Chapter 550: Desire is hard to satisfy

Jiangnan Martial Arts Association Headquarters.

 The atmosphere in the hall was extremely quiet.

Song Tian looked at Karl.

 I don’t know why, but the uneasiness in his heart became more and more intense.

 So, he directly offered 10 million points, hoping to impress the latter. He would first deal with Shi Tao in front of him, and then take them over to find his ancestor.

 Hearing the chips that Song Tian reported, the middle-aged Fengguo man on the side was deeply moved.

 The assistance their family receives from the Song family every year is only one to twenty million points.

 As a result, as soon as the other party opened his mouth, it was 10 million points.

The price is just to ask the family patriarch to take action once. If his own strength was not average, he really wished he could take action on behalf of the patriarch.

When Chang Fei and others heard this, their hearts were in their throats.

If that Karl agrees, the President will not be able to stop him, right?

 Just hope that nothing happens.

 “Ten million points.”

There was a burst of laughter from Carl's mouth, and he said: "Master Song, ten million points is indeed a lot. I also want to get it, but I am afraid that I will lose my life flower."

An anxious look appeared on Song Tian's face, "Mr. Karl, I can guarantee that their mid-level warrior in the Heavenly Realm is definitely not here. Otherwise, he wouldn't have shown up until now."

“Master Song, no matter what you say, this is just your guess. What if it happens?”

Karl said calmly: "What if after I take action, that warrior in the middle stage of the Heavenly Realm appears, I will be one against two. If I am not careful, my life will be lost here. If I get a What’s the use of tens of millions of points?”

 “Mr. Karl, do you think that 10 million points is a little too little?”


Hearing this, Song Wu and others on the side opened their eyes wide.

What? Ten million points is still less?

Karl smiled and said nothing.

The Song family and others immediately understood that the other party really felt that 10 million points were missing.

 “Big brother.”

Song Wu couldn't help but call him.

 Otherwise, let’s forget it?

They have been dealing with revival groups for so many years, and they know very well that these people are greedy and greedy.

In the past, if you asked them for anything, you would have to pay a high price. Now that the situation is special, it would be strange for them not to take advantage of it.

“Brother, I think the seventh uncle will come back soon. He was already a warrior in the Heavenly Realm hundreds of years ago.” The fourth son of the Song family also spoke up.

"Yes, brother, that boy named Chen is just a True Yuan realm warrior. He took advantage of the seventh uncle's unpreparedness and escaped. I think the seventh uncle has caught that boy now and is on his way here. ." The voice of the fifth son of the Song family also sounded.

This is 10 million points, which is also a big expense for the Song family.

 The most important thing is, is it not necessary?

 Song Tian also hesitated at this moment.

Yes, could it be that I am overthinking it?

 They came so quickly this time. Logically speaking, Shi Tao and others couldn't make any preparations?

The middle-aged Feng countryman was a little panicked when he saw this situation, and quickly winked at Karl on the side, Patriarch, this is 10 million points! There is an old saying in Yanguo: after passing this village, there will be no such store.

 Otherwise, just agree to it.

 Karl was a little surprised in his heart.

 He just acted out of instinct. After all, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the current situation is very special. It is a good opportunity for him to take advantage of it and raise the price. Isn't it normal operation?

 As a result, Song Tian seemed to be frightened all of a sudden.

 What can be done about this?

 Change your words and agree?

There were so many people present, but they clearly heard what he just said. If I agree now, wouldn't it be a slap in the face to myself?

 And these people in the Song family are not stupid either.

After hearing that they have agreed, they may not necessarily continue to agree. Maybe it is better to lower the points, such as eight million points, or even five million points.

Shi Tao couldn't help but feel relieved when he looked at the two groups of people who had their own agendas.

 It seemed that he could delay Chen Fan a little longer.

As for how long it can be delayed, he is not sure. He can only take it one step at a time.

 I don’t know where Mr. Wang has gone. If he were here, they wouldn’t be as passive as they are now.

