Chapter 898

"Don't tell me about accidents! Everyone can have an accident. Ling Chen can't have an accident! "

The thunderstorm lifted Sha haodang and tie Xintian in the air and yelled: "if there is any accident, I will crush you two bastards!"

Sha haodang and tie Xintian did not struggle or defend.

If you are crushed to death by thunderstorm, you can get Ling Chen's life. They have already crushed themselves to death.

Thunderstorm will not really crush Sha haodang and tie Xintian. Both of them are meritorious generals of the Ministry of war. If he wants to crush them, Luo Yu will crush him.

What's more, over the years, the new high-ranking martial arts practitioners have been brought by Sha haodang and tie Xintian, and they have never made any mistakes. Thunderstorm knows that Lingchen has an accident, and the problem certainly does not lie with Sha haodang and tie Xintian.

"What's going on?"

The thunderstorm put Sha haodang and tie Xintian on the ground and forced them to suppress their emotions.

After listening to Sha haodang's description, thunderstorm also sat on the ground.

Hundreds of natural laser mines bombard at the same time!

Thunderstorm admitted that even if it was him, he had no chance to get away with the attack of hundreds of natural laser mines at the same time.

Don't say it's him, even commander Luo, there's no chance of survival!

All of a sudden, the thunderstorm suddenly jumped up, staring at Sha haodang and tie Xintian.

The rest of the Warriors also felt the fierce breath of Thor general.

"Hundreds of natural laser mines bombard It's impossible

Thunderstorm stares at Sha haodang and tie Xintian, with a palpitating murderous tone: "unless it is, he is wearing metal products!"

Whether it's underwater bridge or natural laser minefield, carrying metal items is a big taboo.

In the training, tie Xintian will focus on the prohibition of carrying metal products. Before entering the sea spear, Sha haodang and tie Xintian will also carefully check the body of each warrior.

So, is it sha haodang and tie Xintian who ignore the inspection of Ling Chen?

Otherwise, how could there be hundreds of natural laser mines bombarding Lingchen?

If it is because of the negligence of Sha haodang and tie Xintian that Ling Chen fell in the natural laser minefield, then these two people will live up to their death!

Yes, both Sha haodang and tie Xintian are meritorious generals of the Ministry of war, and they also have high prestige in the Ministry of war. But if their reasons make Ling Chen vanish in the natural laser minefield, they can't do better than that!

"Thunder God will, Ling Chen body, can't have metal products!"

Tiexintian's voice was unquestionably firm: "I've checked the crazy sand once, and I've also checked it once. I think tiexintian can't make such a low-level mistake!"

, "Raytheon will old fellow iron and I can't ignore such an important question. What's more, there are metal detectors in the equipment room of Huaxia. Ling Chen's metal products are not detected at all. All the military personnel present can testify! " Sha haodang must also be authentic.

Ling Chen's fall, they are also very sad and even collapse, but if the responsibility of Ling Chen's fall on them, this pot, they don't back!

Thunderstorm did not speak, he also knew that Sha haodang and tie Xintian could not make that kind of low-level mistakes.

Moreover, as Sha haodang said, the equipment room is full of metal detectors, even if Ling Chen's body has steel needles, there is absolutely no escape!

But why is Lingchen bombarded by hundreds of natural laser mines?

Is it true that Ling Chen is too rebellious and has been punished by heaven?

At this time, a cool voice came from a distance: "Lao Lei! You've come to pick someone up. Haven't you picked them up for a long time? "

The speed of the visitors was amazing. Just as the voice fell, a dark shadow appeared in front of the thunderstorm.

The man in black is graceful and masked. He is the first general of the army, Tianjiao Leling!

Thunderstorm silent, he really can't bear to Lingchen fall news told Leling.

However, even if the thunderstorm does not say, Leling will not feel the scene of pathetic despair.

"Who's in trouble?" The music god suddenly cools the voice.

Everyone was silent.

Leling was shocked, and his voice became sharp: "Ling Chen! Get the hell out of here

However, there was still a dead silence.


Ling Chen, desperate and helpless, felt that death was so close to him for the first time.

Natural laser thunder is like self-consciousness. No matter which direction he wants to escape, it will seal his way to death.

More than ten minutes later, the route he ran in the minefield was about 50 or 60 kilometers, but he was still wandering in the minefield.

In the past ten or twenty minutes when he entered the natural laser minefield, he was running at full speed to avoid, consuming a lot of Qi.

But more importantly, it is the consumption of mental energy.

He has to concentrate on perceiving danger. As long as he is 0.1 seconds late, he will disappear forever under the bombardment of laser mines.

For the time being, he can stick to it, but it's not sure how long he can stick to it.Hundreds of natural laser mines bombard from different angles at a speed close to the speed of light. If you are careless, you will follow Lian Yuanjia!

No matter how strong the mental power is, it will be exhausted.

Moreover, it is estimated that before his mental exhaustion, as long as his prediction of danger is reduced and his reaction speed is a little slower, he will be over.

More let Ling Chen despair is, in this natural laser minefield, no one can help him.

Even if commander Rowling knew his present predicament, he could only do it in a hurry.

Hundreds of laser thunders come down, commander Luo has to hang up!

Is that what I'm telling you?

Absolutely not!

The situation of Tiankeng in China is critical. If we can't generally enhance the strength of Chinese warriors, the Ministry of war won't be able to last for several years.

In addition, the goal of reaching the top of the global rich list has not been achieved, and the more than 100 billion on the card has not been spent.

Cao Qingrong is still in the ancient martial world, and Dan palace is still in the ancient martial world.

Eight beautiful girlfriends, he only slept with Su Jing.

How can it be explained in this natural laser minefield?

Even in a desperate situation, Ling Chen never gave up his fighting spirit!

But how can we survive?

If you are like other warriors, you only need to face a natural laser mine. For Ling Chen, it's a piece of cake to go through the natural laser minefield.

However, he is now facing a hundred times the threat!

Why is there only one natural laser ray for others, and there are hundreds of them here?

Is it because CHEN Ye is handsome that natural laser thunder takes a fancy to CHEN Ye?

In fact, Ling Chen also speculated whether there was something on her body that particularly attracted laser thunder, including the extremely strong magnetic field that took special care of her when she passed the haishuiqiao.

Most likely, it should be metal products.

However, Sha haodang and tie Xintian have checked them carefully, and Ling Chen is worried that they are negligent. He has checked them more than ten times.

Suddenly, Ling Chen thought of a possibility, that is - storage ring! , the fastest update of the webnovel!