Chapter 664

"If you really have the determination to protect her, don't do as before, for the sake of investigation. Make more friends, don't be so lonely, according to your ability, if it wasn't for your silent character, it would not have been the captain of the District, and it would not have been a three-level police inspector. "

"Tang Yan, do you remember that it's the responsibility to protect your family and the country. If you can't protect your wife well, how can the people of the country dare to give their lives to you? Think about it for yourself... "

Feng Shanshan's uncle and nephew were just chatting in the living room.

Soon, Feng Shanshan took the meal to the table.

"It's all very homely, Professor don't mind."

"If I can eat the dishes made by my niece's daughter-in-law, it's lucky for me. I don't think I'll see this boy again and make a girlfriend in my life." The professor happily picked up the chopsticks and tasted every dish.

Feng Shanshan looked at Tang Yan and said nothing. After the professor left anyway, she would calculate this account again.

"It seems that I'm going to come and rub my dinner a lot in the future."

The professor had a very happy meal. He stayed in Feng Shanshan's family until midnight and left satisfied. This is probably the happiest birthday he has had in recent years, because he finally has an account with Tang Yan's father.

However, as soon as the professor left, Feng Shanshan got into trouble with Tang Yan: "did you bring the professor back like this with my consent?"

"I thought you would be happy with our relationship."

Feng Shanshan embraces her arm and turns to look at Tang Yan. "Which eye do you see that I'm happy?"

Tang Yan didn't speak. She turned to go back to her bedroom. However, Feng Shanshan felt guilty, as if she had bullied her daughter-in-law. So she called Tang Yan out, "when are you going to tell me about your past? I don't care about your countless girlfriends. I just want to know what you've experienced in the past. Don't face things. I'm forced to accept it. "

"Tang Yan, Professor, you are willing to let me see you. In the past, you are not willing to tell me?"

Tang Yan looked up, stared into Feng's eyes, sighed, "sit down."

Feng Shanshan hears that Tang Yan seems to have compromised and quickly goes around to sit on the sofa.

"I said first, if you feel uncomfortable after listening, you can't break up with me."

Tang Yan also sat on the sofa, and put his hands on his thighs, fingers crossed each other.

"I've lived alone since I was a teenager, so I've become very lonely and love to fight. When I was 15 or 16, I was out fighting and entering the juvenile Management Institute, and I was locked up for eight months. It was in the main management office that I got into a feud with a very famous gangster at that time. He swore that he would kill me for revenge after going out. So, as soon as I went out of the main management office, my uncle forced me to go to the police school, because the police school was safe. "

"I was admitted to the police school, but I still couldn't keep my temper. I fought with my colleagues, got a serious record, and almost got fired. It was the gangster who threatened me and changed my life because he stabbed me. I was in hospital for three months."

"Since then, I have converged my character, and I was chosen to be an undercover because of my good strength in all aspects."

"It was a drug trafficking gang, and it was also a gang with enough gunpowder. It took me a year to gain the trust of the other big guy and follow him as the second in command. Later, I released important information and cooperated with my colleagues in the police force, which finally destroyed the gang. However, my identity was also revealed."

"In the first few years, when my enemies pursued and killed me, I often went to the front line to cooperate in some important cases. Until those enemies were arrested one after another, I was at peace."

"But maybe because I'm used to this uniform, this profession, and I've seen the great good and evil in the world, so I went to the front line, because I've seen all kinds of means of those criminals. I think that I'm born to deal with those people who are extremely vicious, because I think I'm the same kind of people as them."

"Women, I don't avoid my casualness at all. Since I was a teenager, I haven't been cut off, but I don't play emotional games, so most of the ending is good gathering and good scattering."

"And the previous one?" Feng Shanshan thinks that he doesn't mind Tang Yan's saying that he hasn't been disconnected, but he cares about his predecessor, because in her subconscious mind, he thinks that this predecessor is the one who has the greatest influence on Tang Yan.

Especially after the death of his predecessor, he didn't find a woman for two or three years.

"The previous year, she was a university student engaged in scientific research. She said that she liked the androgens I emitted. She chased me for eight months in a row. I agreed, but I didn't have the time to accompany her, so she complained more and more, and was more and more dissatisfied."

"We didn't spend a long time together. The time we really spent together was less than a month, because I was always missing people for several days. At last, she couldn't stand it. She cheated with other men."

"After I knew it, I broke up with her peacefully, but later, she came back to me. Because she was seriously ill, I kept her by my side and did my duty. Finally, I sent her away, and then I found a graveyard and set up a monument.""After that, I'll meet you."

"She is special to you?"

Tang Yan shook his head: "it's the same as before, nothing different."

"Then why do you have two years Or I am One of them? "

"Feng Shanshan, when you are locked in a small black house for one month in a row and left in the mountain for three months without assistance, and you fight with the drug dealer for wisdom and courage every day, you will know that as an undercover, you must be hard hearted I admit, maybe I don't see women differently from other things, because I think that in this world, only life is precious. "

"But you, out of the inherent template of women, have injected a few threads of blood into my dead heart."

After hearing this, Feng Shanshan moved her throat: "Muqi is also very special."

"But I'm not interested in other people's things. The most important thing is that I see my shadow from you."

"If we want to make it clear, today we will be completely Frank. For me, the past is long gone. The only thing I worry about is that the people who were arrested will come to me for revenge afterwards. If you are afraid, we can stop...... "