Chapter 624

Xu Bing went into the cell with his certificate. After Xue Wenju woke up, a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine died and publicized all over the world. Countless people die from medical accidents in the hospital every day.

Then the effect was not ideal, so these people colluded with large groups and began to legislate for China.

Under the pretext of solving doctor-patient disputes, traditional Chinese medicine is restricted by law. Do not give the qualification certificate of traditional Chinese medicine. If there are problems in seeing a doctor in traditional Chinese medicine, the law will support the claim.

For a time, a large number of local ruffians began to blackmail traditional Chinese medicine. In just two months, traditional Chinese medicine disappeared from major cities.

However, the consequence of this law is medical trouble. Unfortunately, the law turns a blind eye to the problems arising from the use of wrong drugs in large hospitals and the dereliction of duty of doctors.

However, this is not over yet. All kinds of so-called experts have also attacked traditional Chinese medicine all over the world. There is a comprehensive siege by TV, newspapers and networks.

Chinese medicine has just stepped down.

The common people despise the disease.

Originally, a few cents of poison mountain could remove acne on his face. The hospital offered thousands of dollars, most of which were the cost of drugs and medical devices.

Originally, the sore throat could be treated with watermelon cream for only a few cents. The hospital was five or six hundred.

"Yes! Any responsible government will certainly find ways to improve the medical level of the people! Western medicine is established quickly. Generally, it takes four or five years to start teaching, while traditional Chinese medicine takes as little as ten years, as many as thirty or forty years to start teaching. Many traditional Chinese medicines are gone in the world... "

Li Yingfu did not understand Luo Haifeng's words.

As long as foreign companies crack down on traditional Chinese medicine in order to make money, it is better to say that the government has to kill traditional Chinese medicine in order to complete the national medical system as soon as possible.

"So! Those who sell medicinal materials in the world have made money! To tell you the truth, if we had known this was the case today, we should have learned from India in those years! "

Luo Haifeng gritted his teeth.

India joined the WTO in 1995. However, India only recognizes the patents of Western medicine created after 1995, but does not recognize the patents of Western medicine before 1995.

Therefore, penicillin, streptomycin and so on can be used without paying patent fees in India. This is the fundamental reason why Indian medicine is much cheaper than Chinese medicine.

"Learn from India? The situation in order to join the WTO was very complicated! We should be unlucky! "

Li Yingfu sighed again.