19 Chapter Nineteen: Loss

"Pick her up and run!"

Orth, seeing this is not going well, try's to rescue her, but is knocked unconscious on the spot. With a grab of his hand, he now has Benson by his neck, squeezing down as he raises him off his feet.

"Stop, please. That's enough! What have I done to you?!"

The God looks at me, malice written over his face, as he continues to squeeze Benson's esophagus shut.

"What did you do, you ask? You created me, you loved me, and then you tossed me aside. You used me, only to tire when you got bored. You're weak and pathetic, and you're not worthy rule the heavens. You're not worthy to be loved. You do not deserve happiness. Not when you took away the happiness of your very own creation. So I will take away yours."

With a final forceful squeeze, Benson's neck snaps to the side, and I feel my heart sink to my stomach. Benson is now dead.

I begin to choke on my screams. This can't be real, this has to be some sort of nightmare. He can't be dead. He trained me and got me this far, what am I supposed to do?

As I look at the God, I find myself exhausted. His white hair shines as if to say "come to me" but his eyes are those of hate, and repels anyone who would think to go near him.

"Have you no recollection of me yet?"

He's mocking me, but I'm not sure what I'm supposed to remember. I only just turned seventeen, and there is nothing in my memory that says I know this man. He looks like an older version of me, but he has already made it clear that he is not my father.

How can he introduce himself as the Supreme Dragon God of Heaven, yet he's not Kano, he is not my father. Nothing makes sense, and my heart is hurting.

"Hmm, still quiet." He bends and picks up Emiya next.

"Put her down," I roar out, the ground beneath us shaking at my command.

Raising a brow at me, he looks to Emiya again.

"I mean I could, but I don't see anyone around that is really able to make me do something like that. Seems self serving for someone to give commands, yet not be able to make anything happen." With a nasty grin on his face, in one swift movement, he sends his hand through Emiya's chest. "That's always been your problem, just expecting people to obey. Never realizing that some may choose otherwise. I am not obligated to follow your voice, yet you bellow to the top of your lungs as if that will make me."

I feel helpless as I look at a broken Emiya dangle from his hand, and snapping her in two, he tosses her aside next to Orth.

By now Orth has awakened from his slumber, and I I swiftly find myself at Emiya's side, tears streaming my face.

Shifting back into his dragon, Orth carries Emiya and I away, taking one last glimpse at his fallen comrade, Benson.

"Why did you not kill him my Lord?" Bishamonten questioned.

"Because, I can't. Besides, I would rather he suffered instead, knowing that I am the reason he's lost so much.

As Orth flies away I stare at Emiya in distress.

"Why? Why did it have to be you?"

The thought of having lost her forever weighs me down. Leaning in, I place my lips gently to her, willing her with everything in me, to live.

As my tears reaches her, along with my kiss, I can feel a portion of mana leave my body, and enter hers.

"Kano?" Emiya says as she awakens temporarily, closing her eyes once again.