Chapter 582

"Do you still have Longquan vegetable seeds?"

Changming asked.


"Can you give me some?" Changming asked.


Then Changming left after having lunch at Li Lin's house.

At Changming's house, Changming looked at a package of seeds given to him by Li Lin and frowned.

Today, there is no cultivation method to take out Longquan vegetables at Li Lin's house. It's helpless to ask for a bag of Longquan vegetable seeds.

"Plant a piece of land first. If it's really like what Li Lin said, just give this method to Mr. Robert! Such a value, if not 500000, is 200000. In short, it's good to make money. "

Changming hid the seeds of Longquan vegetables.

"Changming! Later, you can go to Chen Laosi and get some fish back. Your aunt's house will come tomorrow. We have to prepare this dish first! " Sha Rongrong shouted to Changming in the kitchen.

"Ah! I see, mom! "

Then, Changming went to Cheng Laosi's house and caught some fish.

It's Chinese New Year's time now. Yesterday we had a night of shooting and tossing. Tomorrow we have to meet the guests. Back in the room, Changming wrapped himself in a quilt and went to sleep.

Kyoto Yang family.

This year is a happy and beautiful day for other people's families.

For the Yang family, the whole house is lonely

Watching the lights, laughing. On TV, happy music came from the street, and the sound of firecrackers came faintly from the distance.

Yang Fu sat in the big living room, staring at the clock on the wall.

One son died and one son was wanted.

Lines of tears crossed from the corners of my eyes.

Tick, tick!

The clock turns and time passes.

Yang's father seemed to think of the laughter and laughter of the whole family during the Chinese new year last year, with a slight kindness on his face.

"What right? What bullshit wealth! " Suddenly, Yang Fu stood up and scolded loudly.


A two meter high porcelain vase beside the table was pushed to the ground by Yang Fu and made a huge sound.

The bodyguard outside the house was quiet and didn't dare to move.

Since Yang an's death, Yang's father's temper has become more and more elusive.

"Oh, my God! Why? If I do wrong, I should be punished! " Another sharp reprimand roared from the hall.

Yang an is his favorite child. He is obedient, sensible and smart. I didn't get myself into trouble since I was a child. He is very relieved of Yang an. But why did you get sick?

Yang's father trembled when he thought about the pain before Yang an died.

I want this pain to happen to him.

Because of the failure of the whole body organs, unable to breathe, defecate and speak, almost every minute and every second is a kind of suffering for people.

"There must be a problem, there must be a problem!" Yang Fu muttered to himself.

The Yang family has a free physical examination every year, and it is a semi compulsory physical examination.

In addition, my family has a physical examination every quarter. Some large hospitals and companies rely on this kind of physical examination to win over interpersonal relationships.

For low-level officials, money and women can win over. But for senior officials like them, there are many bribes with healthy cultural thinking.

Especially in terms of health, many large groups buy Centennial ginseng as gifts or send diagnosis and treatment cards of well-known doctors! Thirdly, there are cultural gifts, such as ancient calligraphy and painting, porcelain, and almost flowers and stones. As for the gifts of thinking, they are even more indispensable.

If Yang an has any physical problems, he will be found out in advance. How can he suddenly get sick? Yang's father remembered that Yang an was ill less than a month after the physical examination at the end of the year.

"There's a problem!" Yang's father said.

Recalling that Yang Hao always said that his diarrhea was related to Li Lin. The possibility of being poisoned reappeared in Yang's father's mind.

After thinking about it, father Yang picked up his coat and went out of the door.

"Go to Kyoto First Hospital!"

Out of the door, Yang's father said to the bodyguard around him.

When a deputy national leader wants to go out, the whole security system runs.

The bodyguard first informed the first hospital in Kyoto, and then worked out the route for Yang Fu's trip.

The Dean, who had been resting at home, heard that a leader was coming to the hospital for inspection. Regardless of the guests at home, he went straight to the hospital.

Yang an was not buried

No one dared to bury Yang an without Yang's father's consent. No one dared to submit the cremation application to Yang Fu for signature.

"Lead you, welcome to us..."

Before Yang Fu's arrival, the Dean finally led a crowd to greet him at the gate of the hospital.

"The Chinese new year has brought you trouble. I just want to see my son." Yang Fu said.

The discourse is direct and there is no Mandarin.

"Please come in..."

The Dean was stunned and made a gesture of invitation.

Under the leadership of the head of the hospital, Yang Fu was led into the innermost part of the morgue.

Then, with the help of two nursing workers, he opened a morgue cabinet and revealed Yang an's cold body.

At the moment, Yang an is a dead thing, cold and dry.

Yang's father walked slowly to Yang an's body and stretched out his hand to slide down Yang an's cold face.

"Dean, are you sure my son died of illness?" After a long time, Yang Fu said.

"Yes! In the days when he was ill, we did various examinations for young master Yang's boys, and the result of all the data was that he was ill. "

"Could it have been poisoned?" Yang Fu doubted.

"Well... It's hard for me to answer you. Generally, it's not possible."

The Dean looked at the bodyguard around Yang's father and said.

Yang an lives in an environment where there are bodyguards everywhere and all kinds of food, including personnel exchanges, are carefully checked. It's almost impossible for someone to poison him.

Even if poisoned, why did only Yang an have an accident?

The poisoned man is too powerful.

About poisoning, the Dean assumed it a long time ago.

But thinking about the protection of the Yang family, I didn't dare to think about it any more. I didn't want to get involved in all kinds of right and wrong.

"You mean, there is!" Yang Fu stared at the dean.

It's like if the Dean doesn't tell the truth at the next moment, he will be sent to death row.

"This kind of disease is possible, but the protection of young master Yang... I don't think it is possible," said the Dean, looking at Yang's father's bodyguard again.

Now he really can't stand Yang's father's aura.

Dead Taoist friends don't die poor. In this case, he just wants to reduce his responsibility as much as possible.

If not, Yang's father will surely blame his son's death on the incompetence of the hospital. Didn't you see Yang's father touching Yang an's body just now? Don't you see the father who will come to the morgue for the new year?

Obviously, Yang's father doesn't want to let it go?

Offending the guard is better than being remembered by Yang Fu.

"Just tell me according to your suspicions. Did you poison it to cause this disease?"

"Yes," thought the dean.

The president of the first hospital in Kyoto is an old scholar who knows both China and the West. He knows a lot more about some toxins than ordinary people.

"What poison can produce such results?" Yang Fu stared at the dean and asked with aggressive eyes,

"Er... There are a lot of poisonous mushrooms, bumblebees, snake venom, including fecal water in nature, which may cause human organ failure. This is only common in our life. In addition, there are professionally synthesized and cultured toxins!"

"So much?"

Yang Fu frowned.

"Yes, many, many..."

Yang Fu's eyes fell into darkness at this moment. No one knew what he was thinking.