When Ling Chen's mental power fluctuates, he is restless in the tree trunk. Ling Chen walks towards the huge tree where he is hiding, and he shivers inside.

When Ling Chen came to a distance of ten feet from the giant tree, Bi Po Diao didn't take any chances. As soon as he explored, he wanted to jump down the tree hole.

Ling Chen is worried that Bi Po Diao will run out, and he will waste time and Qi to chase him. He accelerates at his feet, turns around and guards at the entrance of the giant tree.

"Silly mink, come out by yourself, brother Chen won't make you feel pain!"

This time, Ling Chen didn't talk to himself in his heart. He said his voice directly and laughed.

But after two laughs, he is silent. The sable is actually making a hole in the direction of the treetop!

It was going to burrow into the treetop and run away from it!

Ling Chen does not want to play cat and mouse game, slapped on the trunk of the giant tree.

His slap was made with genuine Qi. The giant tree didn't seem to vibrate much, but the strength of his slap had gone through the trunk into the tree hole.


The blue soul Diao can't stand the power of Ling Chen's palm and falls down from the tree hole more than ten meters high.

"This silly mink makes holes in the tree and destroys the forest resources. Brother Chen is not killing wild animals, but making a modest contribution to the protection of the forest environment!"

Ling Chen murmured, expanding the tree hole with his bare hands and pulling out the sable.

The finger condenses the real Qi, cuts the brain of the blue soul mink, and sure enough, sees a brain nucleus bigger than the green one, bigger than the walnut, almost the size of an egg, which is enough to refine two spirit elixirs!

Ling Chen is overjoyed and picks out the brain nucleus of Bi Po mink.

The harvest is bigger than he expected. This is a dozen small goals! , the fastest update of the webnovel!