Chapter 38

As a matter of fact, Mu Qiqi is very clear in his mind that this matter is known by mu Tangxue. On behalf of that, his aunt will soon know that it doesn't matter to be considered early in love, but he can't let others know that this person is Xiaoxiao, because she dare not gamble. If this matter is known by others, don't say that Sheng Xiao will hate her, that is, his aunt and others, what will they think of this relationship ?

She didn't want to give Sheng Xiao any trouble.

It's better to go home early and give my aunt a shot!

So, the first thing after class, mu777, is to hurry home.

Su zipei saw her go home and held himself, a little surprised: "what happened?"

"Auntie, actually I I secretly fell in love with a boy at school. I secretly fell in love with him and wrote it in my diary. Unexpectedly, it was pasted in the school bulletin board by mu Tangxue... "

Su zipei heard, suddenly some ignorant: "you early love?"

"Aunt! I am early in love, but I am secretly in love with others, we are in different classes! No connection touch. "

Su zipei listens, nods: "I believe you, have discretion."

"But my secrets have been made public..." Mu777's eyes were a little red. "I didn't expect that, in order to humiliate me, mutangxue would even turn over the garbage can."

"I can't believe that in the eyes of Mu family, the clever and sensible mu Tangxue is so vicious." Su zipei hugged Mu Qiqi and said coldly, "I really want to take off her mask of hypocrisy. But Qiqi, it's not a big deal. My aunt is afraid of your early love, because I'm afraid you'll delay your studies. Since you can tell my aunt by yourself, that is to say, you have the right mentality."

"Don't be afraid, my aunt supports you."

"Aunt You don't blame me? "

"What I hate more now is that I don't have the ability to protect you. I can't go to school and slap your sister in person. I'm too cheap!"

After listening, mu qitightly hugged Su zipei: "Auntie, as long as you believe me, I'm not afraid of anything."

In this way, it doesn't matter if Tang Xue complains.

After that, Muqi went upstairs and returned to his room. Although Su zipei has lied to her, when Sheng Xiao heard that she liked the boys in the school, how would she feel? She is so careful to keep her mind, because she knows that her love of Sheng Xiao is too dangerous.

Otherwise, what else can she do?


On the other hand, mu Tangxue did not fail to live up to his expectations. He told Mu Mu Mu about Mu Qiqi's presence in the school and pretended to be an onlooker.

After hearing Tang Xue's words, Mu Mu Mu snorted: "since she stepped out of this family, she is no longer the former Mu Qi Qi anymore. She has done all the bad things. At such a young age, she has learned to seduce men..."

"Mommy In fact When my sister was still at my aunt's house, I went to see her secretly and wanted to care for her, but I heard from my aunt's neighbors that my sister had been sold by my uncle... "

"I know that, said the lawyer of the French patron." The Mu Mu replied.

"But who do you think my uncle knows? If elder sister is sold by him, can she still be innocent? "

Mu Mu was shocked at this, because she had not thought about it.

But now, hearing this, Tang Xue suddenly realized it.

"If we know it ourselves, we will be afraid that someone who knows it will come out later."

"So your sister must not go back to Mu's house." "The Mu Mu said ruthlessly," if your father knew about such a dirty past, it would be troublesome. "

Mu Tangxue, like a mantra, creates a gap between mu Qiqi and his parents all day long in front of them.

The more her parents hate Qi Qi, the happier she will be!

She wants to see. What else can Muqi do now?

She still has a torn diary of mu777 in her hand. Tomorrow, why don't she post another 30?


When Sheng Xiao returned to Jianchuan, it was late at night. Jingyun was going to send him back to rest. However, Sheng Xiao asked Jingyun to give him the car key.

Jingyun seems to know what he wants to do and has no power to stop him. He can only watch him leave.

After arriving at the villa, Sheng Xiao sent a message to Mu Qiqi: "come out."

When Mu Qiqi saw the message, suddenly, she didn't know how to explain the diary to Sheng Xiao. She wanted to avoid it, but she was afraid that Sheng Xiao would really misunderstand her. So after hesitation, Mu Qiqi still wore a thick coat and went to the old place where they met when Su zipei didn't notice.

Sheng Xiao started the car, but, not far away, in the nearby woods, the windows were all raised.

And mu777 bowed his head and did not dare to see Sheng Xiao at all.

"What happened?" Sheng Xiao knew immediately that something must have happened to Mu Qi's expression."Xiao Xiao, that My diary, admired by Tang Xue, was published on the school bulletin board. " Mu Qiqi said to Sheng Xiao.

Sheng Xiao listens and immediately turns to look at Mu Qi.

Because he didn't know how much Mu Qiqi had written about him, but he guessed that there was definitely a lot.

"Actually, I I fell in love with a boy in the next class. " Mu777 carefully observed Sheng Xiao's eyes, but the words were very tentative.

"Is it?" Sheng Xiao's tone is rather flat, because he knows that if Mu Qiqi wants to hide him, he must shift everyone's attention. The smart thing about this little thing is that when she writes her diary, she uses him or her instead.

He didn't seem angry. He didn't seem interested in her affairs.

"Xiao Xiao In fact, I...... "

Mu Qiqi wanted to say, but he couldn't say. After all, she didn't want to. At last, they became strangers.

"Why is it seen by mu Tangxue?"

In fact, Sheng Xiao didn't lose his temper, because the diary he sent back in the middle of the night was not to hurt Mu Qi for mu Tangxue.

"I tore it. I put it in my drawer, had PE class, and left it in the garbage can outside But unexpectedly, she found all the pieces back. " Mu Qiqi explained.

"So? You let her bully you? "

"If my heart is as dark as her, I will be her." Mu777 replied.

"You should be tougher than her!"

"I admit, I have no experience in dealing with such people, but I can learn!" Muqi and shengxiao promise.

"Tomorrow morning, I will go to her desk to find evidence. There are so many pieces that she can't do without trace. I just I want to give you a preventive injection in advance, so that the school won't come to you... " Muqi pretends to be optimistic and says, "I'm not mature yet. I'll pay more attention later."