Chapter 946

Since Lou's family came out, Sheng Xiao has been silent.

When Shen Jianchuan saw this, he patted him on the shoulder and said, "you are not a God, you don't have to bear such a heavy burden."

"No, I'm just thinking about things. This time, the Song family's way of doing things is very different from before. I doubt that there are any extreme helpers around Song Jiang." Sheng Xiao answers Shen Jianchuan carefully after getting on the bus.

"It's only three months since he was quiet. If Song Jiang really came back in a more extreme way, I don't know how many people will suffer. It doesn't matter to the Shen family, but they are afraid to implicate such good people as Lou Zhao. " Therefore, Shen Jianchuan frowned deeply and looked at Sheng Xiao. "Eight, I have to take a heavy hand."

Sheng Xiao nodded slightly. It seems that he did not care about the Song family.

"I'll see Tang Yan's result first."

They went home from Lou's house. Sheng Xiao didn't expect that Mu Qiqi was still at home.

"Why don't you sleep?"

"To see the family of the dead?" Mu777 sits on the bed and asks Sheng Xiao.

Sheng Xiao stops taking off his windbreaker and nods after a second: "it's too smart. It's not a good thing."

"In the afternoon, you said so clearly. If I can't hear you, I will be your woman for so long. Does the murderer have an eyebrow?" Mu777 opens the bedding to get out of bed, but is stopped by Sheng Xiao.

"It's cold down here."

"My body is my own. I know if it's cold or not."

Sheng Xiao didn't stop him anymore. He sat down on the sofa and then replied, "wait for Tang Yan's news."

"Then go take a bath quickly. I don't want to hold you because you are cold." Mu Qiqi stands in the distance, very disgusted.

Sheng Xiao gets up and goes to the bathroom. Mu Qiqi takes the opportunity to call Tang Yan.

On the phone, Tang Yan's voice is very tired.

He hasn't had a rest since last night.

Because it's urgent to solve the case.

"Team Tang, what's the situation now?"

Tang Yan heard the voice of Mu Qiqi and thought that he had heard it wrong. He took his mobile phone and looked at the phone number again. He was sure it was Mu Qiqi's. This was the way: "except that he knew that the body was thrown out of a small alley, there was no other progress."

"The lane leads to rows of demolished houses. The road is not monitored. The body thrower is a man in his forties, wearing a mask and hat. Besides, there is no other information to check."

"Where's the body?"

"It's confirmed that he died of asphyxiation. There is no other injury on his body. The tool is a belt. However, we have checked it. The killer should have grabbed such a tool as an assistant, because it contains a lot of bacteria rather than sweat."

"I have to find out." After listening to mu777, he was worried. "Can you show me the body?"

"You Will the family agree? "

As soon as Mu Qigang wanted to answer, Sheng Xiao grabbed his cell phone. But see Sheng Xiao take a cell phone to answer Tang Yan directly: "I disagree."

"Sheng Xiao!" Mu Qiqi called out, "you believe my major, I want to help you, no, I want to help myself, help the Shen family."

Sheng Xiao looked down at her, and finally replied to Tang Yan, "half an hour later, I will take her to the sub Bureau."

Later, he returned the mobile phone to Mu Qiqi: "you can always mix yourself into various dangerous situations."

"What if I really helped team Tang?"

Sheng Xiao took the opportunity to hold Mu Qi's neck and hum, "I call you daddy."

"It's a deal."


A few minutes later, the two packed and went downstairs.

In order to be safe, Sheng Xiao didn't let Xu Che off work, but also to be a driver for two people.

Mu777 saw Xu Che yawn in the rearview mirror and pulled Sheng Xiao's arm: "Xiao Xiao Xiao, have you enslaved Xu Che for too long every day?"

Sheng Xiao takes a look at Xu Che's back of his head, but lightly says, "tomorrow, I will give you a holiday and have a good rest."

As soon as Xu Che heard that there was a fake, he immediately had a spirit.

Seeing this, Mu Qiqi couldn't help laughing and asked, "what are you doing for your holiday?"

Xu Che thought about it. Since he followed Sheng Xiao, he had little free time. Even in such a late night, Sheng Xiao would call him to be a driver.

"A blind date, my uncle."

Mu Qiqi laughed more happily and poked Sheng Xiao's chest: "you care about the physical and mental harmony of your subordinates."

Sheng Xiao frowns. What does he need?

Soon, the three of them arrived at the sub bureau together. At that time, Yaojin met him at the door, and when he saw Muqi, he immediately smiled, "I'm looking forward to you at last."

"And the professor?" Mu Qiqi follows Cheng to the autopsy room.

"When the professor does gallstone surgery, the forensic Department has no backbone. The director also transferred a female forensic doctor from outside, but I always feel that her work is not as meticulous as yours.""And the Tang team?"

Mu777 continues to ask.

"Meeting, think of him really miserable, just became a father today, can't stay at home with his wife and children, but also in this consumption, for my heart suffocated." As Cheng explained, he opened the door for her. "Are you ok?"

"I'm strong." Muqi made a gesture to show his muscles. Then he went to the dissecting table and said, "old Cheng, go out first."

"You don't have to be afraid." Old Cheng, a big man, feels infiltrated in such a place.

"Get out of here." Mu777 is already attacking people.

Cheng walked out of the dissecting room and saw Sheng Xiao and Xu Che sitting in the rest room.

These two people, of course, he is also very revered, hurriedly said hello, went to the meeting room.

"Here comes July 7th?"

Tang Yan looks through the information and asks.

"Well, it's going to blow me out." Yaojin shrugs.

Tang Yan lowered his head again and said, "I hope she can give me something different and open my mind."

"Certainly, I haven't met anyone who is more careful than younger martial sister."

In terms of major, everyone agrees with Mu Qiqi. Although she is only a student in school and has dropped out of school, her accumulated experience over the past year also shows her strengths.

After the autopsy, of course, she can't find another flower, but she can see a lot of things that others can't notice.

"It's the Mr. Sheng is outside, team Tang. Would you like to go and say hello? "

Tang Yan put down the information in his hand, went to the rest room, saw Sheng Xiao reclining on the sofa, and said, "how much does Sheng know about Lou's family?"

"I have supported the rise of the old education company in the last three months." Sheng Xiao replied without hesitation, "in order to fight against the Asian businessmen."

"This is a case of malicious homicide. Unlike the previous case, the murderer has the attitude of deliberately provocation and showing off." Tang Yan sat down beside Sheng Xiao. "It's all about being a father. Pay attention to the safety of your family."