“Damn it, what’s going on outside now? Is the ancestor of the Song family so useless? How could he let the man named Chen escape right before his eyes?”

 In the Huangsha Tower, Ling Yu was depressed.

I thought that as soon as Chen Fan came out, he would be caught by the Song family, and his life would be worse than death, and the sword hanging above his head would disappear.

 As a result, these people from the Song family are too useless.

So many people couldn’t stop each other.

“If I were a warrior in the Heavenly Realm, I would have beaten that guy named Chen to the point of disowning him.”

At this moment, Karl finally couldn’t bear it any longer and spoke out.

"Head of the Song family, to be honest, the risk of this matter is indeed very high. Once something happens to me, the entire family will be affected. You also know that our revival society is also very complicated, and the various relationships in it are no better than yours. There are few Presbyterians, but,”

 He sighed, as if he had suffered a big loss, "But who makes the relationship between us extraordinary?"

 “Mr. Carl!”

 Song Tian's face showed excitement.

“Hehehe, Master Song, don’t get excited. This is what we, as partners, should do.”

Karl smiled.

"Well, with fifteen million points, I can take action and deal with your current opponents."

As he spoke, he glanced at Shi Tao contemptuously.

A warrior who has just entered the Heavenly Realm, even if he stands there and hits the opponent, the opponent cannot hurt him even a hair.

 “Fifteen million points!”

Not only the Song family members, but also Shi Tao and others also took a breath of air.

 For them, 10 million points is already the entire association’s income for a year.

 As a result, the other party improved by 50% on this basis!

Song Wu and others were also shocked.

This Karl is really rude, he just opened his mouth like a lion!

  15 million points, why don’t you ask for 20 million or even 30 million points?

However, as members of the Song family, it was difficult for them to explain clearly. They could only look at Song Tian and hope that he would not agree.

Fortunately, Song Tian did not disappoint them. After thinking for a moment, he shook his head and said with a wry smile: "Mr. Karl, 15 million points is really too much. Even though I am the head of the Song family, I don't have such a problem." The authority I just told you is 10 million points, which is the maximum limit that I can make the decision."

 “That’s it.”

Karl frowned, looking very distressed.

 The middle-aged man on the side was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. Patriarch, how long has it been since then that you still want such a high price? If it were Song Tian, ​​he wouldn't have agreed.

 Furthermore, several minutes have passed. Perhaps, the ancestor of the Song family is already on his way back.

 As soon as he comes back, this deal will naturally come to an end.

"Let's do this," Karl sighed again, "because we have such a good relationship, I want a little less, 12 million points. As long as you are willing to give me 12 million points, I will promise to help you solve the next problem. thing."

“Master Song, this is the biggest concession I can make. I hope you will seriously consider it.”

  When speaking at the end, Karl specially emphasized his tone.

 He didn’t know if he said 15 million points, would the other party refuse?

Of course he knows.

 But he did it anyway.

 The purpose is to prepare for the next 12 million points.

  After all, you think 15 million is too much, so if you suddenly reduce it by 3 million points to only 12 million, is that enough?

Of course, Song Tian can refuse to agree, or even not pay 10 million points, but before he refuses, he must carefully consider whether this will cause any consequences?

 Song Tian was stunned.

 He heard the other side's hidden meaning.

The faces of Song Wu and others behind him also became ugly.

 Unexpectedly, they still underestimated the shamelessness of this Karl.

Seeing that his eldest brother refused to agree, he even used threats.

If he refuses, it will be even more difficult for the Song family to gain support from the Fuxing Association and compete for the eldership of the Presbyterian Church after returning to the family.

 “Damn it!”

 Song Wu clenched his fists.

 How many resources have they invested in the people of Feng Country over the years?

 His own disciples are running out of cultivation resources.

 But the appetite of the people of Feng is like a black hole that can never be satisfied, and it gets bigger every time.

 “The head of the Song family.”

 What no one expected was that Shi Tao spoke at this time.

