Chapter 365

"The merchant's eyes are short-sighted. Since ancient times, there has been a saying that the people do not compete with the rich, and the rich do not compete with the officials. Has it become our Shen family's sticking to your Sheng family?"

"I don't want to do this boring thing. Since Sheng Lao you started this, the marriage of Sheng Lao Ba and Qi Qi was over. Later, my Shen family will tell the people all over the world to terminate the engagement with Sheng family. As for Sheng Lao Qi, I will send someone to come to talk with them."

"Old Shen......"

"Today, since you are fighting to tear my face, I will accept this feeling." The old man Shen raised his eyebrows and said no more kindly to the old man Sheng, "those contacts in the past will be over today."

Seeing that Shen is so straightforward, Sheng Laozi panicked first.

Because he really didn't know that Mu Qiqi's second uncle was the mayor of Jianchuan. These days, he focused on his family.

Unexpectedly, the Shen family is still the same as before. In addition, Shen Lin has also gone to the army. Shen Jianchuan is also recovering slowly. In time, the Shen family will still have unlimited scenery.

"Old Shen, it's too heavy. We still hope to play in Sheng's house on July 7th..."

"No need! You Sheng family don't want face, we need face. " Finish saying, old man Shen leaves with his sleeve.

This makes Sheng Laozi feel rather upset. It's his idea to go and visit his family, and it's always him to dislike the origin of Mu Qiqi. But where can we know that the background of Mu Qiqi will be a day of rising tide?

But the bow has not turned back.

Since this matter has become a foregone conclusion, the friendship with the Shen family can only come here.

The only good thing is that he can let Miss Gu in.

But where does he know that he lost It's just the beginning.

It's just Sheng Laozi. In fact, he didn't get rid of the happiness of the burden, but in his heart, there was a little emptiness.

Because he is now in feud with the Shen family. However, if the Shen family uses any means to suppress the Sheng family, he can't come up with any corresponding strategies.

Otherwise, he thought, after all these years, no one in Jianchuan could shake it. Is it really because he is a big group?

Who wants to take Sheng's family to open an operation? Have you ever been afraid? There is a Shen's family behind Sheng's family?

A moment later, Sheng Laozi returned to the ward, and Sheng Laoliu immediately asked: "Grandpa, is it done?"

"It is, but..."

"Don't worry about it. In the future, mu777 will never appear in Shengjia again. Isn't it joy? When are you going to release the news? "

"The Shen family will do it, so you don't have to worry about it." Said Sheng Laozi to Sheng Laoliu.


Although Sheng Xiao and Shen Laozi have already had preventive shots for this incident, I really heard Sheng Laozi's dislike of Xiaoqi, and Shen Laozi's anger, but I still didn't hit one place.

If the boy had not had the foresight to judge the situation, he really didn't want to climb the family. How young is Xiaoqi?

Sheng Laoba is in the third place. If he wants to come now, he will suffer a lot.

Of course, Sheng Xiao is very clear in his heart. How tall is the character of old Shen? When this happens, he will not be happy.

So, these two days, he plans to live in the Shen family with Mu Qiqi.

And after Huang Yao's business was finished, he went home immediately and went to the fish pond to fish with the old man.

"Hum I'm calling to have you and Xiaoqi get married. "

"I'll take care of it myself." Sheng Xiao said quickly, "Grandpa, you don't need to worry about it. Anyway, Sheng's family will return soon."

"Who is your grandfather..."

"The second uncle became the mayor, which made those who despised the Shen family saw the Shen family's ability again. Only a fool can offend you at this time, right?"

"Cunning!" Old Shen thinks so of Sheng Xiao.

"I'm happy for you, Grandpa. Although the Shen family's power is rising again, the number of people is still too thin. The second uncle and the second aunt are both old, or we should rely on our younger generation to open branches and leaves, right?"

"Let seven son-in-law go out to look for her again. How could my ready-made grandson-in-law treat her well?"

"You just put gold on your face. You're not going to deal with you and Qi'er."

The old man is also lazy and upset. Of course, this time, the Shen family's resurgence made him see a lot of things clearly. So, the former low-key is right.

Sheng Xiao smiled and called the familiar reporter: "give you the news, you or?"

"What great stuff?"

"Prince Huang Yao and Mu Qiqi, the granddaughter of the Shen family, have cancelled their engagement because the elders of the Sheng family can't see Mu Qiqi's identity."

"Is the news reliable?"

"If you don't report it, we'll be in the first place."Sheng Xiao said thoughtfully.

As soon as the other party heard it, he immediately asked to hang up: "I've arranged to write first."

This is a good source of gossip.

Of course, Sheng Xiao put out the news like this. All the mistakes are in Sheng's house.

Can't you see Mu Qi's life experience? It's a serious Shen family daughter. That's mayor Shen's niece. Can't the Sheng family even see it? Are you going to marry the queen?

So, before the Sheng family had time to inform Huang Yao, the news had spread outside

For a while, Lu Qianqian, Su zipei and Jing Yun called Mu Qi one after another.

Mu777 also saw the autopsy, and had to go back one by one: "the news is true, but my relationship with Xiaoxiao has not been affected, and there are more wonderful plays after that, you don't have to worry."

"The Sheng family just abandoned their little bride? To be honest, Mu 77 is only 19 years old, and the prince has already 27 years old. Is it clear who made it? "

"Prince is so fond of Muqi, but he is still controlled by his elders."

"This Sheng family is a little bit ungrateful, don't you? I'll tell you in secret that the Shen family has just won the election. Now it's in full swing. How can the Sheng family look down upon the Shen family?"

"In any case, the two have already cancelled their nominal engagement, and a large number of young talents and celebrities have another chance."

"I'm sorry..."

"I really want to see the reaction of the people at that time."

What was the reaction?

What response?

Material exploded by oneself.

Sheng family can be scolded by the outside world this time.

Of course, none of this worries Sheng Laozi. What he worries about more is Sheng Xiao's madness.

Just worried? It doesn't exist

Sheng Xiao just now stabilizes the Shen family. Isn't it clear what to do next? The old man thought he would go to Shengjia to make a scene?

He is too lazy to go

Tonight, let the old man worry for a night, tomorrow

Continue to dominate Jianchuan's headlines.