Chapter 1727

"Doctor Li ~"

Luo Chengxin trembled every time he said the name.

If he hadn't drunk the medicine and suddenly became stronger, he wouldn't believe the legend of the group of patients in the village.

Now he not only believed it, but also felt that he might underestimate Doctor Li's ability.

Chen Wen'an and Xie Kai alone dare not fight hard, not to mention the doctor Li behind.

For two months, he was most worried about the mysterious doctor Li.

Now we have reached the sea. If doctor Li had caught up, I'm afraid he would have caught up.

"Hoo ~"

With a sigh of relief, Luo Chengxin stared at the vast sea ahead.

So, Doctor Li can't catch up even if he wants to!


Just when Luo Cheng was relieved, the hull suddenly bumped. At the same time, there was a loud noise under the hull, and the whole ship trembled.


The alarm in the cockpit keeps ringing.

"What's going on?"

Luo Chengxin stayed for a while.

Touch left and right, look at the press button on the ship, I don't know where to start.

What the hell happened?

Soon, Luo Chengxin found new problems, and the speed of the fishing boat under him was slowing down rapidly.

"So what? There is a problem with the machine. "

Luo Chengxin ignored the alarm and ran back to the machinery warehouse.

Seeing the engine still running at high speed, I was relieved and confused at the same time.

There is no problem with the engine, and there seems to be no problem with the hull.

Why is the ship slow?


They are all damn marine police. If not, how could he have killed a boat of people as a last resort? Now he can't even drive the boat.


"Why are the waves so close? No... "

The next second, Luo Chengxin's eyes stared big.

I saw a lot of sea water pouring into the engine compartment.

"The ship is broken?"

At this moment, Luo Chengxin finally understood what the problem was.

As the sea water poured more and more, the ship sank more and more severely, and the ship almost stopped in less than ten minutes.

"Damn it!"

Luo Chengxin snapped the hull and scolded.

Suddenly, a handprint appeared on the hull.

Helpless, Luo Chengxin photographed a big piece of wood on the boat, jumped into the sea and continued to swim forward.

I didn't swim far. I touched a hard object on the soles of my feet.

"Your mother's reef!"

In an instant, I understood the reason why the ship was leaking.

We have to find the ship. It's best not to hurt the crew, otherwise it's difficult to escape to Latin America.

All this is eating and don't know how to sail.

The old sailor not only knows hydrology, but also has a much better ability to deal with various risks.

Holding the board, Luo Chengxin quickly rowed his feet.

Three quarters of an hour later, a helicopter appeared in the sea where the fishing boat sank.

Because there were reefs under the ship, the sea did not submerge the whole ship.


"Who will come down with me?"

Xie Kai shouted behind him.

"Me '"

A major stood up.

They jumped into the sea and soon got on the sunken ship.

"The ship should have hit a reef and sank. The sailor is a novice." The major swept the hull passage.

"Um ~"

Xie Kai nodded and plunged into the sea towards the middle of the cabin.

Two seconds later, Xie Kai saw several fish eating a corpse in the hull slot.

Xie Kai glanced at the body and continued to swim towards the cabin.

After seeing a handprint on the hull, he turned and swam towards the sea.

No more.

The only people who can leave fingerprints on the steel hull are Doctor Li and Luo Chengxin.

Doctor Li won't be so bored, let alone kill.

Everything proves that Luo Chengxin has just been on this ship.

"Inform the command center that Luo Chengxin was the one who piloted the ship an hour ago. Please ask them to find three people to help and see if Luo Chengxin is in the nearby sea area?"

A few minutes later, the people of the three departments received the message and mobilized the satellite to continue the exploration.

"Fortunately, our satellites have been paying attention to the South China Sea, otherwise the problem will be big this time."

"Even if our satellites stare at the South China Sea, we still can't find life entering the sea."

"Yes, it's not easy to detect long-distance thermal induction, let alone enter the sea. In the sea water, people's questions drop, and I'm afraid it's difficult to detect close-up thermal sensing instruments. "

"I don't understand. Now that they have found the place where the ship sank, they can send more planes to patrol around."

Someone complained.

They are national strategic intelligence departments with early warning aircraft, high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft, satellites and sea ship and submarine detection tools. The operation of each of these things can consume countless money.

Although some satellites have been dormant and have not been started by them, we can't waste these satellite resources at will.

"Reply to them. There's nothing we can do."

The director said.

After that, a large number of maritime police and helicopters were dispatched, and Luo Chengxin's trace was still not found at sea.

Then all ships in the nearby sea area were informed to accept the inspection of the marine police before they could pass.

Two days later, Xie Kai and others returned to Haicheng dejected.

"Director, we failed!"

After spending so much resources and wasting so much effort to catch Luo Chengxin, they still let others run away.

Two months of hard work, without a trace of return.

"Alas, it's disappointing not to catch Luo Chengxin, but our hard work in the past two months is not in vain. As long as Luo Chengxin doesn't stay at home, we will win if it harms the Chinese people. "

Zhu Wenhua said.

"So we finished the task?"


"Ha ~ Yes! If Luo Chengxin can't catch this scourge, it's the same to drive out. But will he escape to other countries? " Xie Kai's face showed a trace of playfulness.

People like Luo Chengxin can't be controlled by their three experts. If you go to other countries, can you do whatever you want?

"Are you worried about the life and death of citizens in other countries?"

Asked Zhu Wenhua.

"No, I'm not worried. I think a good play is coming. "

Xie Kai walked around the house. It seemed that a good play had been staged.

"Well, it's really possible. At that time, we will have the initiative to help other countries catch Luo Chengxin. "


On a plank above the vast ocean. Luo Chengxin took a raw fish and chewed it.

After two days at sea, I'm relieved now.

In the two days, I was basically swimming fast. The only leisure is fishing to replenish your strength.

In two days, no ships or planes were found to chase him. In addition, he swam day and night. Now he should be safe.

Even if it was dangerous, he just dived into the sea and hid. As long as the other party doesn't shoot at the same time, he can continue to escape.


Luo Chengxin, who was gnawing at sea fish, suddenly stood up.

There's a boat~


Then he jumped off the board, tied the remaining kettle to his body and quickly swam towards the direction of the ship.

If he hadn't grabbed a few pots of water when he jumped out of the boat, he would have been thirsty for two days. If he doesn't meet a ship again, he will die of thirst on the sea.

Two hours later, a large cargo ship of Luo Chengxin appeared in Luo Chengxin's eyes.

"Freighter, great! Did I swim to the fairway? "

Luo Chengxin filled two pots of water, threw the empty pot and quickly swam to the cargo ship.

Half an hour later, Luo Chengxin climbed onto the cargo ship with the remaining two kettles, and then disappeared into the cargo ship.