Chapter 38

Although the mission of the No. 9 Zerg battlefield was finally completed with the support of the brothers of the guild, the immortal flag also suffered heavy losses, including damaged equipment, dead equipment and experience, as well as a large number of krypton gold props consumed to support time.

Although the brothers didn't complain, they were still celebrating the success of upgrading the immortal flag to the intermediate level, but Gu Zheng was still a little upset. After all, some people had joined other guilds, and this time he came back just to help.

Gu Zheng also knows that although the guild has successfully upgraded to the intermediate level, there are still many tasks to be completed in the future. He is very clear that the shadow stream guild will continue to suppress them, disgust them, and prevent his immortal banner from rising again.

I'm afraid that when I go to upgrade and do tasks, I will be bullied and suppressed by the shadow stream.

Gu Zheng was depressed in his heart, but he had nothing to do. It was obviously not so easy for him to start all over again. The immortal flag really had a long way to go if he wanted to revive his power.

"Something must be done!" Gu Zheng sat in the game cabin and lost in thought. If it goes on like this, it's not a good way. We'll help you this time, but we can't consume it all the time. Everyone who plays the game wants to have a good time. He doesn't want to go on the sunny Road and has to fight with you for that breath.

After a long time, the cabin door was knocked. Gu Zheng opened the cabin door and saw Wang Dalong red in the face and ears. He said indignantly, "boss, they are so bullying! I'm so angry

"Dragon, join the shadow flow guild!" Gu Zheng said suddenly.

"Ah? What do you mean, boss? " Wang Dalong is a little confused.

"We can't be more rigid, we have to change the way..." Gu Zheng said.

"What method?" Wang Dalong is in high spirits.

Gu Zheng told Wang Dalong about his plan, and Wang Dalong's face slowly brightened: "can this method work?"

"It depends on your acting skills!"

"OK, boss, I'll have a try, but I don't know if I can make it!"

"It's still difficult for you to join the current level. You have to exceed level 60. You quit our guild these days, and then practice quickly. I'll fill 20000 in your account and change into decent equipment!" Gu Zheng said with a smile.

After Wang Dalong left, Gu Zheng contacted Shenle, kaishu, Rebellin and other people he trusted and told them about his plan. They all thought it was feasible, and this might be the best way at present.

"By the way, remember to pay attention to it for me and see if there are accounts above level 60 to sell. I'm going to take one!" Gu Zheng said.

"Well, no problem!"

The next day, a message came out from infinity Huaxia District: the leader of the suspected immortal flag guild returned to the game and re founded the immortal flag guild with a trumpet, but it was strangled by Yingliu guild. The guild announced its dissolution again, and the core members were disheartened and left one after another.

A few days later, the vice president of the immortal flag Association "triumphant return" intended to lead some core members to join the shadow stream. They clashed with the former core members of the immortal flag, "dragon's scale" and "soft persimmon" and so on. The two sides had a big fight outside Luohe City and broke up unhappily.

The shadow flow guild throws olive branches to the core members of the immortal flag, triumphs and other former members of the immortal flag guild, and joins the shadow flow guild.

A few days later, the shadow stream guild completed a new round of personnel turnover, with 5000 members, all of whom are over 60 levels, 80% of whom have reached 70 levels, making it the strongest guild in Huaxia district.

The shadow flow guild refreshes the most difficult copy - the record of Carrigan temple.

The shadow flow guild sweeps the battlefield of shagulas, the Zerg's home star, and monopolizes the resource area of the zelor mountains


Who is in the meeting room with Zheng Feng.

"This man named cruise has a good voice, which is in line with Dominic's character temperament, and the emotional expression of this demo recording is very good!" After watching the sample films recorded by several actors responsible for dubbing Dominic, Gu Zheng said with satisfaction.

Recently, Gu Zheng didn't log in to the game. Since he started making copies, he seems to have found another pleasure in life. Playing games is no longer the whole of his life.

