Chapter 509

Thanks to his strong sense of Qi, Qi and blood, and spiritual power, Ling Chen quenched the governor vessel four times a day.

Once or twice, I can't feel any change in the governor vessel, but after being tempered for dozens of times, the change is obvious.

The biggest change is that the governor vessel begins to become soft, tough and full of elasticity.

In the past, when the governor vessel was full of Qi, Ling Chen did not dare to import Qi into the governor vessel. The amount of Qi exceeded the upper limit of the governor vessel, so it was easy to burst the governor vessel.

But now, if the governor vessel is full of Qi, and then continue to import Qi, the governor vessel will swell like a balloon and hold more Qi without breaking.

Of course, Ling Chen has only been tempered for half a month, which is far from the completion of governor vessel.

However, with the improvement of the flexibility and tenacity of the governor vessel, the amount of his true Qi is also increasing. After half a month, he can quench once for an hour.

Boring and monotonous day is a kind of torment for others, but for Ling Chen, there is no feeling.

Every time I quench it, I feel that the governor vessel is tough again. Others can't understand this sense of achievement.

Unconsciously, more than two months later, Ling Chen quenched the governor vessel more than 300 times.

At this time, the quenching of governor vessel has come to an end. If we continue to refine for three or four times, there will be no effect.

Now, Lingchen's governor vessel can expand more than twice as thick when the real Qi is introduced to the upper limit, and the capacity of governor vessel is directly increased by five times compared with that before quenching!

Not only is the capacity of meridians increased, but as one of the two main meridians, the governor vessel has been quenched. When Ling Chen was fighting, the amount of real Qi gathered in an instant was more than twice as much as before!

If the number of genuine Qi is doubled, the lethality will not be doubled.

Of course, not every warrior has this effect after refining the governor vessel.

Other martial artists of the same level are far less energetic than Ling Chen. When refining the governor vessel, they need to divide it into several parts, part by part. In this way, the flexibility and tenacity of the joints between each part will be greatly reduced.

For other warriors, it's normal that the capacity of governor vessel only doubles after being tempered, and few can triple.

At the beginning, the gap between perfect quenching and ordinary quenching is not very big, but as the gap gradually accumulates, the advantage of perfect quenching will be bigger and bigger.

Another day later, when Ling Chen quenched the governor vessel again, when it was half quenched, the real Qi was no longer consumed.

This means that the governor vessel quenching is completed, and Lingchen also breaks through to the later stage of DanJin!

Just, this time, let Ling Chen some embarrassment.

Originally, in his expectation, he took two months to refine the governor vessel, and then about two months to refine the Ren vessel, so as to participate in the national martial arts competition with the peak strength of DanJin in the later period.

Now, it takes more than half a month to refine governor vessel. If you refine Ren vessel again, the time is a little tight.

Of course, with his strength in the later stage of DanJin, no one should be his opponent in the national martial arts competition. It is not necessary to break through to the peak of DanJin in the later stage.

It's just that many martial artists now know the progress of his demonic cultivation. Three months ago, he was the peak of DanJin in the middle stage. By the time of the national martial arts competition, he broke through to the later stage of DanJin. It's estimated that many people won't be surprised.

No one's surprised. How can you beep?

Yes, brother Chen wants to temper Ren Mai, not for the champion of individual competition of national martial arts competition, but for the sake of dressing up!

In the national martial arts competition, originally the strongest aluzhuo was just the peak of DanJin in the middle stage, and many other martial arts players were just turning their strength into the realm. Chen Ge appeared at the peak of DanJin in the later stage, can't he pull the wind?

It's like standing out from the crowd!

See all the mountains!

It's too high to be cold!

The key is that in the provincial martial arts competition, brother Chen is still in Huajin!

In less than a year, brother Chen began to cultivate from the peak of Huajin's later period to the peak of DanJin's later period?

Of course, in the national martial arts competition arena, on the one hand, Ling Chen should also seize the time to practice in order to break through the blocked acupoints as soon as possible.

If you come out of the mountain now, you will not be able to refine Ren pulse before the national martial arts competition.

It's nearly two months before the start of the national martial arts competition. That is to say, if you don't temper Ren's pulse in Eshan, you will be wasted for more than a month.

In order to break through the blocked acupoints as soon as possible, kill fengri city as soon as possible, and revenge for the school, Ling Chen doesn't want to waste even if it's only for more than a month.

So, continue to quench Ren Mai?

It took two and a half months to refine the governor vessel. It should take a shorter time to refine the Ren vessel.

It's not that renmai is easier to refine. In fact, renmai is the most difficult of the eight channels.

However, the governor vessel has been quenched, and the amount of genuine Qi has increased greatly. If you re quench any vessel, the progress will be faster.Moreover, Ling Chen hasn't gone to the place where the aura of Mount e is most concentrated. He has gone to the highest place of Mount e to practice. The aura density is higher, so it's hard to speed up the process of refining.

If Ling Chen seizes the time, before the national martial arts competition starts, he should be able to finish refining Ren pulse.

But originally, Ling Chen planned to finish refining the governor vessel in advance and then go to see the world martial arts competition. He wanted to know what level of martial arts masters there were in other countries.

He is determined to win the national martial arts competition. Next year, he will represent Huaxia in the world martial arts competition. He has won the national martial arts competition in Huaxia. Can he lose in the world martial arts competition?

Ling Chen doesn't think that those who have martial arts can threaten him to win the world martial arts competition, especially in another year, even if he can't break through to see God, he should not be far away.

However, there is no absolute. There are evils in China. How can we know that there are no evils in other countries?

Therefore, it is necessary to know more about the situation of the armed men of other countries.

However, if you continue to refine Ren Mai, I'm afraid the world martial arts competition will be over after you get out of the mountain.

But Ling Chen turns to think, even if he knows the strength of other countries, the most important thing is to improve his own strength.

I don't care what the opponent's strength is. As long as brother Chen's strength is strong, he can crush anyone in the world martial arts competition next year!

Therefore, Ling Chen decided to continue refining Ren pulse!

After refining Ren Mai, we will come out of the mountain and take part in the national martial arts competition with the peak strength of DanJin in the later period!

After making a decision, Ling Chen would not hesitate and move towards the highest part of Mount E.

If you want to finish refining Ren pulse in the shortest time, you need to go to the place with the most Reiki.

Of course, Ling Chen doesn't have to rush to the top of the mountain. A few kilometers away from the top, he stops to have a rest. He runs his mental skills here, and the aura of the top of the mountain can be gathered. , the fastest update of the webnovel!