Chapter 1527

The man is here again. What is he doing?

Pretend not to be at home?

When people come to the door at this time, they must know they are at home.

Li Lin hesitated and came to the gate of the hospital to open the door.

"What are you doing here?"

"It was the last time!"

"I won't!" Li Lin refused directly and turned to walk inside.

"I'm sure you know about Chen Lingling. Such things have appeared around you, and you're still indifferent. The world doesn't know how many Chengou villages there are and how many grievances there are. In the long run, the damage is also the basic stability of China! "

The man shouted.

Li Lin stopped and settled in the yard like a pillar.

"Come in ~"

After a long time, Li Lin breathed out and whispered.

Li Lin has known what men do.

At least this person is fair and has not been killed and lost his mind. It is very rare.

Others don't know, but if this person can be trained, he will be able to deter some people who do bad things and prevent some laws from being used by bad people.

Moral maintenance depends on the narrow sense, which conflicts with the law.

Suddenly, Li Lin thought of something Qiu Shao said.

In the 1990s, the West proposed a scholarship system for China to attract Chinese talents to study finance, democracy, institutions, newspapers and so on. We will not touch any technology related to science and technology.

When they returned to China, they became masters in all aspects. Put forward quality education, sex education, financial concept and so on.

In a short period of more than ten years, all the rules that China has followed for thousands of years have been overturned.

In one paragraph, part two stole the words of a head of the CIA.

"You should let them have a heart of awe to praise those unparalleled ideological masters, soul sculptors, great critics, theorists, educators and ancestors who opened their eyes to see the world for their national democracy and conscience. You also want them to believe that their backwardness stems from the root of the nation and the political system... "

"Are all the people in their country stupid?"

"There are smart people, more stupid people, not to mention that they really need us and don't dare to deal with our dogs with big moves!"


After a short meal, Li Lin's hair stood on end.

Some time ago, the lyrics of pop music took you to romantic Turkey. Not even the most basic common sense and face.

Morality collapses, faith collapses, and even intelligence collapses on a large scale. If the justice of the social foundation collapses, it is really over.

This society needs people in a narrow sense, and helping the elderly is also a narrow sense, even if they are blackmailed again and again.

Maybe I should do something, too.

Just for a while, Li Lin thought a lot.

After entering the house, Li Lin took another look at the man and pressed his fierce eyes on the man.


Unable to stand Li Lin's momentum, the man immediately knelt down on the ground.

At the same time, the man looked frightened.

At this moment, he knew how terrible the miracle doctor Xiao Li was in front of him.

Until the man was sweating all over his head, he stopped his momentum.

"Have you eaten yet ~"

Li Lin suddenly said gently.

"Eat ~"

The man wiped the sweat on his forehead and got up slowly from the ground.

"Find a place to sit down first!"

Li Lin nodded.

The man's mind is really beyond his imagination.

After such experience, the mind is no longer firm. It is estimated that there is no difference between a disabled person and a disabled person.

Also, after revenge for his daughter, he didn't collapse or get lost. The whole thought is still very clear, which has proved him.

The man obediently found a sofa and sat down, straightening his spine and staring at Li Lin with some uneasiness.

Li Lin didn't pay much attention to the man's actions and found a big basin to start with noodles.

If the food and drug administration has no news, send another one.

In addition, he didn't want to wait for the news from the food and drug Bureau. He decided to flow these pills into the Jianghu and expand from the Jianghu first.

With a new plan, making pills has to be put on the agenda.

In addition to flour, sweet potato flour, rice flour and so on were added to the pill making this time.

Pills made of flour will be hard and difficult to digest after being placed for a long time.

In order to enhance the viscosity of the pill, Li Lin put glutinous rice powder.

When the dough was fermenting, Li Lin pretended to go upstairs and came back with two more liquid medicine in his hand.

"This is a portion of bacon juice. After drinking it, you will become stronger!"

Throw a small portion of the liquid medicine to the man, take a large portion of the liquid medicine to the dough, add the liquid medicine to the dough and then add glutinous rice powder. The process is completely different from the last pill.

The last time, the liquid medicine was added to the flour, and the flour was kneaded into a dough to wake up the noodles. This time, the liquid medicine and glutinous rice powder were added half way after waking up.

The man held the bottle and watched. He didn't know what to do next.

Li Lin didn't speak, and he didn't dare to leave early. He sat there and watched Li Lin busy.

What is he going to do?

The more he looked, the more curious he became, especially about the large bottle of liquid medicine in Li Lin's hand.

Soon there was a car noise outside the hospital.

"You go outside to help and move the refrigerator in!"

Li Lintou didn't lift his head.

"OK ~"

The man stood up respectfully. At the same time, he was curious that Li Lin didn't go out. How did he know that the person who sent the refrigerator came outside?

Go to the door to help the refrigerator factory family move the refrigerator into the living room and watch the factory family debug the refrigerator.

After the manufacturer debugged the refrigerator, Li Lin's dough was kneaded again.

Taking out the mold, Li Lin began to press the "pill".

Li Lin didn't stop his work until he put a batch of pills into the refrigerator.

"You see, these flour balls contain special medicinal materials. Although they are not a panacea, they can also control many diseases! I'll give you these things. Take these things and try to save people! "


"If you don't believe in the efficacy, you can take a sip of the bacon liquid in your hand. In the bacon factory, a portion of bacon was poured, some spilled on the meat and some on the ground! " Seeing that the man didn't believe it, Li Lin explained.

"I believe it. I don't know what doctor Xiao Li needs me to do?"

The man asked. With so many pills, even if he does good deeds to save people every day, I'm afraid he can't be busy.

"I need you to wholesale these pills and give them to some trusted people to help sell them. Profits are yours too. I just want these pills to really save people! "

"This... No problem!"

"In addition, after you drink the bacon liquid in the bottle, find a chance to avenge Chen Lingling!" Li Lin asked again.

"This is no problem!"

The man said excitedly.

Although Li Lin didn't listen to him and cultivate more experts, he gave him a batch of pills and helped him improve his strength! Supported his decision from the side.

After returning with the medicine bottle, the man poured the bacon liquid directly into his mouth.

In Yulong temple, Yulan and Chen Lingling kneel in front of Li Yingfu.

"Please help Lingling ~"

"Get up, don't kneel. I want to save people!" Li Yingfu said, then gently picked up Yulan and Chen Lingling.

Pulling Chen Lingling to her side, Li Yingfu began to feel her pulse.

"Alas ~"

Half a day later, Li Yingfu sighed.

Seeing this, Yulan mentioned her heart to her throat and her face was nervous.

"The child was beaten?"

Li Yingfu looked at Magnolia and then at Chen Ling.

"Well, I was beaten by several children at school!" Yulan told Li Yingfu about Chen Ling's beating at school.

"What a herd of animals!"

After hearing this, Li Yingfu scolded.

"Sir, what can you do?"

"There are no herbs here. You'd better go back with me!"

Li Yingfu thought for a moment.

Chen Ling is obviously nervous. In addition, several injuries on her body have fallen to the root of the disease. The precious medicinal materials she needs are in the refrigerator in the pharmacy. In addition, several blood clots on Chen Lingling's head also need to be removed by Li Lin with genuine Qi.

"OK ~"