Chapter 1378

Chapter 1378 Who Are You?

After entering the hospital, Xiao Yu, He Bo, and Guo Jie all checked carefully.

The condition of He Bo and Guo Jie is not bad, they are both skin injuries, but they have to stay in the hospital for observation for a day before going back to school.

And Xiao Yu's right hand was broken, but it wasn't particularly serious, and he should be able to recover after a while.

Zhang Feng was relieved when he knew that the three of them were fine.

"Zhang Feng, thank you for what happened today. If it wasn't for you, I guess the best result would be for me to go in alone..."

Xiao Yu said to Zhang Feng very seriously.

"That's right, Zhang Feng, thank you for what happened today, you are so handsome, I didn't expect you to be so powerful..."

He Bo also hurriedly bared his teeth and shouted.

And Du Xiyue instinctively glanced at Zhang Feng. In fact, she was also very grateful to Zhang Feng in her heart. After all, if it wasn't for Zhang Feng, Du Xiyue would have no way to get rid of Ma Hong's control.

"Why are you guys being so polite to me?"

Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Although we have a good relationship, we still have to thank you..."

Xiao Yu replied with a smile, then looked Zhang Feng up and down, and asked Zhang Feng in a serious tone: "Zhang Feng, who are you? Just don't hide it from us, okay?"

"My identity?"

Zhang Feng couldn't help but smile after hearing what Xiao Yu, He Bo and others said, with a helpless expression on his face, because this may be the question that Zhang Feng has been asked the most so far.

Of course, this is also one of the questions that Zhang Feng doesn't like to answer the most.

After all, Zhang Feng's identity is really complicated, and it is not so easy to explain these problems.

"Zhang Feng, we originally thought you were an ordinary rich second generation, and we didn't think much about it, but now I can feel that you are definitely not an ordinary rich second generation..."

Xiao Yu said to Zhang Feng in a very serious tone.

Zhang Feng looked at Xiao Yu and smiled, then asked with a playful expression: "How do you know that I am not an ordinary rich second generation?"

"Isn't that simple? If those people can talk to you like this today, it means that you are definitely not an ordinary person!"

Xiao Yu directly replied to Zhang Feng, and then continued: "Who is that Ma Hong? He was obviously not injured, but he just said that his arm had been broken, and the police had to believe it, Ma Hong His background has already made our family feel very hopeless, let alone Ma Hong’s cousin?"

"Yes, but today Ma Hong was beaten like that by you, and Ma Hong's cousin dared not say anything. This shows that your identity must be very terrifying, even to the point where we can't imagine..."

He Bo followed suit.


Zhang Feng looked at Xiao Yu and He Bo and smiled faintly, but didn't say much.

But Xiao Yu hesitated for a moment, and then continued: "Actually, Zhang Feng, we didn't mean anything else when we asked your identity. You asked you to help..."

"Even if you ask me to help, I won't help!"

Zhang Feng made a joke with a smile, and then continued: "Now if I explain my identity to you, you may not understand who I am. This is good. My club will open in a few days. I originally I also plan to give you a few membership cards, otherwise you will go to my opening ceremony directly, and then you will know who I am!"

"Is your club going to open?"

The expression on Xiao Yu's face was a little shocked.

"That's right, it's my clubhouse!"

Zhang Feng nodded.

"What's the name of your clubhouse?"

Xiao Yu asked very puzzled.

"You will know when the time comes!"

Zhang Feng did not answer this question directly, but got up slowly and said: "Okay, it's getting late now, you three should have a good rest, and I will tell you when my clubhouse opens, I will go first It's gone!"

After saying this, Zhang Feng stood up and walked out of the ward.

And Xiao Yu, He Bo, and Guo Jie had puzzled faces. After all, the three of them asked for a long time, but they didn't ask anything.

After Zhang Feng left the ward, he planned to go home.

But Zhang Feng had just walked out of the hospital when he heard someone calling his name behind him.

Zhang Feng looked back and found that it was Du Xiyue who had chased him out.

"Zhang Feng, wait a minute!"

Du Xiyue shouted anxiously at Zhang Feng while stepping on her high heels.

And Zhang Feng looked at Du Xiyue, he now knew that Du Xiyue and Ma Hong's reunion was just to save Xiao Yu and others, so he had already forgiven Du Xiyue in his heart.

"What's matter?"

After Du Xiyue walked in front of Zhang Feng, Zhang Feng asked Du Xiyue softly.

Du Xiyue briefly adjusted her breathing, and then said to Zhang Feng in a low voice: "Zhang Feng, thank you for what happened today!"

"What are you thanking me for?"

Zhang Feng asked in a daze.

"Today you saved Xiao Yu and the others. Xiao Yu and the others had an accident because of me, so I want to thank you, and also thank you for letting me get rid of Ma Hong. If it wasn't for you, I might never It will be destroyed in Ma Hong's hands!"

Du Xiyue said in a very serious tone.

"So it's because of these things!"

Zhang Feng smiled lightly, and then said softly: "Actually, you don't have to be so polite, I did this only because of Xiao Yu and the others!"

"No matter who you did these things for, I want to thank you!"

Du Xiyue hurriedly replied to Zhang Feng.

And Zhang Feng looked Du Xiyue up and down, and then asked in a puzzled tone: "I remember you had a boyfriend before? Why are you with someone like Ma Hong again?"


Du Xiyue looked at Zhang Feng and said nothing.

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to answer these questions..."

Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Actually, it's all because of you!"

Du Xiyue suddenly spoke to Zhang Feng.

"It's all because of me?"

The expression on Zhang Feng's face was a little shocked, and then he asked very puzzled: "Don't make such a joke with me, what does your matter have to do with me?"

"You know in your heart that I actually have feelings for you..."

Du Xiyue said in a low voice.

"I know you have a crush on me, but I think your favor on me is all because of my background and my money, so I can't accept your favor!"

When Zhang Feng saw Du Xiyue explained what he said, he naturally didn't need to continue to play dumb.

(end of this chapter)