Chapter 1106 Suicide Bomber.

Chapter 1106 Suicide Bomber.

The lightning bolts started the fire with their explosions and the storms fanned them into an all-consuming inferno. Ragnarok watched this happen from his position in the middle of the whirlpool. And he laughed as he watched the world burn before him.

He doesn't care if the demon god heard him but the demon god did hear him. Two people approached him. The storm didn't affect them. And neither did the devouring power around him. They look like a single person. This person that they look like is a black statue. The statue is made from a pitch-black opaque crystal material so they seem to be absorbing all of the light around them. n/.o-.v./ε(.l)-b..I--n

It is already difficult to see what this person truly looks like at all so it is much more difficult to see that they are two people. There is a red halo on top of the statue's head and a third eye on its forehead. As for the second halo, it is in the form of a large loop around the black statue. So Ragnarok is sure that there are two Vampires. That is unless a single Vampire has two Halos.

"Here comes the demon god's lackeys." Ragnarok mocked. "What do you want? Do you want to fight me too?"

The statue didn't talk. The air around them was suddenly whipped into a frenzy. It is a small localized event that only occurred in the area around the black statue. Air moved swiftly along the red loop around the black statue. But this wind is not normal. It is black so it looks like thin strips of black air are rotating around the statue quickly.

It all happened in a flash. The thin strips of black air congealed into one black strip and suddenly elongated towards Ragnarok's head. Then it returned to the black statue with a snap like an elastic substance. It returned to its form as black wind moving along the red loop.

They attacked him before he could deploy his domain. It was so fast that he couldn't react. He doesn't even know that he was attacked. His consciousness simply darkened as a splitting pain tore through his existence.

Then he sighed. "To think I didn't learn my lesson to keep my mouth shut when we failed to kill the fountain of life."

They had tried to kill the fountain of life before and they failed. That was after the fountain of life had fought with the child of the plane. They sought to eliminate it in its weakened state and they succeeded in splitting it apart. It divided into two sections just like this and he gloated. Only for the fountain of life to heal immediately.

The two parts of the fountain of life rejoined in the blink of an eye. Nothing they did worked on the fountain of life after. It was capable of healing even as it was being cut. Now they are having a repeat of that situation.

It is not exactly a repeat. The fountain of life was immune to their ability to cut anything. It wasn't damaged or injured after several cuts. It was as if they were cutting a slime that could regenerate endlessly.

On the other hand, Ragnarok is highly susceptible to their ability. They can kill him if they want to, but they risk having all this energy that he has devoured from the plane explode. It will surely crack the plane in half if it does explode. That's the least that can happen. The plane might very well break up into many more pieces or be obliterated.

So Ragnarok is threatening them with his death. They have to watch him heal or watch the world destroyed. The choice is theirs.

Drastoic mused to himself, "Did he think this ahead or is it a coincidence?"

It could be either but Drastoic wants it to be a coincidence that even the death of Ragnarok will lead to the destruction of the plane. Because if it is not a coincidence and Ragnarok planned for this, then either Ragnarok is determined to destroy the plane at all cost including his life or he is just holding the plane for ransom.