Chapter 92

In the next few days, Gu Zheng and the official team of infinite time and space jointly finalized the latest racing system. The new racing event is called "death flying car", and takes the Jueming battlefield competition mode as a competition, and sets up individual competition and team competition. The team competition takes five people as a team, and five groups of teams participate in each competition. The teams can cooperate with each other and compete in the team competition Resource competition and tactical use will also have more operation space and ornamental.

Gu Zheng has been in San Francisco for nearly a week, and has basically determined the rules and system of the event. The official plans to officially launch the new event on July 1.

The competition is also through the points ranking, audition, each district shortlisted, to the final global finals, and the team needs to register to participate, each district through the offline city competition, professional competition, each district shortlisted, to the final global finals.

And the final of the "death car" will be held in May next year, lasting for one month.

When Gu Zheng returned to China from San Francisco, infinite time and space officially released the announcement and news of the new event, which really stirred up a thousand waves.

The players of "death flying car" are very happy. This is what they are looking forward to. When the official event is held, these players can see wonderful games in the future, and they can also have the opportunity to participate in competitions and compete for individual prizes.

And the major game clubs are also like this. They know better than laymen the market potential of the event of "death flying car". Now, as the official E-sports event, it will only be more popular in the future, and the influence of the event will reach an unprecedented height. The value that this event may create is also immeasurable.

This gives them a very good opportunity, a brighter future.

And many copy suppliers are envious in their hearts. Although it is expected that "death express" will be included in the official competition, they are still envious when they see the news.

They are very clear that in the future, the vitality of "death and flying car" will be unmatched, and the income of various props around this game will continue to flow, and the gold absorbing ability will definitely surpass that of "speed and passion".

But jealousy belongs to jealousy. We should copy it. After all, this kind of playing method will be very popular for a long time in the future.


In the dormitory of a Polytechnic College in Dingbao City, Gao Sihang was full of energy and confidence when he looked at the messages left by microblog fans and their affirmation.

In fact, he is just plain looking, average academic performance, ordinary family background, no special skills, and not good at talking. In other people's eyes, he is a poor loser with no money.

In the past, he was a transparent existence in his life. He never thought that he would have fans one day, and there would be a large group of people who like him.

And all this is because the appearance of "death car" changed his life.

Since he went to college, Gao Sihang felt confused about his life. In high school, he had another goal, which was to go to college. Anything would be fine, at least to satisfy his parents' wishes. However, he seemed to lose his goal in life.

Like many college students, the game has become a part of his life and his new goal. He is very glad that the excellent copy of "speed and passion" was born in infinite time and space, which made him deeply fall in love with the racing copy, and even made him crazy for a time.

After the "death car" went online, he was even more surprised. The way it played was so suitable for him. The combination of driving and strategy gave him more room to play. It was as if he had found a place to play and felt like a fish in water.

In particular, the competitive mode of Jueming battlefield gives him a place to show himself.

At present, he has always been at the top of the list of "death car" players. Recently, he has contributed a lot of magic operations on the Internet, which also makes him have a large number of fans on the Internet.

Today, after the official announcement of the competition news of "death flying car" by infinity space, he was also very excited, and his fans also @ him on Weibo, hoping to see him participate in the individual competition, thinking that he has the possibility to qualify or even compete for the championship.

The recognition of fans also gave him great confidence and encouragement.

Although he still does not know how to go in his future life, what kind of person he will become and what kind of life he will have, at least now he has found his goal again.

He hopes to do his best to live up to the expectations of his fans and win some prizes to supplement his tuition and living expenses, so as to reduce the burden of his parents.

To clean up his mood, Gao Sihang once again entered the infinite time and space. In order to get the qualification for the competition, he must work harder to keep his current ranking and sprint towards better results.

Three days later, infinite space officially announced the detailed rules and schedule of the event, as well as the bonus. This time, the official showed greater sincerity, with a million dollars bonus for the individual champion, plus the champion's exclusive racing props.

The runner up is 200000 US dollars and the runner up is 100000 US dollars.

In addition, the regional finalist also has a $50000 bonus.The team champion's prize is as high as 10 million US dollars, the runner up is 3 million US dollars, and the runner up is 1 million US dollars. There are certain prizes in regional and professional competitions.

With the start of the event, the popularity of "death flying car" is getting higher and higher, and its unique battlefield playing method has become a phenomenal playing method and a trend.

More and more ordinary players have found a place where they can show their talents in the battlefield, and gradually come to the fore. They are also charging towards the seemingly unattainable champion dream.

And "good luck, eat chicken tonight" has become a hot word on the Internet, a catchphrase of young people, and even a keyword of many big brand marketing copywriters.

A large number of copycat copies have flooded into the infinite time and space, but they seem to have fallen into the sea without any news

Chuangli technology, a game company that Huaxia can compete with xiangtian technology, once won the silver award of the year's most popular copy of infinite time and space by virtue of "fortress on the sea".

With this copy, they made a lot of money. However, this time, they still couldn't resist the temptation of money. After seeing the fire of "death car", they directly copied the playing method, quickly made a copy, and uploaded it to infinite time and space.

But now two days have passed, and it has not been approved.

"It's been two days. Why haven't you passed yet?" Zhang Dali frowned and asked in a puzzled way.

He is the founder and CEO of Chuangli technology, and also a famous figure in the domestic game circle.

"Maybe there are too many entries in the copy contest recently, so I'm too busy to come over. I've lost some time!" The project manager wants to say that there is only one possibility.

"Call to ask, time is money, there is no follow-up works on the market, we have to seize the opportunity!" Zhang Dali said that he was very clear that other companies must be copying the "death flying car" play to make copies, but now it's faster than who.

"OK, Mr. Zhang, I'll arrange someone to contact the official audit department now!"

And Zhang Dali has the same confusion, there are many copies of the "death of flying car" suppliers, including Chi Xiang.


[thank you for your encouragement]

the two friends of Wu busi Er Lu and the noble scholar each gave 100 yuan