Chapter 363

Acupuncture treatment ended, but Zhang Jingyang, Zhang Zixin and Bai Lecheng did not mean to leave.

Ling Chen knows that they won't live in the Su family. Even if they don't rush back to Xichuan city overnight, they will go to live in Dengcheng county.

The reason why he didn't leave was that he wanted to know the origin of Yu Wen Chu.

Before, Jiang gaojun went to the kitchen to call Ling Chen. As we all know, he called for Yu Wenchu.

Know Zhang Jingyang Bai Lecheng their intention to stay, but they did not ask, Ling Chen will not take the initiative to say.

"Alas, Ling's thirteen needles and the last four needles are missing. Otherwise, with acupuncture, he can completely cure old man Bai's cerebral thrombosis." Ling Chen tidies up the silver needle and says at the same time.

This is the brag beep. The real Qi injected into the silver needle can only crush the formed thrombus. To make the thrombus no longer form fundamentally, it still depends on pills.

However, Ling's thirteen needles have been passed down. Can you pick out the ancestor Lingyun from the grave?

It's also a lie that I've told before.

Ling's thirteen needles, why do you only know nine?

It can be said that only nine needles are enough to cure Zhang Zhen's cold Qi in the spleen, but Bai Lecheng's cerebral thrombosis has not been completely cured. Why does Mao not need thirteen needles?

Because the last four needles of Ling's thirteen needles are missing!

Well, that's it.

Brother Chen will only know Ling's nine needles in the future!

However, now Zhang Jingyang did not have the heart to investigate whether the last four needles of Ling's thirteen needles were really missing.

Anyway, Bai Lecheng's disease will not recur in two or three years. When Ling Chen refines the Tongluo pill, he can cure it.

However, Zhang Jingyang and Bai Le are old enough to ask Ling Chen about the origin of the man in black. They can't pull that face.

Baisha is not familiar with Lingchen, and it's not convenient to speak.

Then, only Zhang Zixin asked: "Ling Chen, the man who came with Secretary Jiang Who is it? "

Yu Wen Chu's identity, he should be don't mind Ling Chen to Zhang Jingyang they revealed, otherwise, he estimated that will specially exhort Ling Chen.

The reason why we use the mental barrier to block the sound is that we don't want people to know what he's talking to Ling Chen.

Of course, not everyone is entitled to know his identity.

"Miss, I can tell you who that person is, but don't let it out!" Ling Chen solemnly way.

Four people didn't speak, also indicated to agree to Ling Chen's request.

"Have you ever heard of Yuwen Ling Chen lowered voice way.

There is no doubt that few people have seen Yu Wenchu, but many people have heard of him. At least these people in the room have heard of him.

Now, several people are shocked!

Even if Zhang Jingyang once held a high position, even if Bai Lecheng's family was in Yanjing, several top military generals in the military headquarters were legendary to them!

What shocked them was not only the identity of Yu Wenchu, but also the fact that they did not expect that the legendary General of the military department would be such an ordinary person.

If Ling Chen hadn't said it, who would have linked such an ordinary man with Yuwen, one of the four generals in the Chinese military?

They are very curious, why Yu Wen Chu would specially come to Shuangshui village to find Ling Chen.

Of course, Ling Chen is the second runner up in the individual competition of Tianfu provincial martial arts competition, and he is also a military strategist with a certain status in the military headquarters. However, the second runner up in the provincial martial arts competition is worth a visit from Yuwen?

Not to mention the runner up, even the champion, or even the champion of the national martial arts competition, may not be able to see the military general!

In terms of strength, there are many young warriors in all provinces of China who surpass Ling Chen's estimate. At least Ji Chenhao's strength is above Ling Chen's.

Is it because of Ling Chen's potential?

Ling Chen's breakthrough speed is really unbelievable. However, no one from the Chinese Martial Arts Association specially comes to Ling Chen, not to mention the Yuwen general who is beset with military affairs?

Of course, curiosity to curiosity, no one tried to find out what Yu Wen Chu came to Ling Chen for.

Before Jiang gaojun took Ling Chen upstairs, he soon went down. In other words, Jiang gaojun didn't know the purpose of Yu Wenchu's looking for Ling Chen.

Jiang gaojun is not qualified to participate. If they still inquire, they will deliberately embarrass Ling Chen.

Soon, Zhang Jingyang, Bai Lecheng and his daughter go out downstairs, leaving Ling Chen and Zhang Zixin in the room.

Ling Chen is a little guilty. This is at her father-in-law's home. Let Miss Zhang share a room with Chen's elder brother?

Just when Lingchen couldn't pretend, Zhang Zixin said excitedly: "Lingchen, do you remember I said that if you can enter the top five in the national martial arts competition, can I ask you for help?"

Zhang Zixin did say that.

"I didn't win the Tianfu provincial martial arts competition, but the national martial arts competition, the champion is definitely mine!"

Ling Chen is full of self-confidence, looking at Zhang Zi's heart way: "need me to help what help, say."With Zhang's influence, it must be very difficult to ask Ling Chen for help.

However, Ling Chen never had the idea of shirking. As long as Zhang Zixin spoke within his ability, he would certainly help.

Now he has a certain position. After he participated in the national martial arts competition, his position will be even higher. But for Zhang Zixin, he could not enter the martial arts world in the secular world.

"Champion Actually, it's not that important now... "

Ling Chen is surprised, what meaning?

"As long as you spread the news that Yuwen God general came to you, you are qualified to help me!" Zhang Zixin flushed with excitement.

"Can't pass it!" Lingchen zhengse way.

Zhang Zixin nodded and said, "I know. However, someone will always know the news that Yuwen God will appear in Shuangshui village."

This Ling Chen does not deny.

Yuwen Chu came to Shuangshui village. Many people saw it. Of course, they didn't know that it was Yuwen Chu, one of the four generals of the Chinese military.

Many people don't even know that there are four great generals in the Chinese military.

But people in Shuangshui village don't know, which doesn't mean everyone doesn't know.

Of course, Yu Wen Chu doesn't mind. Otherwise, he won't show up in public. He can let Jiang gaojun find Ling Chen to see him in private.

"Ling Chen, after the new year, will you accompany me to Yanjing?"

Without waiting for Ling Chen to answer, Zhang Zixin continued: "it won't be long before the news that Yuwen God has found you will spread to some people's ears..."

Ling Chen hears something famous. She is bullied by someone in Yanjing. Do you want brother Chen to accompany her to find the place?

Holding the banner of Yuwen general?

Help Zhang Zixin, Ling Chen is sure to help, but he does not want to borrow the prestige of Yu Wen Chu.

Besides, he can't waste his time before the national martial arts competition.

With the current strength, it's just a dream to win the individual championship of the national martial arts competition.

It's not just for Zhang Zixin to win the national martial arts competition.

You can't blow a beep once, and blow it next time?

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