Chapter 238

At the end of the second meeting, azure technology devoted all its resources and means to actively promote cooperation with Guoxing technology.

Although they will become a company that has completely lost the control of the core technology, like Huaxia technology company, most of the hardware and core technology are dependent on foreign suppliers and only do their own brand and assembly.

As a matter of fact, no one wants to be an assembly plant, especially blue technology, a technology company that once started with technology.

But there's no way. If they don't cooperate with Guoxing technology, their brand will be further hit, and their market value will continue to evaporate. Especially their competitors are already in action. They are trying every means to cooperate with Guoxing technology to seize the market controlled by their blue brand.

Although Guoxing's products can't enter the European and American markets due to national reasons, its competitors are coveting the huge temptation of interests.

Therefore, we do not hesitate to seek the possibility of cooperation with Guoxing science and technology in various ways, so as to reap the market of blue brand with the advantage of leading technology.

Azure technology has received a lot of news recently, knowing that many competitors are in action.

Therefore, they must act as soon as possible. It is the unremitting efforts of these big capitalists that have contributed to the change of the attitude of the US government towards the national rejuvenation of science and technology.

Gu Zheng had to take part of the time to communicate and confirm with the wedding planners because most of the items involved in the wedding were customized.

Gu Zheng and Wang Shishi also need to participate in the confirmation of various customization processes and schemes, but although they are busy, they are happy.

Wedding is a very rare experience in life, especially for their beloved to prepare a romantic wedding, is a happy process.

The game oasis has been fully handed over to the team for operation and management. The team of this game is absolutely the top team in the world. All kinds of talents gather together and contribute their wisdom.

It is also constantly creating more interesting content and playing methods for oasis, making oasis more and more sticky, better reputation, and expanding its global influence and market.

At present, the total number of players of oasis in the world is close to 4 billion, which is an achievement that the most brilliant "infinite time" can not achieve.

And from "infinite time and space" to "oasis" those players will also their game time and energy, slowly all transferred to "oasis", which also further compressed the "infinite time and space" active player data.

There are many industry media analysis, infinite time and space may be delisted in three years, this game will completely become a place for some old players to miss their youth.

Looking at the declining data and the evaporated market value of infinite time and space, although Rui Klein was very distressed, he had nothing to do, and he could not turn the tide.

Perhaps, as many people in the industry have said, his father's departure has also taken away the vitality of infinite time and space, and everything has long been doomed.

As the level of the head players in Oasis gets higher and higher, the subsequent plots become more and more wonderful, and the big boss and precious props and skills that players expect are gradually emerging.

For example, a big player in Huaxia District acquired the round eye skill in a mission. At that time, someone offered a million yuan to buy this skill.

In the end, the bid reached 10 million, but the big guy didn't sell it.

Because the skills of the eye of writing wheel can be upgraded. With the subsequent level upgrade, as well as the completion of specific upgrade tasks and the acquisition of specific props, you can unlock the higher skills of the eye of writing wheel. For example, after upgrading to the eye of writing wheel in kaleidoscope, you can summon the skills that you need to be able to do.

This skill is also one of the well-known cherished skills on the official skill list of oasis. Of course, this skill is so attractive, not only because of its strength, but also because of the popularity of Naruto.

With the advent of the first wheel eye, countless players all over the world flocked to do tasks and brush copies. In order to obtain the same skills, countless players contributed countless time and money.

After the appearance of the first writing wheel eye, the revenue of oasis doubled directly, but the appearance of writing wheel eye is just the beginning. Those animation works such as Naruto, king of pirates, God of death, Godard and fairy baokemeng have super popular skills, weapons, pets, props and so on.

They are all attracting countless players to spend countless time and money happily.

Of course, in addition to the attraction brought by these famous IP, oasis's world outlook, rich plots and playing methods, and novel and interesting experiences are constantly attracting players to immerse themselves in it.……

With the unremitting efforts of azure technology, the sanction policy of the United States for Guoxing technology has been further adjusted, and azure technology finally has the possibility of real cooperation with Guoxing technology.

After the third negotiation, the two sides formally confirmed the cooperation and held a cooperation signing conference in Huaxia a week later.

This news really caused a sensation all over the world. Two companies that once cooperated with infinite time and created countless excellent copies for the world broke up completely because of infinite time and space.

Even in the two fields of VR intelligent devices and games, they have become competitors. For a time, there was a fierce fight, and even led to a contest at the government level.

Now that the past is over, cooperation really makes people sigh that business competition has no permanent enemy, only permanent interests.

Of course, everyone knows that this war without gunpowder ended with the complete defeat of WLK group.

WLK The two main businesses of the group are surpassed by Zhengfeng mutual entertainment and Guoxing technology, although azure technology has maintained its market position with the help of the government.

However, people with clear eyes know that the science and technology of azure technology completely lags behind that of Guoxing technology. This cooperation proves that azure technology seeks peace from Guoxing technology.

This can be seen from the fact that the U.S. government has repeatedly revised the sanctions on Guoxing technology, and azure technology has taken the initiative to visit many times.

Moreover, the positive attitude of azure technology at this stage is enough to prove that they have given up.

Today's so-called cooperation is no different from the unequal treaties of "humiliating the country". The system is of Guoxing technology, and the hardware assembly involved in brain wave control is almost of Guoxing technology.

According to the analysis of industry technical experts, although the two sides seem to cooperate in the field of brainwave control, it is estimated that 80% of the parts and software involved in this technology are provided by Guoxing technology.

Therefore, from a certain point of view, blue technology is almost a OEM of Guoxing brand. It has only a brand.

Although azure technology has indeed lost, and even has to hand over most of the money it makes in the European and American markets to Guoxing technology, it is also their best choice at present.

After the two sides officially signed the cooperation, the shares of azure technology have gone all the way, and even the shares of infinite time and space have gone up. Moreover, infinite time and space has officially announced that it will soon upgrade the game system, realize the brand-new game experience and fun brought by brain wave control in the game, as well as more novel ways to play.

The achievement of this cooperation gives a sigh of relief to a blue tech company under pressure, and also makes countless European and American users very happy, celebrating that they can finally buy intelligent devices with brain wave control system.

Gu Zheng and Guoxing technology are even more happy. This cooperation has enabled them to reap the benefits of the European and American markets. They do not need to explore the market, publicize, operate the brand and provide after-sales services.

You can directly get no less than the profit from your normal sales from azure technology, and the once invincible azure technology has become an OEM for you.

Gu Zheng can't help sighing that mastering the leading core technology is really the most profitable. As long as you sell the technology license, you can enjoy the success and earn a steady stream of wealth.

It's so cool, it can't be any better!

The money that flowed out of the country because of backward technology has begun to flow back now.

Oasis game is a brand product of Guoxing. In the future, Gu Zheng will absorb wealth from other countries in more fields to help Huaxia achieve real anti super and real rise.
