
Liu Chen continued to tease me, his body almost devoid of strength from the numbness, and then he went straight to the point.

After I drew his soul, he used to cuddle and hug me all these years, but he never really wanted to be in the same room with me, and Liu Chen's face didn't have that green mist on it before. It was resentment.

I gasped for breath, trying to keep my thoughts calm. Before Liu Chen could enter my body, I bit the tip of my tongue and spat a mouthful of blood into his face.

Liu Chen let out a blood-curdling screech, and the room emitted a tearing sound before the lights returned to normal.

When the light went on, his soul was gone, but there was a little more blood on the make-up case beside the bed.

Uneasily, I took the makeup box and wiped off the blood on it. I opened the box again and heard Liu Chen's faint voice say, "I'm sorry. I don't know what happened to him, but he suddenly lost control of himself."

I was very uneasy and nervous, but I was afraid that Liu Chen would be worried, so I comforted him and told him that it was fine. However, I knew that Liu Chen's soul was suffering from a grievance.

But I didn't let him touch anything else, nor did I have any contact with other ghosts. Even if I were to draw the soul of that woman's fiancé, I was certain that his soul would not affect Liu Chen, who was with me.

I slept through the night and Liu Chen's ghost did not come out again. The next day, I went straight home.

However, just as he entered the room, the red rope at the door directly snapped and copper coins spilled onto the floor.

My father was smoking a cigarette in the middle of the yard. He was looking up to greet me, but then his face stiffened.

My heart immediately stiffened.

My father asked me where I had been. I could not explain it for a long time, but I was afraid that he would discover the soul of Liu Chen in me, so I told him that I had gone to draw the soul of that woman's fiancé.

At that time, my father insulted me, and then sprinkled some cinnabar on my body. He even made me walk into a brazier, saying that I was filled with resentment and that I would be fine after I entered the house.

However, my dad still told me to be grounded for a month and not go out. Even if there's business coming to visit during this month, I'm not allowed to go.

My thoughts were all on whether there would be any problems with Liu Chen. I did not have any objections to my father's punishment.

He didn't say anything after he scolded me that time.

At dinner time, everything was still the same.

In the dead of night, I let Liu Chen out once.

I had a rhinoceros horn in my house. I ignited it to calm the spirits, so I wanted to use it to dispel the resentment in Liu Chen's heart. However, it turned out that there were no signs of resentment in him anymore, just like yesterday's incident had never happened to him.

I heaved a sigh of relief, but this matter always felt very strange to me. This was because a normal ghost should not have any grievances. If there was, then it would have become a vengeful spirit, and it wouldn't disappear for no reason.

It was Liu Chen who joked with me, saying that he might have been holding back his anger that he hadn't slapped me for years.

I blushed and called him a hooligan.

I thought it was going to be a little episode and that would be the end of it. However … Not really.

And a series of strange things began to happen in my house.

First, when he was using the water in the well, the water that came out was not clean, and there was blood in the water.

In addition, the corpse of a rat and a snake were found under the bed and in the kitchen.

Finally, all the plants in my house are dead.

My dad told me that I'm afraid I've gotten into some trouble. There must be a ghost in our house, and this ghost has a lot of resentment.

My instinctive reaction is to deny it. Liu Chen would never have any grievances. Could it be that the matter of me drawing the soul of that fiancé of mine caused some trouble?

I called the woman, but the number was empty and I couldn't get through.

On the other hand, my father's expression became very serious. He found Wu Lao San from the neighboring village and set up a forbidden ghost array in front of my house.

Old Wu and my grandfather were of the same generation. My family belonged to the Painted Soul Sect, and his family had a ghost capturing family. However, I didn't like him and felt that he was very gloomy, moreover, I always felt that when he looked at me, he seemed to have seen through me and knew that I was hiding Liu Chen.

Originally, I didn't want to talk to Wu Ol'third, but after I finished setting up the Forbidden Ghost Formation, my father insisted Wu Ol'third to see if I had been tampered with.

There was no way for me to refuse, so I hid the makeup box under the bed before moving closer to Wu Ol 'Three.

He looked at me with a frown, then lit an incense stick and held it in my hand.

The incense burned particularly vigorously, with very little white smoke rising into the air.

I held my breath.

However, the smoke didn't continue to drift upwards according to normal conditions. Instead, it rose to my side and entered my nose before disappearing …

I froze, then a cold chill began to seep out from my spine. My forehead was covered in a fine layer of cold sweat.

My father stared at me with narrowed eyes, and large beads of sweat began to drip from his forehead.

Wu Lao San walked to my side with a grave expression and reached out his hand to grab the air in front of me. A wisp of white smoke appeared out of thin air and disappeared once again.

Then, Wu Lao San extinguished the incense in my hand and looked at me, saying, "Little girl, you have indeed recruited a ghost. Moreover, this ghost is not simple."

My heart was very unnatural and uneasy. I also knew that I would definitely attract ghosts. Living people don't smoke incense. That incense was sucked away by a ghost just now. His resentment also lingered on my body.

Is this because I drew the soul of that woman's fiancé?

Other than him, I haven't met any other vengeful spirits, but he hasn't appeared either. Instead, I found out that Liu Chen had a problem...

He furrowed his brows subconsciously. Was this matter related to Liu Chen's transformation?

Just as I was thinking, Wu Lao San turned to my father and said, "Little Ren, I'll stay in your house tonight. If I use the Forbidden Ghost Formation, then that resentful ghost might get angry. But I hope this formation can stop him. "

My father nodded and said, "Okay, thank you, Uncle Wu."

Then he glared at me and told me to go into the room and take out the brushes and things until he was sure I wasn't being haunted any more.

I had no way to talk back to my father now. Lowering my head, I returned to my room to pack up everything that my grandfather had passed to me before handing it to my father.

My father glared at me and told me to go back to my room and not come out until I had something to do.

As for Wu San, he held a copper coin in his hand. I felt a little unnatural as he walked around the yard with items like cinnabar in his hand. However, Wu San didn't notice Liu Chen's appearance.

When I returned to my room, I didn't touch the makeup box. I kept thinking about what was going on, whether it was Liu Chen's inexplicable change, or the woman's fiancé who had gotten involved with me.

But there's no reason. Firstly, I'm not his enemy, and secondly, I helped him. Although he's resentful, there aren't many of them. In fact, his soul hasn't even appeared …

After contemplating hard, I couldn't come up with an answer. Instead, I felt a little tired.

Then I lay down on the bed and fell asleep...

In the evening, my parents told me to go to dinner.

At the dinner table, my mother comforted me not to be afraid, there was nothing to worry about. Previously, my grandfather had invited ghost into the restaurant, so my father just stared at my mother and told her not to talk too much.

Wu San, on the other hand, was quietly drinking and eating peanuts.

I didn't have any appetite and just randomly ate two mouthfuls before returning to my room.

My heart throbbed with an indescribable feeling. Just as I was about to lie down and continue sleeping, a hand suddenly touches my chest …

My heart skipped a beat. Then, I lowered my voice and said, "Liu Chen, hurry up and go back. Stop messing around. Wu San Shu is here. If he finds you, it'll be over."