"Why don't you stop here? Let everything in the past pass. I will pretend that nothing has happened between our Jiangnan Martial Arts Association and your Song family. The beast tide is breaking out right now, and I'm afraid it will come in a few days. to here,

By then, I am afraid that not only Jiangnan City, but also the very large city where you are located will be surrounded by a tide of beasts. Instead of hurting each other here, it is better to save more strength and use it to destroy the vicious beasts. "

 He said this not just to delay time, but because he really thought so in his heart.

Of course, the possibility of the other party accepting it is probably slim.


Song Tian smiled coldly and said, "We, the Song family, don't want to cause a quarrel with you, President Shi. As long as President Shi agrees to the two conditions I mentioned before, won't everything be fine now?"

Shi Tao shook his head.

 Obviously the other party has no intention of giving up.

 The two conditions he put forward were just the first one, let alone the second one.

"Master Song, you are so unreasonable." Shen Shen couldn't help but said: "This incident all happened because of the people from the Feng Kingdom. If they hadn't robbed us, everything that followed would have been impossible. And that Karl just now You should have heard what I said,

When you are in need of help, they instead take this opportunity to double your request. Mr. Song family, ask yourself, no matter how much wealth your Song family has, if it continues like this, won't it one day be exhausted? "

Song Wu and others were silent when they heard this.

 In fact, they themselves know it, but what can they do?

The entire Yan Kingdom knows that they are tied to the same boat as the Revival Society. Of course, they have gained a lot of things over the years with the help of the Revival Society.

 But if we really want to compare what we gain and what we lose, the latter is more.

 But again, the work is done and it’s too late to say anything.

This time, they mobilized troops and even alarmed the family ancestors, and they vowed not to give up until they achieved their goal.


Song Tian said impatiently: "Things are not what you said at all, and the relationship between us and Mr. Karl cannot be instigated by you with just a few words. If you think that saying a few bad words can cause us to coax ourselves. ,think too much."

“Master Song is right.”

Karl gave Shen Shen a cold look and said, "The friendship between our Larson family and the Song family can be learned from heaven and earth. It cannot be shaken by just two or three words from you."

 He turned around, looked at Song Tian and said, "Master Song, how have you considered the proposal I mentioned before?"

"Mr. Karl," Song Tianwei said, "12 million points is really too many. I have no right to make the decision. Let's do this, 11 million points, of which 10 million points will be paid by the family, and the other 1 million points will be paid by the family." I will pay for the points personally, and I don’t know if Mr. Carl can agree to it.”


Karl gave a thumbs up and praised: "The Master of the Song family is the person with the most sense of family honor that I have ever seen. He doesn't care about personal gains and losses. However, since the other one million points were paid personally by the Master of the Song family, , it shouldn’t be difficult for me to collect another 1 million points to get 2 million.”

As soon as the words fell, everyone present was stunned.

I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen such shameless people.

 Even Shi Tao and others couldn't listen anymore.

 But looking at Karl, he didn't feel any discomfort at all, as if what he just said was a matter of course.

Song Tian’s face twitched a few times.

As the head of the Song family, he has a lot of power, but his income is not as much as he imagined. Even if he does have it, he has spent it on improving his vitality over the years.

  To take out one million points at once was a huge loss for him.

I originally thought that if he said this, the other party would understand his difficulties and agree. After all, 11 million points is really a lot.

 However, the other party was not touched at all and still asked for another one million points.

Karl looked at him with a smile.

 Invisibly, pressure comes.

Song Tian finally made a decision and said: "Okay, 12 million is 12 million. Please ask Mr. Karl to help us get rid of these guys."

 A murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

 He didn’t want to make things so perfect before coming here.

 But the plan could not keep up with the changes, and the price paid was too high.


Karl laughed loudly, "Since the Master of the Song family is so happy, it would be unethical if I didn't do something. Get rid of them, right? It's a piece of cake."


At this moment, a voice came into the ears of everyone present.

 “Chen Fan!”

 “It’s Chen Fan!”

 Shi Tao and others were overjoyed. (End of chapter)