Chapter 140

"Galaxy guard" online, immediately caused a hot discussion in the whole network.

This copy, with its unique style, brings players a fresh feeling. Players can find that the story in the interstellar background is not only heavy story, cruel war, cold warship, blood and artillery, destruction and death.

They can also happily experience the vast galaxy, experience the mysterious and unknown interstellar world, and appreciate different planetary civilizations.

Although the Galactic guard also involves a lot of heavy elements such as genocide, dark forces, war and killing, it presents them in a group of funny characters in a relaxed way.

Let the players laugh when they play the game, feel that the whole person is in a good mood after playing the game, and even want to play all the time. After all, everyone is willing to be with interesting people, including the game characters.

And "Galaxy guard" because the plot and characters are very funny, so the players are given the title of - Toby guard, sand sculpture guard, funny Star Alliance and so on.

"Hahaha, it's the first time to play a game from the beginning to the end. Quill is definitely a star sand sculpture. It's so funny. I'm a good guy when quill dances in front of Ronan!"

"NIMA, this is the most unorthodox game I've ever seen!"

"The star Jue queer dance is definitely a famous scene of the year. Tainima is funny!"

"Love, love, playing a game for the first time makes me laugh like a pig!"

"I used to show the game in the form of comedy. It's amazing, Mr. Gu!"

"It's very funny, but it's also very hot-blooded. There are laughter, tears, emotion and emotion. This game really pinches the players' emotions to death!"

"I used to think that Gu was always a sports car designer, screenwriter and music producer who was delayed by the game. Now it seems that he is still a funny master who was delayed by the game!"

"To tell you the truth, in addition to funny, other aspects are also very excellent, and this time it presents a larger world view of Marvel Universe, a more grand war scene, which is really shocking. I feel that it is more fun than the Avengers alliance!"

"I also thought that I was worried about whether it would be the same kind of leather changing works as Fu Lian. I didn't expect that Mr. Gu would not let us down!"

"What's the matter? Why do you make a game so funny that I, who have never watched animation and dialogue with characters, just watch animation and dialogue this time. I haven't finished the first part of the plot yet!"

"Gu Zheng, I hate you. I spent thousands of pieces of injection to eliminate the fishtail pattern, and I was laughed by your game in one day!"

"Hahaha, the rocket bear is too cheap. I almost died when I stole someone's artificial leg. It's really a little cheap bear. No, it's a little Raccoon!"

"Wuwuwushuren grute is dead. Do you play to the back of the story? Can Shuren come back to life?"

"Didn't you see the video of tree man baby shared on the Internet? Grut didn't die. It turned into a sapling and was planted in a potted plant. It was super cute. In the third volume, it turned into a tree man baby. It was really cute. Female players said that they were crazy!"

"Shuren sacrificed his tears. I was really moved. I was so surprised when he turned into a sapling. The Shuren baby was so cute. The blood tank was empty!"

"Come on, be adored by the tree man baby, come here and praise it!"

"Quell's father is a planet. This brain hole is really OK. It's a bit of a Creator!"

"Yes, no wonder quill didn't hang the stone in his hand. This guy is not an ordinary man!"

"Well, what are you talking about? How can I not understand it! "

"There is a big God playing the plot of the fourth volume. It's amazing!"

"Galaxy guard" is a combination of Gu Zheng's first and second films of "Galaxy guard", and on this basis, he created many interesting adventures and stories.

The original stories account for almost 70% of the total, which shows a more comprehensive and full view of the world under the Marvel Universe, as well as various settings, and even mentions Asgard.

Many of the civilizations and planets in the copy are not found in previous movies, but they are based on Marvel's world view.

With the super popularity accumulated originally, the data performance of Galaxy guard after it went online was very good, and the quality and style of the copy also moved the players. The word-of-mouth fermentation and the popularity also soared, and soon it was the most dazzling new star on the list of infinite time and space.

Countless players and fans also named "Galaxy guard" as the funniest copy of the year.

And around the topic of "Galaxy guard", the hot search list of the top player community has been launched one after another, and a large number of female players have been captured again with the help of the tree man baby.

The various animations of Shuren baby have also been made into videos by fans and uploaded to various media, forming a sprouting storm all over the world and successfully getting out of the circle.

And the appearance of "Galaxy guard" has once again aroused the discussion of peers."Gu Zheng is really a genius! Even with this humorous and relaxed style, we can be unique, and successfully use the cute economy to open up the market for more female players! "

"Well, to tell you the truth, he is very bold and dare to try different styles, which may be the reason for his success!"

"Sometimes the inherent thinking is terrible. I used to think that when a person works in the same industry for a long time, he will have Lane thinking. He thinks that many things should be like this. But in fact, there is never a real law in the world, especially in creation. I think our planners should cover a wider range, or we should use more rich resources Creative new people

"In fact, there are many problems in our management mode. Even if new people have new ideas, they may not be taken seriously. We have not given more support to those bold ideas!"

The excellent performance of "Galaxy guard" really taught many peers another lesson. They also began to think about why Zhengfeng mutual entertainment can create different styles of game types, and can also succeed one after another, creating blockbusters. It seems that he can always accurately grasp the market trend and the psychological needs of players, which is really enviable.

In fact, many game companies are secretly studying and analyzing the successful mode of Zhengfeng mutual entertainment, including the reasons for the success of each copy of Zhengfeng, and even studying the operation and management mode of their company. It seems that they are eager to find out what they can learn from to make themselves successful.

Many companies also began to imitate the style of "Galaxy guard", but also embarked on the road of humor style.

With the popularity of Galaxy guard, the works derived from this game also emerge in an endless stream. The video of what game process, evaluation, strategy, game music inventory, game funny plot collection, game egg mining, follow-up plot conjecture and so on are numerous.

And the image of Shuren baby is also popular all over the Internet, and netizens also called for some cooperation around the cute pair of grunt and rocket bear.
