22 Chapter Twenty Two: Broken Souls

The look on Emiya's face told me everything I needed to know. She was hurt.

"We just found each other, why would you leave?"

Storming away, Emiya doesn't look back, and I sigh.

"And this is why I prefer my nonhuman emotions. That reason, right there."

I take a deep breath, shaking my head at Orth. Now was not the time for him to run my face in it. While this is our first fight, I refuse to give up the love I feel towards her.

"When you see that she has calmed herself, please give her this letter. I have to leave immediately if I want to get a jump on finding my power. I have no doubt that Sora will send his own men to try to beat me to it."

"Will do. I'll make sure she stays safe."

"Thank you Orth."

With one final goodbye, I walk away from the Training Grounds. Opening up a portal, I teleport myself to Tokyo, Japan in search of the first relic that may contain my powers.

Walking through the streets of Tokyo, I could tell just how much awakening my powers and memories had changed me. It's true, my powers weren't close to what they used to be, however awakening them has made quite the difference. I can see the light and dark energies fizzling around me, demons hiding in alleyways, while demi-humans stare at me, normal humans oblivious to their presence.

It is clear that they notice my power as well.


Turning to my left, I see a group of demons running from someone. He wasn't too bulky, and he had a medallion hanging from his chest, bandages across his chest.

Stretching out his arm, he shoots a powerful water blast, before wrapping it around them like a snake, and yanking them back towards them.

"Pathetic. You think you can cause chaos in this town, and not be cut down."

Squeezing his hand shut, the water whip tightens around the demons.

"Wait we were just following orders!"

"And I'm just protecting mankind from you."

With one final squeeze, the demons are destroyed, and I am stunned. I can sense my magic flowing through him, but not in the sense that I could take it from him. It's more like my magic has changed him, meaning the relic is nearby.

I was unable to dwell on it too long, seeing a demon try to sneak behind the guy who had just killed its friends.

On instinct, I try my best to copy what I had just seen, manipulating the molecules in the air, and turning it into a water whip. Unfortunately, before it could reach the demon, it turned into a puddle.

Angered, the demon turns its focus to me, but before it could get close, it is destroyed.

I look at my hands in confusion. It seems I'm only able to properly control bits of my power in my anger. This will be much harder than I expected.

"So, you're a water user too. Just who are you?"

I look at the demon slayer, and decide against telling him my true name.

"I am Daichi Akemi. I guess you could say I'm learning my powers."

"Daichi, my name is Ashikota Minato. I've never seen you around here. Hope you're not here to add to the trouble."

"Yes, I'm currently traveling the world, in search of a little adventure, and figured I'd make Tokyo my first stop. But what do you mean, 'add to the trouble'?"

Ashikota gives me a thoughtful look, before deciding to answer.

"Walk with me."

I contemplate rather or not I should. It was either go with him, or try to find the relic the hard way. I decide to join him.

"So, What is this trouble exactly?" I ask him curiously. Since I no longer rule over heaven, and my powers are dampened, most things I have to experience firsthand. So far, I've only been able to sense energy presence within a fifty foot radius of my location.

"Seventeen years ago something happened in these lands. A loud thunderstorm rocked the skies, and several artifacts hit the earth. When that happened, humans were given magical abilities. No one really knows where they originated from, all they know is it changed a lot of people. In my village, it was affected in the worst way. A lot of people let the power go to their heads, and that dark magic gave rise to a lot of demons roaming the areas. They are in league with dark sages, and attack whenever they please, some stronger than others. I try my best to protect those that I can, but it gets harder everyday. Some people are corrupted by access to so much magic. Some have even killed off their own families. I was five when it happened. Had the pleasure of watching my own brother try to kill me, after he killed our father."

I stare at him in disbelief. All because my son betrayed me, my creations have suffered so greatly. I'm suddenly angered by my weakened state, and vow to find a way to fix this for him.

"I'm sorry you had to experience that," I tell him sincerely.

"There is nothing can do about it. So, what's your story? What brings someone so young to Tokyo? I imagine you've experienced some things on your own."

I almost want to laugh when he calls me young. Still, he's not wrong about my experiences. He has no idea just how deep that question runs for me. I decide to give him the surface answer.

"A month ago my parents and best friends were murdered by demons. I vowed I would find a way to make it up to them. Even if I have to destroy every demon in every corner."

"I think I can help you with your powers. After all, us broken souls have to stick together," Ashikota tells me, before we decide to continue on in silence.