Chapter 236

The international situation is changing, and the capital market is changing rapidly. However, Gu Zheng and Wang Shishi are enjoying their own quiet time.

The blue sea, the soft sand, the fresh air, the warm sunshine, the top delicious, the extreme scenery, the beauty in the side, the wine company.

Delicious food, beautiful scenery and beautiful women constitute the ultimate experience in travel, and the best feeling in the world is just like this.

In a month, Gu Zheng and Wang Shishi traveled all over the most beautiful islands in the world. They put aside their work and troubles, the world's troubles and the intrigues in the shopping malls.

Heart to feel life, time, life, beautiful, this month let them feel like they have been in paradise, do not think about those sinister, fighting, helpless and sad, some only beautiful scenery and food, relaxed and happy.

Gu Zheng successfully proposed to Wang Shishi at Pandora resort in Tahiti. It was a marriage proposal ceremony carefully planned by his dream hunting group. Many tourists from the whole resort also witnessed the proposal that night.

Many people also participated in the part after the proposal, singing and dancing together, and celebrating together.

People from different countries, people with different skin colors and languages dance and twist their bodies together. There is no discrimination, no hatred, no disputes, only happiness.

Gu Zheng feels that heaven is just so beautiful!

But happiness is always short. At the end of the journey, everything comes back to reality. Although the real world is also very beautiful, there are many distractions, which make people helpless.

Huaxia's negotiation with the United States played a certain role. With the efforts of the blue brand, the United States agreed to remove Guoxing technology from the sanctions list, but still imposed sanctions on many chip products of Guoxing technology.

This is a better situation now.

Blue brand thinks it's time to compete with Guoxing brand. The key is not in technology, but in equipment.

He knows that the other party must be using brainwave control, and the fluency and reaction speed of technology release are much faster than him. All kinds of dodge and move and all kinds of skill release are just like opening the plug-in.

But York knows that this game can not exist plug-in, his operation is already very powerful, in the "League of heroes" he depends on the operation of the world.

However, because of the advantage of the other side's brain wave manipulation, I can't make up for it through personal ability.

"Damn it, damn it, why should the US government punish the products of Guoxing technology so that I can't buy them?" York vented his resentment to his government.

At the age of political rebellion, he is full of complaints and dissatisfaction with his country and political system.

Now, because of being bullied in the game, all the resentment in my heart has no place to vent, so I can only run to the community to abuse.

When he came to the game community, he saw that many people had the same distress as him, and many people were also complaining and abusing their government's sanctions against Guoxing technology.

He would leave a message below, speechless, and then simply post a complaint himself.

Although the United States has banned the sanctions against Guoxing brand, it still sanctions many of its chip components, which also leads to the failure of Guoxing brand to be sold in China.

"Just seeing the development of azure brand, they are going to meet with Guoxing brand again to talk about cooperation. It seems that there is hope for cooperation, and we may be able to use the intelligent device of brainwave control system!" York suddenly brush to a latest message, suddenly overjoyed.

"That's great. I've got news at last!" York is very happy. In fact, he also hopes that Guoxing technology and azure technology can cooperate.

After all, there is only one possibility, so that they can use the brainwave control system the fastest and most likely.

Of course, happy to be happy, York did not forget to scold his country and government: "if it was not for this damned sanction, why should we wait so long? This country is really disappointing!"