Moreover, "speed and passion" is Gu Zheng's favorite movie series in his previous life. He also has high hopes for the copies of "speed and passion", hoping to save the racing copies in infinite time and space and bring this masterpiece to the world.

But he doesn't want to be slapped in the face, and doesn't want to waste such a good IP. He must deeply participate in the production of the whole game, and personally help the team control the plot, characters, even dialogues, dubbing and other details, so as to make the flavor of the movie perfectly present in the game.

In recent days, the dubbing work of each role in the game has begun. Hu Guyue has also helped to contact many excellent dubbing actors at home and abroad. Most of the dubbing personnel have been ordered and started the relevant recording work.

Bryan's role is also determined to be voiced by Hu Guyue. In order to match the role well, this guy specially asked the voice teacher and performance teacher to guide his study.

However, it has to be said that he really has this talent. Several dubbing processes are very perfect, and he can handle the emotions of the characters very well. What I don't know is that he really thinks that he is a professional dubbing actor, which also makes Gu Zheng see the taste of Bryan in his previous life."Mr. Gu, Mr. Zhou, these are the list of background music of the game that we have preliminarily screened out. At present, the top five songs have won the most votes in us!" Ma Yuming, bu2's sound effects engineer, stood beside the projection screen and said that he immediately began to play it to Gu Zheng and Zhou Zheng one by one.

"Speed and passion" is the same as "Avatar". The materials provided by the system actually include all the sound effects and music involved in the whole series of films, which can be used directly.

But in order to increase the sense of substitution, Gu Zheng decided to choose some of the most popular music in the world and domestic rock music to join the game.

"The first three capitals are good. The rest will launch a prize survey on the Internet and let players vote for another five songs. It's also a little warm-up!" Gu Zheng said that he is very clear about the important role of participation. It's like participating in the creation of copies to let players participate in the choice of music. When copies go online, at least those players who have participated in the creation will become the first group of loyal fans.

On the same day, who and Zhengfeng studio launched a prize voting activity on the official account of infinite space community to vote for background music for the new game.

There are 20 pieces of music in the options. All players can vote. Each player can choose two songs at most. The five songs with the highest number of votes will be used as the background music of the game.

After the end of the event, the official will randomly select 20 lucky users from the participants to present limited edition Lamborghini sports car models.

Who and Zhengfeng studio's official account, with the popularity of the new world copy competition and avatar, has precipitated nearly six or seven million fans, so once the event was released, it attracted many players to watch and discuss.

"Great, who and Zhengfeng studio are going to launch a new copy!"

"Look forward to it!"

"Look forward to + 1"

"I don't know what surprise this time will bring us!"

"Well? Why is this music basically rock and heavy metal style

"Yes, these types of music feel a bit like racing copies!"

"No, there has been no one to play racing copies in the past two years. I don't know who is playing with Zhengfeng."

"It's not that nobody plays. There are no decent works in recent years. If there are good works, they will still play!"

"It must be a copy of the racing class. Didn't you see that the prizes are all super models?"

"The copy of the racing car is dead. I don't know who and Zheng Feng think about it. Instead of making the copy of the hot star theme, they suddenly run to make the copy of the racing car that nobody plays!"

"Yes, if it's a copy of a racing car, I'm afraid it's going to hit the street!"

"Don't be so pessimistic. Who and Zhengfeng studio can produce some amazing works and set off a wave of racing copies again?"

"It's hard. All the major companies are playing rotten. It's hard to play new tricks!"

"No one cares about that model car?"

"Which model car? Where is the model car? Why didn't I see it?"

"It's a sports car model, not a model!"

"Damn, Bai is excited!"

"By the way, what is Lamborghini's super brand? Why haven't you heard of it before?"

"Yes, but this sports car model is very handsome. I want it!"

"Want + 1"

"I searched on the Internet, but I didn't find it. Please popularize science!"

"I've never heard of this brand, and I've never seen a similar model. It can't be created by anyone and Zhengfeng studio."
