Chapter 2239

The obstruction of the police force made many bosses know that it was extremely difficult to see these girls.

The boss who had invested in the early stage was suddenly suffocated in his mind.

"What is the police doing?"

"Is it true that a big man took the medicine from these girls?"

"Boss, who will take it? But some departments must want to use some beautiful women, such as Su Hong's swallows. "


"Is there any way to break the containment of the police?"

"It's very simple. On the Internet, there is a local spread that a big man maintains a junior at school and takes pictures of military protection."

In a private club, several rich local tyrants puffed.

"Director Wang, whose Junior is the best to spread?"

"Ha ~ I can't say such a thing."


A few days later, a local rumor that a big man liked a girl in senior high school, so he sent a large team of police officers to protect her.

Many local people believed the rumour because it was true.

After the news reached the Internet, more people believed it. For aunts who can't distinguish rumors at all, it's forwarded in the sound of abuse.

Netizens without intelligence quotient are even adding fuel to the description, and some netizens even pretend to be insiders to reveal some "secrets".

Many big leaders have been vilified.

"Do big leaders look at small and medium-sized girls? And send troops to protect? Is the big leader a fool? Regardless of their age, whether people at this level have seven emotions and six desires, even if there are beautiful women, won't they be arranged in a safer school, but in the western mountainous cities? "

"Maybe the big leaders think the western cities are more hidden."

"Bullshit ~ as long as you're not a fool, it's safer to put your lover under your own eyes than anywhere. With a lover, which person's behavior is not very low-key, but also so high-profile. Isn't this something for political opponents? "

"The emperor has three palaces and six courtyards!"

No matter how the debate on the Internet, it doesn't care what happened to headmaster Xu Bing.

Inside the Interpol team.

"Captain, I'm glad to listen to you. No one thought there was a big man behind the girl. "

"I'm afraid it's not as simple as you think!"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you think these girls have any intersection with several big leaders legendary on the Internet?"

Asked the vice captain.

It dawned on everyone.

"So. People with a little IQ know it's impossible. But they still discredit several leaders. Do you know why? "

The eyes of several players were wide open.

Suddenly, these Interpol members found that the world was becoming more and more evil.

When studying criminal investigation, I read the files of various criminal cases and analyzed the personality of various criminals.

I think these criminals are too evil and bring darkness to the world.

Now it seems that they are too simple by comparison.

"No wonder the anti-corruption bureau belongs to the Inspection Institute, which is not a struggle level at all!"

They deal with the most ferocious people, and others deal with the struggle between all kinds of high minded businessmen.

Several policemen shook their heads and were silent.

On Taihe mountain, Xu Bing put down the phone.

Li Lin still didn't get through.

The present situation is both dangerous and safe for them.

If the superior leaders are angry with his actions, take back all his rights, and then withdraw to the police, everything will be wonderful.

Of course, it is also possible that some people think they are smart enough to annoy big people and kill them all.

In contrast, he was more worried that several girls would enter the eyes of some departments and be taken away as good seedlings of "swallows".

That's why Xu Bingcai called Li Lin again and again.

At this time, the spirit of Li Lin, who worried about Xu Bing, has recovered and is moving towards a perfect situation.


In Xuantian sect, vitality fluctuated again.

At the end of his recovery, Li Lin raised his cultivation from the initial stage of the fit to the peak of the initial stage of the car body. He was one step away from becoming a monk in the middle stage of the fit.

Don't underestimate the progress. Many fit friars don't know how many years it takes to make such progress.

"There is another bottleneck."

Li Lin sighed.

However, this cultivation is enough for him to take revenge, and also enough for him to wander on the Tianyuan continent.

"Now this cultivation can use the power of 70% of Qi Du feet."

When my heart moved, Qidu Chi appeared in my hand.

With a stroke, the sky is angry and a rainbow. Random rainbows fall into the vast sea~


There was a wave in the sea.

Countless high-level demons fled in the sea.

"Yan devil, now I can still use Qidu Chi without your help."

"Bah ~"

The voice of Yan devil's disdain came from Qidu ruler.

"Don't you believe it?"

"Hum ~ what kind of accomplishments did I face when I was on the immovable bridge? You're now playing seven feet, but it's almost the same as the monk's strike in the later stage of the fit. "

Yan devil taunted without hesitation.


LILLINGTON was speechless.

Is he expanding for a time?

"It's nice to have a late friar."

After thinking about it, Li Lin thinks that such ability is also good!

"If you have a late fit Friar's strike, it doesn't mean you have a fit Friar's accomplishments. Your blow is a blow. "

Yan devil continued to ridicule.

I didn't expect this little thing to grow so fast.

If you continue to grow like this, you will soon soar. When qiduchi was taken away by him, wouldn't his layout be in vain?

It seems that you have accelerated the growth of your chess pieces.

"At least I can take revenge, and I can stroll around the Tianyuan continent."

Fit friars belong to high-level friars in Tianyuan continent.

There is no problem in such self-protection.

Keep a low profile and inquire about Bruce Lee's whereabouts. No one dares to provoke him.

Get the raw materials needed for the transmission array in xuantianzong, and Li Lin goes to Huangyan.

And Huang Yan is always waiting for Li Lin to pass.

"Senior ~"

After seeing Li Lin, Huang Yan bent down and hugged his fist respectfully.

"Are you looking for me?"

"Yes, about the development of xuantianzong in recent years, and the entrustment of elder Ziming."

"The entrustment of elder Ziming?"

Li Lin looked at Huangyan with questions.

He just scanned the development of xuantianzong and found that it was good.

He knows whether Huang Yan reports or not.

I know. He won't participate in the management and put any pressure on Huangyan.

It's Ziming. Li Lin wants to know what the left for him.

"Elder Ziming took Tianyuan to look for elder Bruce Lee. It is estimated that he is in the demon family territory at the moment, so you don't have to worry about him."

"Did he go to the demon clan? The demon clan doesn't welcome Terrans. Moreover, the demon family has a good relationship with the Yin and Yang sect. He didn't want to die in the past. "

Li Lin was surprised.

"That's why elder Ziming asked me to send a message to you. In fact, several friends of elder Ziming are demon family experts. "

"Several demon clan masters are his friends?"

Li Lin was stunned for a long time.

No wonder this guy has been chased and killed by the Yin and Yang sect for many years.

"Yes ~ so elder Ziming told me again and again not to worry about him. If elder Bruce Lee is in the demon clan territory, he will find it. If not, he will continue to look in Tianyuan continent. He said that he was far more familiar with the Tianyuan continent than us. "