Chapter 312

Since Chen Wenqing was accepted, Huang Jiatong has made many "friends" through his means.

At a critical time for the Huang family, these "friends" can do a great favor.

In a small conference room of Han group,

Han Feifei and Xiaofeng sit on the lower head, and Han Tianfeng sits on it.

"So, the Huang family may recover?"

Han Tianfeng's eyes glittered with hatred.

Through some shady means, the Huang family bought their children and almost killed themselves. Han Tianfeng still wants revenge.

Unfortunately, as the boss of a large group, what will happen if he knows how to act rashly and act angrily? Therefore, we have been suppressing this anger, restoring Han's, and then continue our strength, waiting for the key time to give a blow to the Huang family.

But looking at the fight with the Wang family and the Huang family, the opportunity came. As a result, I received a report lurking in the Huang family.

"Yes! Grandpa! The Huang family has stronger contacts than ours, otherwise grandpa Xiao would have cleaned it up last time! Insiders are right! Even if the Huang family collapses, as long as the old man Huang and Chen Wenqing are there, they will soon recover! "

Han Feifei sorted out the report in his hand and said.

"What do you think?"

Han Tianfeng asked.

"I received a call from Li Lin this morning. He developed several drugs, including an aphrodisiac! And get the national production approval! I just checked. This medicine is definitely comparable to the Huang family! So I want to talk to him! "

Han Feifei said.

"That's good! As long as the final profit of the Huang family is cut off, the people behind him should also think about it! At that time, I'll find some relations. This gluttonous feast can eat the two groups. It's no problem! "

Han Tianfeng glanced at the information handed over by Han Feifei, nodded and said.

"Grandpa! Then I'll get ready! You need to work hard for the group! "

Han Feifei said.

"It's a pleasure to see the collapse of the Huang family with your own eyes! Is this tiredness nothing? You prepare first! Be sure to take control of the pharmaceutical factory! This is our sharp weapon against the Huang family! The knife at the critical time! "

Han Tianfeng explained.

"Grandpa, don't worry!"

Han Feifei said, stood up and left the small conference room.

Xiaofeng flashed a strange look in her eyes and packed up her things and left the conference room.

After they left, several doctors came in.

Outside the meeting room, Xiaofeng caught up with Han Feifei.

"Feifei! Are you really going to Yang county tomorrow to negotiate with him? "

"Of course!"

"Then you must be ready! Be careful that he eats you, you don't know! "

Xiao Feng smiled on her cold face.

"I think you want to be eaten by someone?"

Han Feifei smiled.

In Chengou village, Li Lin made lunch.

I didn't eat. There are three little foxes standing on the table.

Nannan sat on a high stool and filled broth for the little fox in front of her. Xiaoya on the other side dared not show weakness.

Only steamed stuffed bun lay on the table and stared at Li Lin pitifully.

Li Lin felt like he was going crazy.

He filled the broth for the little white fox in front of the steamed stuffed bun, stretched out his chopsticks and added a mouthful of food, so he had to send it to his mouth.


A white shadow flashed in front of Li Lin, the chopsticks in his hand shook, and the piece of meat held on the tip of the chopsticks disappeared.

Li Lin lowered his head and looked down. A little white fox was holding the meat in its front paw and putting it into his mouth.


It's not pleasant to eat?

Think about it. The delicious meat moves in front of the little white fox. Can the fox not move its claws?

"Xiaoya! As for the fox, it's better to give them less bath! They are still small! "

Grandpa said while eating.

Different from Li Lin's side, the little fox didn't move the dishes on Li Yingfu's side. It seems to understand that Li Lin is easy to bully.

"I see!"

Xiao Ya said.

"Take a bath?"

As soon as Li Yingfu mentioned bathing, Li Lin remembered it.

No wonder when I came home, I thought something was wrong with the little white fox. It turned out that Xiaoya took a bath.

Li Lin's anger erupted in an instant.

"Xiaoya, didn't I tell you? The little fox is still small and hungry for so many days. He has poor physical resistance and can't take a bath. Why do you insist on taking a bath for them? "

"We didn't take a bath, just took them down the river for a swim?"

Xiaoya glanced at Li Lin and said.

"Sophistry, it's sophistry!"

Li Lin was angry and defeated.

In the evening, the three foxes were separated by Xiaoya and Nannan.

Two people and a dog fell asleep with a fox in their arms.

Early in the morning, Li Lin woke up from his practice, then went to the vegetable field to pick some dishes, and then went to Chen Laosi's fish pond to catch fish.

After everything was done, he drove the tractor straight to the county.

When Li Lin finished selling the fish, he didn't produce much. It was almost eleven o'clock. Li Lin didn't rest and went straight to Lawyer Zhang.

When negotiating with Han Feifei, I have to do some homework in advance.

Li Lin doesn't worry about Han Feifei cheating himself, but sometimes people can't look down on him.

After finding Lawyer Zhang, Li Lin said that he wanted to cooperate with others to open a pharmaceutical factory.

Without saying a word, Lawyer Zhang pulled out various policy books from the bookshelf behind him, found the policy and legal articles related to the pharmaceutical factory, and explained them to Li Lin one by one.

"Lawyer Zhang, there are too many things I can't remember! Otherwise, I'll invite you to dinner at noon and you'll watch it for me! "

Li Lin suggested.

"If you do this, you might as well let me invest in it and participate in some shares?"

Lawyer Zhang expected.

Li Lin pursed his lips and said, "Lawyer Zhang, do you really want to invest?"


"If I say that the purpose of our factory is not to make money, do you still invest?"

Li Lin asked.

"What's going on?"

"I tell you, you must keep the secret!"

Then Li Lin said his gratitude and resentment with the Huang family, including the struggle between the Han family and the Huang family.

"Your pharmaceutical factory has such a purpose?"

Lawyer Zhang opened his mouth after hearing Li Lin's words.

Huang's group and Han's group, as lawyers, if they haven't heard of it, they will mix in vain.

"Lawyer Zhang, this is a struggle between big groups. You have to think clearly. Do you want shares or not? Maybe we can't make any money! "

Li Lin reminded.

"I've settled for this share! Isn't it Huang's group? I think I should bet! Isn't life like this? "

Lawyer Zhang thought for a while and said.

Lawyer Zhang has also heard of the struggle between Huang and Wang.

Now the Han family is involved. The Han family's winning side is bigger. In case the Han family wins, he has a relationship with the Han family by taking shares. Even if he doesn't make any money on this investment, it's worth it.

Besides, Lawyer Zhang doesn't think Li Lin's medicine will make money. Even if he doesn't make money, he admits it. Don't you need to gamble in life?

"That's good! I'll take you with me then! "


Lawyer Zhang craned his neck and looked forward to it.

"Two noon!"


"Two noon!"

Li Lin repeated.

"Why didn't you say it earlier? It's a little faster now! "

Lawyer Zhang jumped up when he finished.

"Isn't there another hour?"

Li Lynch said strangely.