Chapter 1524

"Please, if you don't believe me, you can cultivate more people with better character. If they go against justice one day, it is extremely easy to deal with them by your means! "

The man knelt directly on the ground.

"You go! Let some things take their course! "

Li Lin shook his head.

Li Lin shook his head and refused directly.

He doesn't want to take care of other people's affairs. Besides, so many wronged people want him to take care of them. Why did the old ancestors create this word?

While Li Lin refused the man, five or six girls beat around a girl on the edge of the town middle school playground.

The students around looked coldly, and some students followed and coaxed.

"What? Chen Lingling was beaten? "

The head teacher looked anxious after receiving the report from the students.

What should I do?

Persuasion is certainly useless. In the past, persuasion and interpretation did not necessarily hurt themselves.

Thinking of this, the head teacher hurried to the headmaster's office.

"What? Another campus bullying! "

The headmaster touched his shiny forehead when he heard the head teacher's report.

"Headmaster, do something!"

"In addition to calling the police, what can we do? Call the police!"

The headmaster sighed.

Modern students are still students decades ago.

When I first went to school, I didn't even dare to question what the teacher said.

Today's students are not disciplined in class, and teachers dare not punish them.

Some time ago, the teacher of a primary school in the next county was punished for standing a late student. As a result, the student called the police and the teacher was taken to the police station for several days.

As for campus bullying, they also want to take care of it.

It's no use saying a few words. Parents and the police will come to the door. If someone stabs you, it's also a white stab.


As the police car entered the campus, an ambulance followed into the town middle school.

The telephone in the reception room of Chengou village marinated meat factory suddenly rang.

The janitor, Mr. Chen, answered the phone.

"What, Lingling was beaten in hospital!"

After hanging up the phone, Mr. Chen quickly ran to the packaging workshop.

"Yulan, Lingling was beaten in hospital!"

At the door of the packaging workshop, Mr. Chen shouted, and everyone in the whole workshop looked back at him.

"What happened to Lingling?"

The man left Li Lin's house with disappointment.

However, the man did not leave Chengou village, but continued to live.

He has to wait for a chance to convince!

Li Lin didn't care about his offending Xiaoya.

Back to the rented villagers' home, when they were full, they sat on the opposite hillside, thinking about how to persuade Li Lin and observing the Li family.

Li family, after the man left, Li Lin awakened Xiaoya.

Xiaoya was not hurt. First she was knocked unconscious and then frightened.

These problems are not big. After Li Lin fed two mouthfuls of liquid medicine, there was nothing serious.

The marinated meat factory has been running for two years, and it can operate normally when Xiaoya is away, not to mention the fourth Aunt Liu Cuicui is still helping in the factory.

Tell Xu Jingjing to take good care of Xiaoya. Li Lin enters the jade pendant world and continues to refine pills.

Seeing that these mathematicians have been on the right track in the Institute, there is not much time before the results come out.

It will be easy to find out the array problem at that time. If you leave Longdao and go out to collect medicine, it will be a big trouble if there is no pill in case of danger.

In addition to preparing pills, we should also step up cultivation.

According to the records of Tiancheng old man, the places with divine medicine are dangerous places. In addition, there are many demon animals protecting medicine. All these demon animals are strong.

When a stove of pills came out, Li Lin put some julingdan in his mouth and began to practice.

With the help of a lot of pills and continuous cultivation, he doesn't believe he can't do Bruce Lee. However, thinking of Bruce Lee playing around every day and practicing so fast, Li Lin felt a burst of unhappiness.

For what?

God is too eccentric!

If Li Lin's cultivation speed spread to all the major gates in the Tianyuan continent, I'm afraid the proud children of heaven would be crazy jealous of him.

In the first central hospital, the magnolias stood at the door of the emergency room, waiting for the doctor's results with red eyes.

My daughter is usually very good. How can she fight in school?

"Magnolia, you watch here. I'll go to their school and ask!"

Outside the emergency room, the man holding Magnolia angrily said.

The town middle school has now finished school, and most of the teachers did not leave, but stayed to continue the meeting in the conference room.

How to solve this incident has become a current difficulty.

"Tell me!"

The headmaster's face was full of helplessness.

"What can we do about it? Just lose money then! "

Vice principal vent.

When it comes to losing money, the teacher at the bottom dare not speak.

"It's certain to lose money. Who will pay the money?" The headmaster inquired at the bottom.

At the time of the accident, I checked with the vice president, and it was certain that I would lose money.

Anyway, other people's children have an accident at school. If they want to avoid responsibility, there is no place to hide. How big is the responsibility? Asked the law teacher in the school, the compensation should be half.

The question now is not how much to lose, but how to unify the caliber?

The purpose of this meeting is, first, to delimit the responsibilities and, second, to unify the caliber.

He believed that as long as the teachers at the bottom heard about losing money, they would not feel comfortable. At that time, the issue of unified caliber will be simple.

"No one speaks?"

Seeing all the teachers lowering their heads, the headmaster said again.

"What do you say? The key is that beating children is not our teacher! "

The vice principal glanced at the principal and took the lead.

"But the responsibility of our school doesn't have to run!" The headmaster shook his head and sang with the vice headmaster.

When they talked like this, the teacher at the bottom was silent.

Their salary is only three or four thousand a month, plus supplementary fees, it's only sixty or seventy thousand a year.

If the school has no money, I'm afraid the headmaster will have to deduct their bonus again.

"How much money is left in the school account?" Seeing the silence in the conference room, the headmaster turned his head and looked at the accountant.

"There are more than 58000 money, and other money can't move!" The accountant turned over the accounts and said.

"Fifty eight thousand! Well, if it's true, we'll keep the compensation amount within 58000. Otherwise, we will have to spend the cost of repairing school desks and chairs and part of the teachers' wages and bonuses. Of course, it's not to deduct your salary and bonus, but to borrow it temporarily and return it to you when the school has money. "

The headmaster nodded.

"This is also a matter of no choice. Now the main purpose is how to press the compensation amount within 58000?" The vice principal blinked and asked.

Other teachers are not fools. When they heard what the vice principal and the principal said, their brains turned quickly.

"There is only one way, that is to reduce the responsibility of our school in this incident!"

"It's none of our school's business. Why compensate?"

"Yes, those children are school bullies without tutors. I don't listen. We often have big teachers in class. It's good that we don't bother them! "

A series of people spoke, basically the same.

The headmaster and vice headmaster nodded and the situation was very good. Now it's easy to unify the caliber of teachers. The responsibility is not on the school side, and they are much easier.

"It's impossible to expel those students! Minors make trouble and the police don't care? Teachers can't beat, parents indulge! "

The vice principal sighed heavily.

The teachers at the bottom felt more deeply about the principal's sigh and knew that the school leaders were embarrassed. Then they all bowed their heads and didn't speak.