Chapter 979

"Sir, my time is used to make a lot of money. If you want to read the book of changes, I suggest you ask someone who specializes in this book in Huaxia! They are experts. I just know a little about them! "

Li Lin continued to flicker.

"OK, thank you!"

Then the white man drove Li Lin away directly. As soon as Li Lin left, he immediately called the outside world and found several professors specializing in the book of changes in some universities in China. He paid a lot of money to invite these professors.

Since then, the white man became obsessed with the book of changes. And recommend this Scripture to your companions.

The more you listen to these professors, the more reasonable it is.

In fact, many Chinese professors are only superficial about their understanding of the book of changes.

If the Tao Te Ching grasps the invariable rules, while the I Ching grasps all changes, those irregular things are all caught by the I Ching.

So that later generations summarize the book of changes, change and difficulty are the core of the book of changes.

Tao Te Ching says that when things reach the extreme, they will turn against each other. This is an invariable law, and the book of changes will turn against everything and when.

With Li Lin's recommendation.

The white man directly regarded Li Lin as a friend, and the money Li Lin won was transferred to Li Lin's account.

Li Lin wants to go, and the other party is also sending him respectfully. No one is following him.

"Respect the Chinese people in the future!"

Seeing Li Lin off, the white man turned back.

"Yes, boss!"

Behind him, a group of men in black returned.

With the money, Li Lin returned to the hotel and directly checked out his room and asked Wang Laoliu to book a ticket to Sao Paulo.

"It's much easier now!"

In the jade pendant world, several people sat around, eating roast fish and drinking wine.

"In the future, we can do this because we are short of money!"

Wang Daliang blushed.

After working as a mercenary abroad for so many years, I saved less money than I won in several gambling in the casino. I was happy and lost at the same time.

"Well, we won't be short of money in a short time! I'm short of money in the future. It's a good way to get money! "

Li Lin nodded in agreement.

A day later, Li Lin flew to Sao Paulo.

After meeting Ren Yiyi, Li Lin took Ren Yiyi to play while waiting for Rogers' news.

There are many places to travel throughout South America. The natural landscape has a unique style, especially in summer and winter. It was bare everywhere, except for stones.

"What a beautiful place!"

Li Lin stared at a broken stone under his feet and sighed.

"Yes! Take a picture of me! "

Ren Yiyi, ten meters away, shouted.

"Aren't you cold?"

Looking at Ren Yiyi, who was shivering with cold, Li Lin said with some pain.

"It's not cold, it's not cold with you ~ ah sneeze ~"


After waiting for another four or five days, Li Lin was bored and tight. He called and asked Rogers.

"Early! We placed an order and people started work. This kind of Destroyer that has just been successfully studied has no production line. It's good to be built in a year! "

"Haven't they prepared the goods before?"

"No! There are no countries in the world that buy such warships. The US military only wants five ~ "

"Tell them to hurry up, I can add another 100 million meters! I believe they will have a way! "

Li Lin Dao.


Rogers agreed and immediately contacted the manufacturer.

Only two DXX Destroyers have been launched in the last two years, and there are three in the shipyard.

From the completion of the design to the launching of the first ship, to the hull of the second ship, new improvements have been made, and the system has also been upgraded.

The third ship is the most advanced in terms of hull and supporting electronic system.

The third ship has not been launched yet. The US military requires the power system to be replaced with a turbine without strong driving force. Some even put forward the idea of transforming DXX into a nuclear destroyer.

The idea of a nuclear destroyer was rejected and a new power system was used.

However, the Ministry of national defense has been arguing about this issue, which also led to the completion of the hull construction of the next two destroyers, and there is no reason to continue the power installation.

The above quarrel has not reached a conclusion, which hurts the manufacturer.

It's wrong to continue construction, and it's even worse to stop waiting. There is a loss anyway, and the loss is not small.

Li Lin's order undoubtedly gave the manufacturer a boost.

Since there are orders, let's build private customers! As for the two military ships, put them down!

Just started construction, received that the customer was willing to increase the price and was in urgent need of a sound destroyer. The factory director had a brain move and directly sold the third warship to Li Lin.

"General manager, if the military immediately hand over the third warship, what shall we do?"

In the general manager's office, the factory director asked the general manager.

He really couldn't understand. The general manager just sold the warship, so he wasn't afraid of being blamed by the military?

"Then tell them, because their dispute over the adoption of the power system has affected our progress, we have dismantled the power system of the third ship and put it aside!"

The general manager squinted at the factory director and then said, "if they hand over the third warship later, we will take the fourth warship instead! They want the fourth, and we'll take the fifth. According to the current situation, they can't discuss the results in the past two years! Isn't it good for us to make money now? "

The general manager's words directly sold Li Lin the advanced warships of the American navy.

Although it is only a low configuration version, its quality is the most advanced warship in the world.

American military factories are very strict in what they produce for their military. It's not that they don't want to be strict. The military has strict requirements for arms products.

We should not lose a battle because of product mistakes. This slogan was also learned by the rice army from the German army.

Two days later, the destroyer went to sea.

Three days later, the destroyer reached 500 nautical miles outside Sao Paulo.

After receiving the news, Li Lin immediately booked a ticket for Ren Yiyi to return home, and then took Wang Laoliu and Wang Daliang to the duokamp manor. Then a group of people boarded the destroyer on a yacht.

"Yes, it's similar to the cover of the magazine!"

Li Lin is very satisfied.

Wang Laoliu and Wang Daliang followed the factory to ask questions about the firepower system and power system.

During this period, they asked about the operation.

"This operation is so simple!"

Wang Laoliu was surprised when he could only control.

Several people followed Rogers to check on the destroyer for five days. Li Lin didn't pay the balance until some basic operations were mastered by Wang Laoliu and Wang Daliang.

Several parties left with satisfaction.

Li Lin sat in the warship, bypassed the Drake Strait and went straight to China.

Lake Strait, the junction of the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.

It is also a world-famous scenic spot. The two sampling seawater have formed a distinct spectacle because of their different density.

After several days of familiarity, Wang Laoliu finally mastered the operation of the warship.

"If only I met pirates now!"

Wang Daliang sat in the cabin, watching the firepower system in front of him play nowhere, and kept lamenting.

"You are a militant. Who let you choose the operation of the firepower system?"

Hearing Wang Daliang's depression from the headset, Li Lin laughed.

"Stop laughing! Our ship is still a destroyer without any report from any country. Some sovereign countries can't let us close. Don't get the ship into the jade pendant world at that time. You can only float on the vast sea! "

Wang Daliang said, full of malice in his words.

Li Lin was stunned.


It's impossible for the ship to get close to the waters of some sovereign countries, even some arms trading ports. After being found, the ship suddenly disappeared. Isn't it frightening.

In particular, the current ship also uses a positioning system.

In an arms trading center like Xiangjiang, warships have not yet entered, and China, the United States, Japan, hairy bears and other countries are staring at it.