Chapter 1071

In the past, doctors respected morality and did not participate in competition. At most, they pretended to force them to show their skills in front of their opponents.

Now there is no competition between a hospital and a doctor, not to mention it seems to be a competition between western medicine and old Chinese medicine.

In terms of interest, these deans shot one after another.

In addition, some hospitals that know the skills of Li Yingfu and Kanghua hospital doctors simply organized a large series of observation groups to watch! The purpose is not to see a good play, but to learn.

In addition, when the idle bosses heard about these fights, they all dared to come over and see who had better medical skills. At that time, it would be easy to choose when they saw a doctor except for physical problems.

For a time, the newly built houses in Chengou village were full of people.

Some farms were also rented and tents were set up around them.

The roadside is full of cars.

When Xiaoya knew the situation, she explained it to her superior. It immediately sent a lot of police to maintain order. China Merchants even shamelessly made a huge banner, which read the big characters of the first Chinese and Western medicine exchange conference in Chengou village.

The roadside was also hung with red lanterns by the government, and the Investment Promotion Bureau posted many posters, including the investment promotion of Yang county.

"This conference is based on Medical Exchange..."

The opening ceremony was presided over by the leaders of the County Health Bureau. While reading according to the manuscript, they raised their eyelids and looked at the referee's bench. Their mouth was full of Mandarin. Although it sounds bad, these words are not easy to make mistakes, are they?

Li Lin and others turned their eyes.

It was not easy for the official to finish. Just when everyone thought it was the beginning, the people in the Health Bureau showed a smiling face.

"Now let's welcome director Liang of the health care Bureau of the Ministry of health to speak! Welcome! "

Pa Pa~

With that, he took the lead in clapping.

Several doctors on the stage and several people from the Ministry of health clapped their hands and expressed encouragement. It was quiet under the stage.

The scene was embarrassed for a moment.

"Now the game begins. I'll announce the first two patients. Other judges will identify their condition together! All the doctors who don't believe me on the side come and have a look! "

Liang Haiyuan, sitting in the referee's seat, said with a microphone. There was no nonsense at all.

In the first round of the competition, the first two patients were both 40 year old men. Except for their looks, there is a difference of one or two years in age. Both also suffered from common diseases. Amyotrophic lateral myelosclerosis.

"I wipe! The first is amyotrophic lateral myelosclerosis, which is listed as one of the five incurable diseases by the World Health Organization. Where is this competition! "

After listening to Liang Haiyuan's narration, a doctor even blacked out.

"Don't say whether you can cure the disease, it's an effective treatment. There's no way now!"

Another doctor agreed.

Other doctors were dumbfounded when they heard Liang Haiyuan's reading.

"What's the matter? Is it difficult to cure? "

If there are businessmen who don't understand the situation, ask the doctors around them.

"It's more than difficult to cure! The five incurable diseases listed by the World Health Organization! In the first place is AIDS, the second is called malignant tumor, commonly known as cancer, the third is leukemia, the fourth is it! There may be a way for other diseases. If you get this disease, you can only wait to die! "

Said the doctor next to him.

Some doctors who understand the disease have also begun to popularize it to people around them who do not know the disease.

"This disease is to slowly deprive people of the kinetic energy of the motor system when the patient is even awake. Those who get this disease have never seen anyone who has lived for five years! "

A female doctor's face showed unbearable. It seemed that talking about this disease was a kind of pain.

"Why haven't we heard of this disease?"

"Because it's so rare! I don't know where these doctors found these two people! "

"For rare diseases, it's easy to find such two people in front of so many large hospitals as long as someone gets it."


Not to mention other people's comments, the referee doctors took out their own instruments and began to check and identify.

Before coming, the judges had already checked it. It was just a form of walking.

Half an hour later, several referees nodded and handed the form to the referee.

Liang Haiyuan announced the start of the game.

Li Yingfu and the doctors of Kanghua hospital went to the two patients and looked back and forth. Finally, they selected the patients and began their own examination.

The others stood there watching.

"I don't know what the referee thinks? Even if one of them can cure such a disease, it won't take a day or two! Do we have to wait for the results indefinitely? "

"Are you a fool when you are a referee? There must be their consideration in picking this disease. You can't jump two people, cut them with a knife, and then see whose red wound medicine is effective? Some people have too many platelets and their blood clots quickly. Some people are pathetic! "


The examinations of Li Yingfu and Kanghua hospital were only cosmetic.

Needless to say, the referee has checked the Kanghua hospital. There are also previous cases of the patient on hand. The so-called examination is to have a look.

And Li Yingfu here, that is, to see the complexion, and then directly began to massage.

No silver needles, massage can also be used!

Although massage has been messed up by many people outside, at least it is also a traditional Chinese medicine method of zhengri eight meridians. It is very suitable to check the patient's condition.

"Do you feel it here?"

Li Yingfu asked, pressing the patient's soles with his fingers.

There are many meridians and acupoints in the human body. Sometimes you touch a certain point of the body, but you have a special feeling in other positions.

"No ~" the patient said slowly.

Li Lin took a look and began to meditate.

"Grandpa, is it blood..."

Li Lin whispered, with a query on his face.

"I know. I can't. just use the blood! Add pearl powder and colorful Ganoderma lucidum... Boiled Gastrodia elata water as medicine guide... "Li Yingfu began to say the prescription.

Li Lin nodded. After listening to Grandpa's words, he quickly returned to the yard to prepare herbs.

Kanghua hospital on the other side also organized an expert consultation. After seeing the patient's situation, a group of doctors returned to the tent for a meeting to study.

After seeing that both sides started, the onlookers felt bored and dispersed one after another.

The rest of the doctors stood together and discussed it one after another.

"Don't mention the rest of the game. On their side, as long as someone cures their patients in a short time, they don't need to cure them all. As long as one, it will become an international sensation!"

A young doctor said to his companion, with an unidentified smell on his face.

"The disease is hanging! Is it a big medical problem? "

"It's better to get two AIDS cases, or at least the disease may be cured." A referee looked at the discussion of the doctors around him, with a vent on his face.

"I just thought that considering the strength of both sides, I got these two patients to try water! If the patient is simple and they are cured, how can we score? It's not good to favor either side! "

A referee shook his head.

"But I feel like this is a waste of time!"
